Deep Dark Castle
Bulletin Board System & Magazine


Dark Castle? Maybe you've heard about it before, maybe you haven't.

Well, Dark Castle (DDC) has been founded by a small group of enthousiastic Apple
II users. At first we started a BBS to easily share ideas, experiences, files,
rumors, facts and other information. Unfortunately we found out that alot people
don't have a modem or greatly dislike calling a BBS every now and then.

So in September 1994 we started publishing a disk. We filled it with interesting
messages and programs - consisting of self written software, but also software
coming from other sources. There was a lot of interest, but it became clear that
people were looking for a paper based magazine instead of a so called diskazine.
In December 1994 the first issue on paper was a fact! It was a magazine full with
information about the Apple II computer, information that had been gathered from
various sources during the last three months.


Our goal is easy: publishing a simple magazine that provides information, tips
technigues, reviews, releases and so on about the Apple II. Besides the magazine
there is a disk that contains software from subscribers.

One of the most interesting things might be the development of a video grabber
card for the Apple IIgs, by Rob Goedknegt. It's a PAL standard card. Read more
about it in each issue!

Because of the increasing success and the international interest, we have started
publishing DDC in English. There will no longer be a Dutch version available. The
increasing number of subscribers will lead to a more various and better quality
magazine, we hope.


A subscription costs $40 including shipping and handling. Disk or magazine
subscription only, costs $25, also including S&H. A subsription within Europe
costs $33. Disk or magazine alone is $25 as well.


Unfortunately we cannot charge credit cards because of the high cost per charge
(around $10 per charge!). Traveler checks don't work either, because of risk and
high costs (around $10 per check). Euro checks are acceptable, as long as you pay
in Dutch Florins (Dfl). You will have to calculate how much DFl the total amount
of US Dollars is.

For subscribers outside Europe, it is best to send money cash in an envelope.
However, if you manage to find a minimum of 5 people, you may send a check (one
check for all).


If you're interested in our magazine which is published by each Dutch Apple day
(quarterly), please contact us! We're eager to tell you more about our goals,
helpdesk, BBS, magazine, disk, etcetera.


Dark Castle Magazine
Wolborgenmate 72
7006 DK Doetinchem
The Netherlands

Telephone: +31-314-324016
Telefax: +31-24-3445114
BBS: +31-314-365145 (28.8k, 24 hours per day, PSE emulation)

Internet: or:

World Wide Web:


The BBS runs on an Apple IIgs with lots of extras. Most of them are used to
create the magazine and disk.

o 4 Mb memory
o ZIP accellerator
o 80 Mb hard disk drive
o Second Sight VGA card
o Supra Express Modem up to 28.800 baud
o Audio Animator stereo/ midi card
o RamFast SCSI controller card
o 2x 3.5" disk drive
o ImageWriter II printer
o HP DeskWriter printer
o Quickie handscanner

Het BBS uses the following software:

o Prodos 8 v 2.03
o METAL 1.09.05
o FutureVision 4.1b6
o Exodus 2.05

To register on this BBS, set your communications program to Proterm Special
Emulation (PSE), or ANSI if you desire so, and dial the BBS number (you may need
to add a prefix to make an international phonecall).

At the login prompt, first time users enter NEW and complete the new user
application, and submit it. Otherwise you can use their personal user ID and
password to login.

Every user will get an internetaccount, which is "" is a registered internet domain

[Except for certain Dutch message areas, the BBS is entirely English]

(c) 1996 by Doede Boomsma

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