Applesoft: Internals--High resolution graphics routines NOTE: Regardless of which screen is being displayed, HPAG (location $E6) determines onto which screen the software draws graphics. ($20 for HGR, $40 for HGR2) HGR2 F3D8 Initialize and clear page 2 High-Res. HGR F3E2 Initialize and clear page 1 High-Res. HCLR F3F2 Clear the current High-Res screen to black. BKGND F3F6 Clear the current High-Res screen to last plotted color. HPOSN F411 Positions the High-Res cursor without plotting. HPAG determines which page the cursor is pointed at. On entry: Horizontal = Y,X Vertical = A HPLOT F457 Call HPOSN then try to plot a dot at the High-Res cursor's position. The dot may not be plotted if plotting non-white at a complementary color X coordinate. HLIN F53A Draws a line from the last plotted point or line destination to the coordinate in the 6502 registers. On entry: Horizontal = X,A Vertical = Y HFIND F5CB Convert the High-Res cursor's position to X-Y coordinates. HFIND allows the user to tell where on the screen the a shape table left the cursor. On exit: $E0 = horizontal lsb $E1 = horizontal msb $E2 = vertical DRAW F601 Draw the shape pointed to by Y,X using the current HCOLOR starting at the current High-Res cursor position. On entry A = rotation factor. XDRAW F65D Draw the shape pointed to by Y,X by starting at the current High-Res cursor position inverting the existing color of the dots the shape draws over. On entry A = rotation factor. SETHCOL F6EC Set the High-Res color to X. X must be less than 8. SHLOAD F775 Loads a shape table into memory from tape above MEMSIZ (HIMEM) and sets the pointer at $E8. Apple Tech Notes Keywords: ================================================================== This information is from the Apple Technical Information Library. ArticleID: TECHINFO-0000081 19960724 15:55:27.00 .