(written for an Apple IIe, but should be indispensible to all Apple II owners)
Information compiled on AppleWorks by SCOTT TERESI
Converted to standard text and html format by
Charles T. 'Dr. Tom' Turley
* = Applesoft BASIC only
** = Integer BASIC only
PEEK and/or POKE address(es) DESCRIPTION
ADDRESSES $0000.00FF (0-255)
$0.5......0-5......................*....Jump instructions
$6.9......6-9......................*....Not used
$0A.0C....10-12....................*....USR jump instruction
$0D.17....13-23....................*....Flags and counters
$18.......24............................First track of DOS data
$19.......25............................First sector of DOS data
$1A.......26............................Number of DOS sectors to load
$1B.......27............................High byte of DOS buffer (low byte is always
$1A.1B....26-27.........................DRAW and XDRAW shape pointer
$1C.......28............................Last color used
$1D.1F....29-31.........................Not used
$20.......POKE 32,N...(entering TEXT....(N is 0-39; norm is 0) Text window left edge
$21.......POKE 33,N.........restores....(N is 1-40/1-80; norm is 40/80) Text window
right edge
$22.......POKE 34,N......normal text....(N is 0-23; norm is 0) Text window top edge
$23.......POKE 35,N..........window)....(N is 1-24; norm is 24) Text window bottom
$24.......36............................Cursor's column position minus 1 (HTAB's
$25.......37............................Cursor's row location minus 1 (VTAB's place)
$25; $FC66; $FC1A; $24..POKE 37,R: CALL -922: CALL -998: POKE 36,C
..(R=row; C=column) Plots cursor position
$26.27....?PEEK(38)+PEEK(39)*256........Address of current low-res cursor row
$28.29....?PEEK(40)+PEEK(41)*256........Address of current text cursor row
$2A.2B....42-43.........................Row pointer for text scrolling
$2B.......43............................Last booted slot number * 16
$2C.......?PEEK(44).....................Last lo-res HLIN right endpoint
$2D.......?PEEK(45).....................Last lo-res VLIN bottom endpoint
$2E.......N=PEEK(46)....................If N=15 ($0F) then a lo-res color block is
to be plotted in the lower half of the screen; if N=240 ($F0) then it will be plotted
in the upper half
$2F.......47............................Sometimes DOS volume number
$30.......48............................Lo-res color * 17
$32.......50............................In N=PEEK(50), the current text format is
INVERSE if N=63 ($3F); FLASH if N=127 ($7F); and NORMAL if N=255 ($FF); (also POKE
50,128 will make listing and CATALOG invisible)
$33.......51............................ASCII character for INPUT prompt symbol;
also, POKEing here sometimes defeats "Not Direct Command" error
$34.49....52-73.........................Monitor and DOS registers
$48.......72............................A POKE here resets the status register
$4E.4F....78-79.........................Random number field; for a better random
number generator, use RND(PEEK(78)+PEEK(79)*256)
$52.......82.......................*....POKE 82,128 makes any command RUN
$62.66....98-102........................Result of last-floating point multiplication
or division operation
$67.68....103-104.......................Start of BASIC program
$69.6A....105-106.......................LOMEM; end of BASIC program and start of
variable space
$6B.6C....107-108.......................Start of defined array space
$6D.6E....109-110.......................End of defined array space
$6F.70....111-112.......................Start of string storage
$71.72....113-114..................*....Temporary register
$73.74....115-116..................*....HIMEM - 1; highest address available to BASIC
$75.76....117-118.......................Line number being executed
$77.78....119-120.......................Line number where program stopped
$79.7A....121-122.......................Address of next statement to be executed
$7B.7C....123-124.......................Next DATA line number
$7D.7E....125-126.......................Next DATA address
$7F.80....127-128.......................INPUT source pointer
..Last used variable's name
$83.84....?PEEK(131)+PEEK(132)*256......Last used variable's address
$85.9C....133-156..................*....General-purpose registers
*9D.A3....157-163.......................Main floating-point arithmetic accumulator
$A5.AB....165-171.......................Axilary floating-point arithmetic accumulator
$AC.AE....172-174..................*....General-purpose registers
$AF.B0....175-176.......................End of BASIC program
$B1.C8....177-200..................*....Get-character routine
$C9.CD....201-205.......................Floating point random number
$CE.CF....206-207.................**....Arithmetic accumulator
$D0.DF....208-223.......................BASIC scratch registers and pointers
$D4.......212...........................Returns error cord flag in decimal
$D6.......214.....................**....RUN flag (POKE 214,255 makes any command
run a program; POKE 214,0 restores the functions)
$D8.......216...........................ONERR flag (if PEEK (216)=127 then an error
has occurred; POKE 216,0 cancels ONERR function)
$DA.DB....L=PEEK(218)+PEEK(219)*256.....Line number last error occured in
$DC.DD....?PEEK(220)+PEEK(221)*256......ONERR error address
$DE.......?PEEK(222)....................ONERR error code (see table below)
$E0.E1....?PEEK(224)+PEEK(225)*256..*...X of last HPLOT
$E2.......?PEEK(226)...............*....Y of last HPLOT
$E3.......227...........................Not used
$E4.......228......................*....N=PEEK(228) returns the HCOLOR code which
is 0 if N=0; 1 if N=42 ($2A); 2 if N=85 ($55); 3 if N=127 ($7F); 4 if N=128 ($8F);
5 if N=170 ($AA); 6 if N=213 ($D5); and 7 if N=255 ($FF)
$E6.......230......................*....A 32 ($20) in this address means hi-res page
1 is being shown; 64 ($40) = page 2; 96 ($60) = page 3
$E8.E9....232-233..................*....Shape table start address
$EA.......N=PEEK(234)..............*....If N=0 then last XDRAW started at a non-black
hi-res point
$EB.EF....235-239.......................Not used
$F1.......241......................*....256 minus the current SPEED; to find the
speed, use this formula: SPEED=256-PEEK(241)
$F2.F8....242-248..................*....General-purpose registers
$F3.......243......................*....FLASH mask (POKE any number here to make
listings unreadable)
$F9.......249......................*....ROT (0-64 = 0-360 degrees, 32 = 180 degrees)
$FA.FF....250-255.......................Not used
ADDRESSES $0300.0C00 (768-3072)
$320.321....800-801.....................Hi-res graphics horizontal coordinate
$322........802.........................Hi-res vertical coordinate
$324.325....804-805.....................Starting address of shape table
$32C........812.........................Hi-res color
$3D0.$3D2...976-978.....................Jump vector to DOS warm start (JMP $9DBF)
$3D2........?(PEEK(978)+35)/4;"K".......Memory left
$3D3.3D5....979-981.....................Jump vector to DOS cold start (JMP $9D84)
$3D6.3D8....982-984.....................Jump vector to DOS File Manager (JMP $AAFD)
$3D9.3DB....985-987.....................Jump vector to RWTS (JMP $B7B5)
$3DC.3E2....988-994.....................Subroutine to locate file manager PARM list
(LDA $9D0F; LDY $9D0E)
$3E3.3E9....995-1001....................Subroutine to locate RWTS PARM list (LDA
$3EA.3EE....1002-1006...................Jump to replace DOS intercepts subroutine
(JMP $A851; NOP; NOP)
$3EF.3F1....1007-1009...................Jump vector to Autostart BRK Handler (JMP
$3F2.3F4....1010-1012...................<Control-Reset> vector (JMP $9DBF);
type address to JMP to at addresses 1010-1011 ($3F2.3F3), and then CALL -1169 to
set address 1012
(POKE 1010,102: POKE 1011,213: POKE 1012,112 makes <Control-Reset> RUN;
POKE 1010,105: POKE 1011,255: POKE 1012,90 messes up CATALOG and makes <Control-Reset>
return to the monitor;
POKE 592,0: POKE 1012,0 makes <Control-Reset> boot;
POKE 592,255: POKE 1010,191: POKE 1011,157: POKE 1012,56 restores <Control-Reset>'s
normal function)
$3F4....................................Power-up byte ($3F3 EOR $A5)
$3F5.3F7....1013-1015...................Ampersand ("&") vector (JMP
$FF58) (POKE 1014,165: POKE 1015,214 makes "&" LIST;
POKE 1014,110: POKE 1015,165 makes "&" CATALOG;
POKE 1014,18: POKE 1015,217 makes "&" RUN)
$3F8.3FA....1016-1018...................Control-Y vector (JMP $FF65)
(POKE 1016,76: POKE 1017,208: POKE 1018,3 makes <Control-Y> JuMP to address
$03D0 (address 976) (JuMP=76, 03=3, D0=208);
POKE 1016,76: POKE 1017,105: POKE 1018,255 makes <Control-Y> enter the monitor)
$3FB.3FD....1019-1021...................Jump vector to NMI handler
$3FE.3FF....1022-1023...................Vector for IRQ handler
$57B........1403........................Cursor's column position minus 1 (HTAB's
place) in 80-column mode
$778........1912+SLOT...................Linefeed enable, disable (POKE 1912+SLOT,1
on Apple Parallel Card will enable linefeed; POKE 1912+SLOT,0 will disable linefeed)
$801........2049........................POKE 2049,1 makes first BASIC program line
list repeatedly
ADDRESSES $9600.BFFF (38400-49151) (-27136 TO -16385)
$9D01; $A7D4..-25343;-22572.......POKE 40193,PEEK(40193)-N:CALL 42964
..Moves DOS buffers down N*256 bytes
$9E42.........-25022..............40514..........Greeting program run flag (a value
of 20 will make DOS 3.3 EXECute the greeting program; a value of 52 makes DOS 3.3
BRUN it.)
$A545.........-23227..............42309..........POKE 42309,96 kills INITialize command
$A56E.........-23168..............42350..........CATALOG routine
$A710.A712....-22768 TO -22766....POKE 42768,234: POKE 42769,234: POKE 42770,234
..Cancels all DOS error messages
$A884.A907....-22396 TO -22265....43140-43271....DOS 3.3 commands (on track 1 sectors
7-8 on normal DOS 3.3 disk)
$A972.AA3E....-22158 TO -21954....43378-43582....DOS 3.3 error messages (track 1
sectors 8-9 on normal DOS 3.3 disk)
$AA57.........-21929..............43607..........MAXFILES value
$AA60; $AA61..-21920; -21919......?PEEK(43616)+PEEK(43617)*256
..Last BLOAD length
$AA68.........-21912..............43624..........Active disk drive number
$AA6A.........-21910..............43626..........Active slot number
$AA72; $AA73..-21902; -21901......?PEEK(43634)+PEEK(43635)*256
..Last BLOAD start
$AAB1.........-21839..............43697..........MAXFILES default value
$AAB2.........-21838..............43698..........Control-D command character (POKE
43698,N makes CHR$(N) replace CHR$(4))
$AAB6.........-21834..............43702..........BASIC flag (in N=PEEK(43702), if
N=0 you're in INT BASIC; if N=64, FP ROM; if N=128, FP RAM)
$AC01.........-21503..............44033..........CATALOG track number (POKE 44033,0
returns an I/O error when CATALOG is entered; POKE 44033,17 returns back to normal)
$ADA4.........-21084..............44452..........Number of file names before catalog
listing pauses plus one (see address 44605)
$ADAC; $ADAD..-21076; -21075......44460-44461....POKE 44460,88: POKE 44461,252 clears
screen before catalog
$ADC0.ADC2; BB69.BB8F; B3AF.B3BA..44480-44482; 47977-48015; 45999-46010
..To change VOLUME #xxx to SECTORS FREE =xxx then enter this while in the monitor:
ADC0: 20 69 BA
BB69: A9 00 85 40 85 41 A0 C8 18 B9 F2 B3 F0 0E 0A 90 FB 48 E6 40 D0 02 E6 41 68
18 90 F0 88 D0 E9 A6 40 A5 41 20 24 ED 60
B3AF: A0 BD A0 D4 C3 C5 D3 A0 C5 C5 D2 C6
$ADD9; $ADDA..-21031; -21030......44505-44506....POKE 44505,234: POKE 44506,234 shows
deleted files in catalog
$AE17.........-20969..............44567..........Number of characters minus one in
CATALOG file name
$AE22.AE24....-20958 TO -20956....44578-44580....POKE 44578,234: POKE 44579,234:
POKE 44580,234 cancels carriage returns after catalog file names
$AE34.AE36....-20940 TO -20938....44596-44598....POKE 44596,234: POKE 44597,234:
POKE 44598,234 cancels catalog pause
$AE37.AE38....-20937 TO -20936....44599-44600....POKE 44599,234: POKE 44600,234 waits
for keypress after each catalog file (to get back to normal, POKE 44599,208: POKE
$AE3D.........-20931..............44605..........Number of file names before catalog
pause (POKE 44452,N+1: POKE 44605,N allows N file names before the pause)
$B201.B203; BA69.BA75..-19967 TO -19965; -17815 TO -17803..45569-45571; 47721-47733
..For DOS wildcard using "=", enter this while in the monitor:
B201: 4C 71 BA
BA69: E8 B1 42 DD C6 B4 D0 0A C8 C0 1E D0 F3 AE 9C B3 18 60 C9 AD F0 F7 4C 0B B2
$B3A7.B3AE....-19545 TO -19538....45991-45998....File-type codes
$B3AF.B3BA....-19537 TO -19526....45999-46010....Current disk volume heading spelled
backwards (track 2 sector 2 on regular DOS 3.3 disk)
$B3C1.........-19519..............?PEEK(46017)...Current disk volume number
$B3F0.........-19472..............N=PEEK(46064)..Number of sectors per track on current
disk (if N=13, then the DOS being used is 3.2; if N=16, then 3.3)
$B96A.........-18070..............47466..........If PEEK(47466) returns 150, then
DOS 3.3 is in memory
$BA01.........-17919..............47617..........A POKE of 12 here speeds disk drive
$BFD3.BFD5....-16429 TO -16427....49107-49109....POKE 49107,234: POKE 49108,234:
POKE 49109,234 prevents any language card reload
ADDRESSES $9600.BFFF (38400-49151) (-27136 TO -16385)
$B878.B8E8....-18312 TO -18200....47224-47336....ProDOS Version 1.1.1 commands (track
$10, sector $7 on normal ProDOS disk)
$BE3C.........-16836..............48700..........Active slot number
$BE3D.........-16835..............48701..........Active disk drive number
$BEB7.........-16713..............48823..........A 33 or a 1 in this location means
that the file just VERIFYed was locked
$BED7; $BED8..-16681; -16680......?PEEK(48855)+PEEK(48856)*256
..Last BLOAD start address
$BED9; $BEDA..-16679; -16678......?PEEK(48857)+PEEK(48858)*256
..Last BLOAD length
ADDRESSES $C000.CFFF (49152-53247) (-16384 TO -12289)
$C000.C00F....-16384 TO -16369....K=PEEK(49152)-128 TO K=PEEK(49167)-128
..All PEEKs in this area achieve the same result: ASCII code for the last keypress;
if K<0 then no key was pressed
$C00A.........-16374..............49162..........POKE 49162,0 allows the functions
of an 80-column card (except 80-columns) on an Apple IIe
$C010.C01F....-16368 TO -16353....49168,0-49183,0
..All POKEs in this area achieve the same result: clear keyboard
$C020.C02F....-16352 TO -16337....49184-49199....All PEEKs in this area achieve the
same result: a single click at cassette OUT jack
$C030.C03F....-16336 TO -16321....49200-49215)...All PEEKs in this area achieve the
same result: a single click at speaker
$C040.C04F....-16320 TO -16305....49216-49231....Utility stobe output
$C050.C057....-16304 TO -16297....49232-49239....Soft (display) switches
$C058.C07F....-16296 TO -16257....49240-49279....I/O status for controller
$C058.C05F....-16296 TO -16289....49240-49247....Game paddle commands
..(P can be 0, 1, or 2) If N>127 then paddle button #P is being pressed or is
not connected (paddle button #0 = Open Apple key; #1 = Solid Apple key; #2 = Shift
$C0E8.........-16152..............POKE 49384,0...Stops motor at disk drive #1
$C0E9.........-16151..............POKE 49385,0...Starts motor at disk drive #1
$C0F8.........-16136..............POKE 49400,0...Stops motor at disk drive #2
$C0F9.........-16135..............POKE 49401,0...Starts motor at disk drive #2
$C100.C1FF....-16128 TO -15873....49408-49665....Peripheral slot #1 ROM
$C200.C2FF....-15872 TO -15617....49664-49921....Peripheral slot #2 ROM
$C300.C3FF....-15616 TO -15361....49920-50177....Peripheral slot #3 ROM
$C400.C4FF....-15360 TO -15105....50176-50433....Peripheral slot #4 ROM
$C500.C5FF....-15104 TO -14849....50432-50689....Peripheral slot #5 ROM
$C600.C6FF....-14848 TO -14593....50688-50945....Peripheral slot #6 ROM
$C700.C7FF....-14592 TO -12289....50944-51199....Peripheral slot #7 ROM
ADDRESSES $D000-$F7FF (53248-63487) (-12288 TO -2049)
$D0D0.D25E....-12080 TO -11682....53456-53854....Applesoft BASIC commands
$D260.D362....-11680 TO -11422....53856-54114....Applesoft BASIC error messages
$DCDF.DCF6....-8993 TO -8970......56543-56566...."Extra Ignored" and "Reenter"
ADDRESSES $F800-$FFFF (63488-65535) (-2048 TO -1)
$FBB3; $FBC0..-1101; -1088........A=PEEK(64435): B=PEEK(64448)
..If A=6 and B=0 then the computer being used is an Apple IIc; if A=6 and B>223
and B<240 then it's a IIe; if A=234 then it's a II+; otherwise, it's an Apple
$FD83.........-637................A=PEEK(64899)..If A=255 then Apple IIe; if A=223
then Apple II or II+; if A=234 then Franklin Ace
$FF0A.FF12....-246 TO -238........65290-65298....Top of screen heading when computer
is booted
$3D0.....976...........-64560....Enters BASIC from monitor or mini-assembler
$3D2.....978......CALL -64558....Reconnects DOS 3.3 or ProDOS
$3D9.....985......CALL -64551....Makes a cow sound (moo)
$3EA.....1002.....CALL -64534....Reconnects DOS I/O hooks
$3F2.....1010.....CALL -64526....Control-Reset vector
$3F5.....1013.....CALL -64523....Ampersand ("&") vector
$3F8.....1016.....CALL -64520....Control-Y vector
$803.....2051.....CALL -63485....Enters the mini-assembler from monitor
$1300....4864.....CALL -60672....Executes a BASIC program compiled with "Einstein
$9DBF....40383....CALL -25153....Reconnects DOS 3.3
$A56E....42350....CALL -23168....CATALOGs
$C030....49200....CALL -16336....Toggles speaker
ADDRESSES $D000-$F7FF (53248-63487) (-12288 TO -2049)
$D1FC....53756....CALL -11780....Hi-res "Find" or position
$D2C9....53961....CALL -11272....Hi-res "Find" or background
$D331....54065....CALL -11471....Hi-res graphics background
$D33A....54074....CALL -11462....Hi-res DRAW1
$D3B9....54201....CALL -11335....Hi-res SHLOAD
$D683....54915....CALL -10621....Clears any incompleted FOR...NEXT loops and any
GOSUBs that were not RETURNed
$DAFB....56059....CALL -9477.....Carriage return
$E000....57344....CALL -8192.....Resets Integer BASIC; clears variables
$E04B....57419....CALL -8117.....Integer BASIC LIST
$E484....58500....CALL -7036.....Perform Applesoft garbage collection routine
$E5AD....58797....CALL -6739.....NEW
$E5B7....58807....CALL -6729.....PLOTs a point on the screen
$E836....59446....CALL -6090.....Integer BASIC CHAIN
$EFEC....61420....CALL -4116.....Integer BASIC RUN
$F07C....61564....CALL -3972.....Integer BASIC LOAD from tape
$F0E0....61664.........-3872.....Leaves monitor
$F123....61731....CALL -3805.....DRAWS predefined shape
$F14F....61775....CALL -3761.....Plots hi-res point
$F171....61809....CALL -3727.....Turn on Integer BASIC TRACE
$F176....61814....CALL -3722.....Turn off Integer BASIC TRACE
$F30A....62218....CALL -3318.....Integer BASIC CON
$F317....62231....CALL -3305.....Applesoft RESUME
$F328....62248....CALL -3288.....Clears error-handling information when RESUME is
not used to exit an error-handling routine
$F3DE....62430....CALL -3106.....HGRs
$F3E4....62436....CALL -3100.....Shows hi-res page 1 without clearing it
$F3F2....62450....CALL -3086.....Clears hi-res page 1 to black
$F3F6....62454....CALL -3082.....Clears hi-res page 1 to last color HPLOTted
$F5CB....62923....CALL -2613.....Makes next shape table DRAW or XDRAW coordinates
appear in addresses $EO, $E1, and $E2 (see the PEEKS AND POKES table above)
$F666....63078....CALL -2458.....Enter mini-assembler
ADDRESSES $F800-$FFFF (63488-65535) (-2048 TO -1)
$F800....63488....CALL -2048.....Plots a point after column is set in Y register,
row in accumulator, and color in zero-page address $30; destroys contents of accumulator
$F819....63513....CALL -2023.....Plots a horizontal line to lo-res screen after setting
row to the accumulator, right endpoint column to address $2C, left endpoint column
to Y register, and color to $30; destroys contents of accumulator and Y register
$F828....63528....CALL -2008.....Plots a vertical line to lo-res screen after setting
column to Y register, upper endpoint row to the accumulator, bottom endpoint row
to address $2D, and color to $30; destroys contents of accumulator
$F832....63538....CALL -1998.....Clears entire lo-res graphics screen
$F836....63542....CALL -1994.....Clears only graphics portion of lo-res graphics
$F838....63544....CALL -1992.....Clears low-res screen from top to specified row
after setting that row value in Y register
$F83C....63548....CALL -1988.....Clears designated portion of upper left-hand corner
of lo-res screen after setting right-end column to Y register and bottom-end row
to address $2D
$F847....63559....CALL -1977.....Computes address for current lo-res row value stored
in the A register
$F85F....63583....CALL -1953.....Adds 3 to current COLOR
$F864....63588....CALL -1948.....Sets lo-res color to the value in the accumulator
$F871....63601....CALL -1935.....Returns color code of specified lo-res graphics
point; set column to X register and row to the accumulator; after CALLing, the color
code will be in the accumulator
$F940....63808....CALL -1728.....Prints current contents of the Y and X registers
in hexadecimal
$F941....63809....CALL -1727.....Prints current contents of the A and X registers
in hexadecimal
$F944....63812....CALL -1724.....Prints current contents of X register in hexadecimal
$F948....63816....CALL -1720.....Prints three successive blanks on the current text
$F94C....63820....CALL -1716.....Prints number of successive blanks specified in
X register
$FA62....64098....CALL -1438.....Pseudo-resets
$FAA6....64166....CALL -1370.....Re-boots
$FAD7....64215....CALL -1321.....Displays all registers
$FB1E....64286....CALL -1250.....Reads value from game paddle specified in X register;
after CALL, value will be in Y register
$FB2F....64303....CALL -1233.....Clears text or low-res graphics screen
$FB40....64320....CALL -1216.....Sets the screen to lo-res graphics mode; destroys
contents of the accumulator
$FB4B....64331....CALL -1205.....Sets the normal, 4-line text window
$FB60....64352....CALL -1184.....Clears screen and ?"Apple..."
$FB6F....64367....CALL -1169.....Used to calculate address 1012 ($3F4) for the <Control-Reset>
$FBC1....64449....CALL -1087.....Calculates base address of current text cursor postion
$FBE4....64484....CALL -1052.....Rings bell (some equivalents to CALL -1052 are:
<Control-G>, ? CHR$(7), ? CHR$(135), or CALL -198)
$FBF4....64500....CALL -1036.....Moves cursor right
$FC10....64528....CALL -1008.....Moves cursor left
$FC1A....64538....CALL -998......Moves cursor up
$FC22....64546....CALL -990......Tabs cursor vertically to row specified in the accumulator
$FC2C....64556....CALL -980......Performs an ESCape function
$FC42....64578....CALL -958......Clears text from cursor to bottom of screen (including
text on same line as cursor) (same as <ESC> <F>)
$FC58....64600....CALL -936......Clears TEXT screen and HOMEs the cursor (equivalent
of <ESC> <@>); destroys contents of accumulator and Y register
$FC62....64610....CALL -926......Performs a carriage return
$FC66....64614....CALL -922......Moves cursor down
$FC70....64624....CALL -912......Scrolls current text screen up one row; destroys
contents of accumulator and Y register
$FC9C....64668....CALL -868......Clears text line from cursor to right (same as <ESC>
$FCA8....64680....CALL -856......WAITs; executes time delay; set delay value (dly)
to the accumulator (address 69 or $45) before CALLing; the delay time (in seconds)
can be found using this equation: delay=(0.5*(5*(dly*dly)+27*dly+26))/10000
$FCC9....64713....CALL -823......Writes leader tone to cassette recorder
$FD0C....64780....CALL -756......Waits for any keypress; destroys contents of accumulator
and Y register
$FD1B....64795....CALL -741......Waits for a keypress and stores its ASCII code in
the accumulator; also cycles random-number seed generator
$FD35....64821....CALL -715......Fetches keystoke and stores its value in the the
$FD5A....64858....CALL -678......Waits for a <Return> keypress
$FD5C....64860....CALL -676......Rings bell and waits for a <Return> keypress
$FD67....64871....CALL -665......Issues a line feed, waits for a line of data ending
with a <Return> keypress, stores the data in the keyboard input buffer, stores
length of line in Y register, and uses the CHR$ of the number stored at address 51
for a cursor (cursor symbol can be altered)
$FD6A....64874....CALL -662......Same as CALL -665, but does not execute a line feed
$FD6F....64879....CALL -657......Better input; commas/colons O.K.; this example loads
the variable A$ with what was put into the Keyboard Input Buffer by the CALL -657:
20 A$="": FOR I=512 TO 767: IF PEEK(I) <> 141 THEN A$=A$+CHR$(PEEK(I)-128):NEXT
$FD75....64885....CALL -651......Same as CALL -662, but does not print prompt character;
CALL after setting X register to 0
$FD8E....64910....CALL -626......Performs a carriage return
$FDA3....64931....CALL -605......Prints hexadecimal of eight consecutive memory locations,
beginning from specified LSB at address 60 and specified MSB at address 61; CALL
after setting Y register to 0
$FDB3....64947....CALL -589......Prints range of hexadecimal data for the address
specified in memory locations $3C and $3D (LSB and MSB, respectively) through address
specified in memory locations $3E and $3F; CALL after setting Y register to 0
$FDDA....64986....CALL -550......Prints the current content of the accumulator in
$FDE3....64995....CALL -541......Prints lower four bits (nibble) of the accumulator
$FDED....65005....CALL -531......Prints current ASCII character in the accumulator
$FDF0....65008....CALL -528......Same as CALL -531, except CALL -528 also advances
cursor to next column position
$FE2C....65068....CALL -468......Memory move; to execute a BASIC memory move, type
this in (where OS and OE are the Old-location Start and End, and NS is the New Start)
and GOSUB 5000 to execute it:
5000 N=OS: LOC=60: GOSUB 5020: N=OE: LOC=62: GOSUB 5020: N=NS: LOC=66: GOSUB 5020
5010 POKE 768,160: POKE 769,0: POKE 770,76: POKE 771,44: POKE 772,254: CALL 768:
5020 POKE LOC,N-INT(N/256)*256: POKE LOC+1,INT(N/256): RETURN
$FE5E....65118....CALL -418......Disassembles 20 instructions
$FE61....65121....CALL -415......Disassembler; POKE start address at locations 58-59
before CALL
$FE80....65152....CALL -384......INVERSE
$FE84....65156....CALL -380......NORMAL
$FE86....65158....CALL -378......Sets I flag
$FE89....65161....CALL -375......Sets keyboard
$FEB0....65200....CALL -336......Jumps to BASIC
$FEB3....65203....CALL -333......Continues BASIC
$FEB6....65206....CALL -330......Memory location "Go"
$FEBF....65215....CALL -321......Displays A, X, Y, P, and S registers
$FEC2....65218....CALL -318......Performs monitor trace
$FECD....65229....CALL -307......Writes to tape
$FEFD....65277....CALL -259......Reads from tape
$FF2D....65325....CALL -211......Rings bell and ?"ERR"; destroys contents
of accumulator and Y register
$FF3A....65338....CALL -198......Rings bell without printing a control character
$FF3F....65343....CALL -193......Monitor "RESTORE"
$FF44....65348....CALL -188......Monitor "RESTR1"
$FF4A....65354....CALL -182......Monitor "SAVE"
$FF4C....65356....CALL -180......Monitor "SAV1"
$FF59....65369....CALL -167......Enters monitor
$FF69....65381....CALL -155......Enters monitor with bell
$FF69....65385....CALL -151......Enters monitor (<Control-C>, <Return>
leaves the monitor)
$FF70....65392....CALL -144......Scans input buffer; here is an example of how it
executes a machine language routine (not subroutine) from BASIC:
100 A$="300: A9 C1 20 ED FD 18 69 01 C9 DB D0 F6 60 300G D823G"
110 FOR X=1 TO LEN(A$): POKE 511+X,ASC(MID$(A$,X,1))+128: NEXT
120 POKE 72,0: CALL -144