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Edhel's Apple // Stuff: Main Page

My email address is edhel at


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Normally, I think "links" pages are a total waste of time, but if you're new to the Apple //, you may not know about the "famous" Apple // sites. There's many Apple // sites, but I list only the few that I think are the largest and/or most important.


Here's the page I always go for! Here you can get pictures and programs that I made for your Apple // .

Apple // Texts

This is where you can view my textual documents I'm making available.

Apple // Specs

Confused about all the different Apple //s? You can compare them here.

The "Sider" Hard Drive

A quick-and-dirty page about the spiffy "Sider" hard drive.

Note: Yes, I KNOW all the photos on my site are awful! I'm getting new photos in a few months, maybe over summer.

These web pages were made with StyledEdit, which is included with BeOS.

Main | Links | Downloads | Apple // Texts | Apple // Specs | The "Sider" Hard Drive