ref. Nulib 3.24 -- a portable NuFX archiver by Andy McFadden ----------------------------------------------------------------- NuFX archives are Apple II and Apple IIGS archive formats. This is the PKZIP of the Apple II world. You'll find many Apple II BBSs and services maintain their libraries with ShrinkIt. Nulib is a program that can extract from these archives. These are typically named with the extension .SHK. You can alternatively identify NuFX archives by examining the first four bytes of a file. If it says "NuFx", you probably have one. The "u" and the "x" are in high ASCII, so you will probably see a fishhook and the greek letter omega on an MS-DOS machine. This is the version compiled with Borland C++ 3.1, with some slight changes made to get it to work. The only significant operating changes are that the NULIBOPT environment variable takes NONVERBOSE and NONINTERACTIVE rather than VERBOSE and INTERACTIVE. This EXE defaults to verbose and interactive operation, as this is a little more friendly if you are not a unix user. Quick Docs (read NULIB.DOC for the real thing) ---------------------------------------------- To extract, type NULIB X FILENAME.SHK, where FILENAME.SHK is the archive. The files and their subdirectories will be extracted to the current directory. To see the contents of an archive, type NULIB TV FILENAME.SHK. This will produce a verbose listing of the archive directory. It will list and identify the filetype and auxtype of the files as well. Type NULIB H for help. [Dave Seah 01/25/93]