Main | Links | Downloads | Apple // Texts | Apple // Specs | The "Sider" Hard Drive

Edhel's Apple // Stuff: Apple // Specs: Apple ][

(It looks like
the Apple ][+, anyway)

Included Typical
RAM 48KB or less 48KB or less
CPU 6502 (1 MHz) 6502 (1 MHz)
Slots 8 empty solts, one reserved for RAM/ROM cards 5 empty slots
Ports 3 free (Cassette In, Cassette Out, Video) 0 free
Operating System None Apple's DOS 3.2?

Famous apps include:
VisiCalc?, Lemonade Stand?, AppleWriter?, Zork?

Main | Links | Downloads | Apple // Texts | Apple // Specs | The "Sider" Hard Drive