Apple II Music & Sound Conference May 23, 1990 10:00pm ET Subject: BGSound CDA & SynthLab Forum Leader: Tim Barwick (AFL TimB) AFL TimB This is a Bring Yer Own Topic night, but I hope we'll spend some time talking about Parik's new CDA Background Sound. Gene, could you add a note to SOundSmith saying that you need to run from floppies if you have only 1.25 meg memory. HyperRam That thing crashes alot. AFL TimB Anyone not seen or heard of it yet. (Not for me it doesn't Ram) AFA Gene <== listening to JCD MegaBlaster right now in the background. AFL TimB Anyone need an explanation or description. HyperRam Well, with HyperLaunch-it DIES..everything except maybe AWGS, it works. AFC JoyceM Tim, why not give a short synopsis of the program. AFA Gene Hopefully Joey will come up with some way to have Soundmaster compatible with SoundSmith/BGSound. AFL TimB Background Sound is a Classic Desk Accessory from parik Rao (aka AFA Parik). Background Sound (BGS) allows you to listen to (a) digitized sounds (B) SoundSmith songs and (c) once you have the new MIDI Synth Tool, sequences that use the new tool. It does this while you're doing other things. Like being online. Only issue is that its best to wait until you're in the program before you use BGS. i.e. run America Online and THEN load in a song. HyperRam Once=five years...are they done beta testing the tool yet? AFC JoyceM Will it work with HS sounds? AFL TimB Ram, how long has the tool been in beta? HyperRam I don't know.. AFL TimB Joyce, yes it'll work with almost any sound file format including HS and also ACE'd files. AFL TimB Ram the answer is 2 weeks. HyperRam 2 weeks is a lot.. (unless it's really big).. AFL TimB Everyone who's heard has been pretty impressed (at least that's my opinion). LindsayGS Bill Holland told me today that APDA told him they weren't selling it! AFL TimB Ram, not for Apple it isn't. It'll be a month or two yet. AFL TimB Lindsay, can you explain? Who's Bill Holland? LindsayGS Bill Holland said he called APDA about Synthlab and they told him to call Redgate about it....(it gets worse)! AFL TracyP Redgate??!?!!??! LindsayGS Redgate told him I was selling synthlab! (they confused it with SXGS) AFL TimB Who's Redgate and who's Bill Holland? AFL TracyP Redgate = Apple IIGS Buyer's Guide. AFL TimB Lindsay, I bet you wish you wrote synthLAB. LindsayGS Bill holland is a new AO MIDI user. GerryR5 What is SXGS? LindsayGS SysExGS - is a MIDI utility for the GS that I wrote. AFL TimB Well APDA has their head somewhere else!! APDA has the new MIDI Tool and synthLAB. They'll be releasing it soon (we hope to developers) Some people already have developers packages. LindsayGS Too bad they couldn't tell him that! AFL TimB ALso new tool will be on the next system disk, no question about that. If you want the real info you gotta come to AO. LindsayGS Synthlab , too? AFL TimB Lindsay, they'll put synthLAB on if there's room. Mac Hater It'll be on the tools disk since there is no room, so people will have to install it. more headaches! AFL TimB MacHater, not too difficult. Mac Hater No, but most users won't have it on their system disk. AFL TimB And the sound quality is worth it. AFL TracyP System Disk 5.0.2 is almost full with nothing else added! Takes a hard disk to appreciate it fully! LindsayGS That's the problem for non-HD users AFL TimB The tool is about 30k. Mac Hater There are other things besides the tools that take priority (speed enhancements, more ROM 03 fixes, bigger finder, etc.). If we had 1.44MB disks, it would be the GS usable with one drive..(right now, it's no fun with only one drive)! AFL TimB One nice thing with synthLAB is that you can put the new tool (TOOL035) in synthLAB's own folder if you want. LindsayGS Does anybody know if they plan to make the source code for SynthLab available? It does about 50% of everything you want. AFL TimB Lindsay, dunno. Good question though. LindsayGS So extending it is like re-inventing the wheel. Chbby Chsr What sound file type is used by the Soundmaster here, and can the Sonic Blaster make those kind of files? AFL TimB Chbby, most kinds of unpacked digitized sound file. Hyperstudio, Sonic Blaster are both fine. Chbby Chsr OK, I want to make sure that if I get a SB I can upload some stuff of my own. LindsayGS Isn't Audio Animator a better choice now? AFL TimB Lindsay, if you want to shed the extra $100 sure. AFL TimB Chbby, should be no problem. You'll have to deal with the relentless eyes of AFA Gene the Software Librarian. AFL TracyP Tim, what software will run the files marked "MIDI" in the New Files Lib? AFL TimB Tracy, Mastertracks and Audio Animator (in some cases for now). AFA Gene Anything that recognizes MIDI File Format. AFL TracyP Will SynthLab run them? AFL TimB We're waiting on a MIDI to synthLAB file converter right now. AFL TracyP How about DT? AFL TimB No to both those Tracy., AFA Gene Nope, they don't support MIDI FF unfortunately. AFL TimB I used the beta ShrinkIt GS to get those files, some were ARC'd (IBM compression) some were Stuffed (Mac compression). I got 'em from GEnie and the MMS forum. HyperRam How come you guys get ALL the good stuff??? AFL TimB Ram, I had to BEG to be a beta! BEG!!! AFA Gene Stairway to Heaven is a weird arrangement... starts out with drums... but it's set perfectly for Roland drum machines/synths. AFL TimB Gene, I can't get Stairway to play on my synth. AFA Gene It plays beautifully on mine, Tim, but whoever arranged it had a demented vision of how the song should go! Chbby Chsr Not sure what from-keyboard-and-mouse layout software AA has... I know SB has it. AFL TimB AA is a clone of SB with MIDI. Same programmer wrote both. AFL TracyP Who's working on the MIDI -> SynthLab convert? AFL TimB Tracy, I can't say right now. Don't wanna put pressure on the guy. AFL TracyP OK, Apple or otherwise? AFL TimB Otherwise. AFL TracyP OK, then there's a chance we'll see it. HyperRam AA software is better! Because on the about screen of SB software, the heads get messed up. The SB software screws up on me. LindsayGS I heard the AA sequencer was buggy. AFL TimB Lindsay I have a copy of the software in front of me. v1.3. AFL TracyP I'm serious! How long have we heard about SynthLab, and can I get a copy from the publisher? Forget it! Mac Hater It's meant for developers only (apda) AFL Marty It'll be one year this July, Tracy. AFL TimB In the interim we've seen 5.0 and a new GS (kinda) they have more than one project to work one. AFL Marty An alpha version was shown at A2 Central Developers Conference last July. AFL TracyP Right, Marty. HyperRam Realistically, how many programs are going to use synthlab? MIKE159 Who knows anything about SoundSmith??? Mac Hater I think more programs are gonna be using SoundSmith. HyperRam I haven't seen 3 programs that use SS. Chbby Chsr I only know Soundsmith isn't in our library. AFL TimB That's why Background Sound is so nice, it support both SoundSmith and new tool. MIKE159 I can't get mine to run anymore. I have a 20meg hard drive. And everytime I try to run it, it says "System error $2000. LindsayGS Mike, error $2000 is a Midi tool set startup error..may need another boot path. AFL TimB Mike, boot it from the floppy. That'll do the job. MDW Flyer What's new on the MIDI front, and anything new regarding DiversiTune? AFL TimB MDW, Bill says he's working on it. I'll believe it when I see it. AFL Marty By the time the synth tool comes out, will anyone care anymore? Mac Hater A new game is coming out in the next few weeks that uses Soundsmith. AFL TimB Chbby, we have SoundSmith here in our software library under Applications (that right Gene?) AFA Gene Under IIGS Music/IIGS SoundSmith, Tim and Chubby. HyperRam I'm talking about a real game... MIKE159 I don't have the whole file, just the smaller one. MDW Flyer What about the new MIDI / Synth tools we heard about last year. AFL TimB MDW, they're in beta (listening to them now) and will be out Real Soon Now! AFC JoyceM What is the latest version of SoundSmith, and what is new? AFL TimB Joyce, we have 0.9 still. HyperRam v.94 is the latest. AFL TimB If anyone gets 0.94 please upload it. Thanks. AFC JoyceM Are they still making the program productive. Mac Hater Yes. please upload v0.94. MDW Flyer I've had some nice results converting some Pascal from MAC to IIgs, but TML II still doesn't like all the MIDI tool calls. AFA Gene Any changes of interest in 0.94 Hyper? HyperRam I don't know.. AFL TimB Lindsay you're a TML II'er. Any comments? LindsayGS Flyer - I had to rewrite the MIDI TML extension, there were several fatal bugs. The docs on the tool don't match the parameters in the tool extension units. MDW Flyer How so? My tool reference for MIDI may be dated. HyperRam TML II is not a successful program. LindsayGS MDW, do you have volume 3? MDW Flyer I kind of guessed that comparing arguments. MDW Flyer But what did you have to rewrite? LindsayGS I rewrote and recompiled the Midi tool unit. -want a copy? MDW Flyer No volume III, just the APDA update for 5.0. Would like a copy sure. LindsayGS You can order tool box volume 3 from APDA - essential! MDW - leave me E-mail to remind me and I'll send it to you (uncompiled). MDW Flyer I let my membership lapse because of nothing new coming out. Mac Hater You can order stuff from apda without being a member now. Mac Hater Who here has Synthlab AFL TimB Mac Hater, I do. Mac Hater What utilities can you think of besides a MIDI converter, a instrument converter? AFL TimB Utilities? None really. But we need a quality sequence editor for it! Mac Hater How would you structure a sequence editor? AFL TimB MacHater, ever seen Mastertracks Pro or Audio Animator? Mac Hater Yes. AFL TimB That's how I'd structure a Sequence editor, anyone else have any thoughts? MDW Flyer I've used DeFurias' MIDI Programmers Handbook for much of the learning curve. Mac Hater But mastertracks pro is 500+ blocks - that's loooots of source code. I've got Defuria's and Joe Scacciaferro's book too! AFL TimB Mac, but you don't need all their bells and whistles. Note editing would be fine for starters. MDW Flyer Hey, that's great. When did that change. LindsayGS I for one would like an MT -like program that will allow NDAs ! AFL TimB Maybe velocity control too. Again, anyone else have thoughts on this? Mac Hater A sequence editor would be a -lot- of work, with little reward. AFL TimB MTPro doesn't like any DAs. AFC JoyceM I want a converter utility! MDW Flyer NDA's and mixed other interrupts don't set well with most MIDI apps. LindsayGS Actually, with the new tool, a basic sequencer is real easy - the hard part is the graphical interface and the bells and whistles. AFL TimB IMHO new Sound Tool will bring a lot of interest to the GS as a musical instrument. AFA Gene Does anyone here use BGSound with a non-HD setup? AFC JoyceM No, gene AFA Gene I still can't get synthLAB sequences to play. AFL TimB It took Parik a half a day to add support for the new tool to BGSound. LindsayGS I'm gonna try to install it, Gene, just haven't yet. AFC JoyceM Why, Gene...what seems to be the problem? AFL TimB Lindsay, how is SysEXGS (or whatever its currently called) doing? LindsayGS Tim - I got 3 orders in the last 2 weeks - lots of interest from the Buyers G. AFL TimB Oh don't forget to mark you calenders for August 1. Jane Lee (from Apple USA marketing) will be joining the AMS and AED forums at 10pm (eastern). Mac Hater Do you plan on upgrading Sysexgs to use the new tools? AFA Gene SysExGS doesn't play thru the Ensoniq, Parik! LindsayGS If there's enough interest, I def. will - it'll support unlimited SX lengths. AFA Gene What would the new tools provide? AFL TimB Dang, Parik you're Mac Hater!!! ::embarrassed:: Mac Hater But the new MIDI tools are faster in processing sysex msgs. and it would be nice in a sequence itself. AFA Gene More speed? Mac Hater I'm glad you didn't say who was writing the MIDI converter. AFL TimB Talking about Mac Hater I had a REALLY interesting conversation yesterday with Mark Cecys (author of new tools). He thought that GS owners should cut out the 'Mac-has-it-I-want-it-too' attitude. And that we should strike out in our own directions. Mac Hater I hope he didn't make too much fun of me. AFL TimB Parik, he didn't get SHK-3.0 until yesterday so he hadn't heard it. AFC JoyceM Well, that will change to the "GS-has-it-I-want-it-too"!! AFL TimB But he did have a suggestion for looping synthLAB sequences. Too technical for me. Mac Hater Have you tried playing FullDemo? it crashes on me always. AFC JoyceM Full Demo works fine for me. AFL TimB Note, Joyce has 4 meg memory. AFA Gene Parik... EVERYTHING crashes on me always when trying to load a synthLAB sequence! Mac Hater I tried from a 3.5 Gene! I swear! Worked fine. I'll try again tonite. AFA Gene Parik: Oh yeah, with 512K free it gives $201, but at 1.25 meg free it just freezes on the "insert System.Disk" thingie. Something is wrong when it looks for the tool. AFL TimB ADAMMED, you downloaded Background Sound yet? ADAMMED You bet, Tim, it's incredible, too bad its not shareware I'd pay double!! ADAMMED To use Bgsound I have to use gs/os, whenever I launch AOL from gs/os it crashes, a lot! Mac Hater AOL crashes or BGSound? AFL TimB Adam, don't start up BGS until you're in AO. AFL TimB How much memory do you have Adam? ADAMMED It won't run now Tim, oh, the new one, 1.25 meg. AFA Gene It also needs the system disk in the drive every time BGS is activated...pain. Mac Hater No it doesn't Gene. AFL TimB Parik changes the versions but doesn't change the name on the main screen. Mac Hater It'll ask for it (the new version). AFA Gene v1.2?, as opposed to v1.1? Mac Hater I really messed up the version numbers. sorry about that. I forgot to change it in the program itself. Mac Hater Yes. Adammed, try running AOL first, then enter BGSound. With only 1 meg RAM, you're cutting it pretty close. AFA Gene Hey! I just tried it and it worked! It didn't look for the system disk! weird AFL TimB Adam, so you have problems running AOL even without BGS???? ADAMMED I know, and thanks, thousands of times. Yes, a while back i tried to launch AO from gs/os and it would just kick me off. I left a message with customer rep and s/he not to launch it, just run it. AFL TimB I'm using only 1.25 with no problems guys. AFL TimB Adam, if you can't' even load AOL then you should call Customer Service. ADAMMED No I can run it from its disk, but Bgsound won't work w/o gs/os. LindsayGS Parik - how do you use resources without needing the sys disk? (or do you use resources?) Mac Hater I don't, but I know how. Go to ADV for that, not enough time here. a bit complex. Mac Hater Adammed: are you installing GS/OS on your AOL disk? AFL TimB Adam, you need to create a GS/OS AOL disk. ADAMMED No I haven't. Mac Hater You _can_ do that. Just delete every file in the */II.FOLDER (MAKE A COPY OF YOUR AOL DISK) and then run the system installer. Click on "UPdate System Files (NO FINDER)". Update your AOL disk. There should be just enough room. Delete every file _EXCEPT_ DB11 in the II.FOLDER by the way. HyperRam What is DB11? Mac Hater It holds your account information. Kind of needed. AFL TimB DB11 carries all the info that relates to your account. ADAMMED Will they bill me if I delete it?? AFL TimB Parik probably knows every bite in that file, Joey certainly does. Mac Hater You won't be able to log on if you delete it! ADAMMED Can I import instruments from a Mac's music program to Soundsmith? AFL TimB Parik, you're the SoundSmith resident insider? Mac Hater Mac? Like I'm going to touch one. Addamed, you'll have to get a raw soundfile to do it. Can you do that? ADAMMED A what? Mac Hater A digitized file, something you can play with Soundmaster, etc. ADAMMED Oh, so I need a digitizer, never mind. Mac Hater More than likely you won't be able to import the soundfile without a lot of work Adammed. Most instruments on the mac are different (resources, etc) AFL TimB Adam, I wouldn't bother. ADAMMED See, I tried copying the school's harddrive full of instruments with AfE but Soundsmith won't recognize, oh well, I need more instruments, I'll get them soon. Mac Hater Addamed, send AFA PARIK one (1) of the instruments you got (just one please). I'll leave you email if I can get it converted. FUN has 6 disks of instruments you can order from them. ADAMMED Now? Mac Hater Anytime (won't get a answer for a day or two). ADAMMED What other goodies are available from Fun and how much before I send out the $20, I'd rather send more and get it all together. Mac Hater Send $20 and 8 blank disks, ask for SoundSmith and the 6 instrument disks. Actually if you send 20 blank disks and ask for the 6 instrument disks, the 4 song disks, and Soundsmith it'd be best. (plus $20 of course). AFL TimB Huibert is fairly slow to respond but he will answer. ADAMMED Wait why $20 if I'm going to get 10 or 11 back? Mac Hater Give him some blanks! ADAMMED Sure, why not. Estimated return time? AFL TimB Note: I sent Huibert $40 'cos I was soo impressed with SoundSmith. AFL TimB Adam, I'd say 6-8 weeks. AFl TimB Thanks all for attending. See you next week. America Online - 1990