About These Pictures - Make an Apple IIgs 2001 Calendar - PLEASE! The GIF graphic format files listed below: Apr.GIF Aug.GIF Dec.GIF Feb.GIF Jan.GIF Jul.GIF Jun.GIF Mar.GIF May.GIF Nov.GIF Oct.GIF Sept.GIF Were taken by Glen Bredon for use in a Calendar. The original pictures were much to large in both size and the number of colors to allow a good conversion for either 256 SHR and/or SHR 3200 files on the Apple IIgs. I reduced the file size and the colors to a total of 256, in order to allow you to make such conversions of them on an Apple IIgs, using such conversion programs as Prism, SHR Convert and any other Apple IIgs graphic conversion program that can do such. I think this would be a fine tribute to honor the photographic talents of Glen Bredon and it would not be that difficult to take the converted Apple IIgs SHR graphic files and compose a calendar. ThereÕs even a program to allow you to print such a created calendar in 3200 SHR colors - available as freeware from the Ground Apple II archives. Several freeware programs for the graphic conversion are also available within the Ground ftp site. The GIF files are public domain, the programs to do it are all available as freeware. So, go to it! I do hope somebody has the time, desire and motivation to do this. I hope to see such a calander made and released well before the end of this year. If not, then IÕll do it myself. Cheers & Apple II Forever! Tom