ShowPic is an XCMD for HyperCard IIgs that allows you to display pictures from within stacks. All standard Apple IIgs formats are recognized, including $C1;$0000 (Screen format), $C0;$0000 (PaintWorks format), $C0;$0001 (PackBytes format), $C0;$0002 (ApplePreferred format). Pictures can be 320 or 640 mode pictues, and can have multiple palettes (such as 256 color pictures created with CheapPaint. Use TTHXCmd to display 3200 color pictures). This program is SHAREWARE. I'm getting tired of writing these things, so I'll be brief: send me what you think it's worth. Using this XCMD: it couldn't be simpler. First, make a new stack with HyperCard IIgs. Then, use that cool button below this text to install ShowPic into your stack. Finally, create a script in your stack that calls the XCMD. Here are some example scripts: