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Edhel's Apple // Stuff: Apple // Specs: Apple IIGS

Included Typical
RAM 256KB/1MB 1-4MB
CPU 65816 (2.8 MHz) 65816 (2.8/7 MHz)
Slots 8 empty solts, one of which is a memory slot reserved for RAM cards. Some IIGS's came with a memory card in the memory slot. 5 empty slots
Ports 8 free (RGB Video, NTSC (RCA) Video, Joystick, ADB, Disk Drive(s), Printer, Modem, Headphone) 3 free (Modem, NTSC (RCA) Video, Headphone)
Operating System ProDOS 16/"GS/OS" "GS/OS"/ProDOS

Famous apps include:
AppleWorks, Print Shop GS, DeluxePaint, Paintworks, Thexder, Tass Times in Tone Town

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