TED - 'Text Editor Deluxe'
Version 1.1
This program, it's src. codes, sample files and documentation, are public domain. It's
all included within the Stuffit archive files below.
Click on either of the Stuffit archive file names to download.
Text Editor Deluxe
Text Editor Deluxe is a simple word processor for the Power Macintosh. It is similar to Apple's SimpleText, but has many features that SimpleText lacks. You can add color to documents, search your files for a word or phrase, insert special characters without trying to remember all the key combinations, have a local clipboard that doesn't get erased when you copy something to it, and access the documentation any time you need it.
System Requirements
Text Editor Deluxe doesn't require very much. Here is what you will need:
Power Macintosh
MacOS 7.1 or later
About 2MB of hard disk space
5MB RAM minimum; 16MB or more recommended.
Text Editor Deluxe is really simple to use, so you should be able to start using it quickly. If you are having a little trouble getting started, you can look in the manuals that came with your computer or look in the SimpleText Guide by launching SimpleText and selecting SimpleText Guide from the Help menu (with the question mark icon). Most of the material will apply to Text Editor Deluxe as well.
Also, all menu items and window controls have balloon help. Select Show Balloons from the Help menu and point to something and the computer will tell you what it does. Select Hide Balloons again when you are done.
Apple Menu
About Text Editor Deluxe: Brings up information about this program, including the version number, who helped make it, and who it is dedicated to.
Apple Menu Items: Any folders or files you placed in the Apple Menu Items folder will appear underneath the seperator line.
File Menu
New: Opens a new, untitled document. You can also hold down the command key (marked with a sign) and press N to do this.
Open: Opens a dialog box to select a file to open. The file will open in a new window. You can also hold down the command key and press O.
Save: Saves any changes you made since you last saved the document. If it is a brand new document, this command will let you save it for the first time. You can also press command-S.
Save As: Saves any changes you made, but under a different name or in a different place. The original document you opened will not be affected.
Page Setup: Allows you to set up options for your printer, including paper type, paper size, orientation, scaling, and various other options depending on what kind of printer you have.
Show Toolbox: Opens up the toolbox with shortcuts to most of the commands. Not working yet in this version.
Print: Sends the document to the printer. You can also press command-P.
Close: Closes the document. If changes have been made since you last saved it, you will be asked whether or not you want to save it. You can also press command-W.
Quit: Closes all open documents and quits Text Editor Deluxe.
Edit Menu
Undo: Undos the last change you made.
Cut: Moves the currently selected text to the global clipboard.
Copy: Copies the currently selected text to the global clipboard, without affecting your document.
Paste: Places the contents of the global clipboard into your document, at the location of the insertion point (the blinking line) or replacing the selection.
Paste After Cursor: Does the same thing as Paste, but puts the insertion point at the beginning of the text just inserted.
Clear: Deletes the selected text.
Append to Li'l Clipboard: Appends the selected text (or the whole document if no text is selected) to the local clipboard. The content of the local clipboard is not erased. Note: The local clipboard is only within Text Editor Deluxe and is not affected by the normal Cut, Copy, and Paste commands. The global clipboard is accessable from other applications and is erased every time you copy something to it.
Insert Text from Li'l Clipboard: Inserts the text from the Li'l Clipboard into the current document, either at the insertion point or replacing the current selection.
Select All: Selects all the text in your document.
Find: Allows you to search your document for a word or phrase. Enter the text to find in the text box and click Find to find it. Click Close when you are done.
Insert ASCII Character: Opens a table of all 256 characters you can insert into your document. Clicking one will insert it at the insertion point or where the selection is. Typing normally will also insert characters into your document. Click the close box to close the table when you are done.
Font Menu
The contents of this menu will depend on what fonts are installed in your system. Selecting a font from this menu will apply it to the selected text or the text you type after the insertion point.
Style Menu
This menu contains all the formatting you can apply to text in your document. You can apply boldface, italics, underlining, outlining, shadowing, a combination, you can condense or expand the spacing of the letters, and restore the text to normal.
Size Menu
This menu allows you to control the size of your text. If you want a size other than the ones listed, select Other and enter the size you want.
Color Menu
This menu allows you to change the color of your text. You can pick a predefined color or select Other and move the scroll bars to change the color.
Special Menu
About Text Editor Deluxe: Brings up the same about box the Apple menu brings up.
Documentation: Brings up this documentation. You can access it any time.
Version History: Brings up a short version history, telling you what has changed since the original version.
Li'l Clipboard: Shows the contents of the Li'l Clipboard. You can edit the contents, but you can't change the formatting.
Character Count: If a document is open, tells you how many characters are in the document and how many characters are selected.
Windows Menu
This menu lists all the open windows. Selecting one will bring it to the front.