TITLE Apple Access III: Addendum (3 of 7) Article ID: 37 Created: 9/21/84 Modified: 11/7/84 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOPIC -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCUSSION DESCRIPTION OF ACCESS III FILES (CONTINUED) SOS.DRIVER is a device driver file configured specifically for use with Access III. Simply copy this file onto your boot diskette; alternatively, create you own SOS.DRIVER file using the individual drivers supplied on the System Utilities Data diskette. The SOS.DRIVER includes: .CONSOLE .SILENTYPE .RS232 .ACS3FONT: is the system font Furthurmore, four disk drives are configured. SETPREFIX.CODE is a small Pascal program linked to an assembly language subroutine that allows you to set the SOS prefix. As explained in "Using Access III with a ProFile", setting the prefix with the Pascal filer does not change the SOS prefix, meaning that if you execute Access III from a ProFile without executing the SETPREFIX program, Access III will not be able to successfully save and load the Set-Up selections. The source listing for the program SETPREFIX.TEST is included, so the prefix setting can be customized for unusual situations. To successfully run Access III stored on a ProFile in a Pascal environment, you must first execute SETPREFIX, which is described in "Using Access III With a ProFile". ACCESS3.PROFILE is a Business BASIC program enabling you to run Access III from a ProFile in a Business BASIC environment. The only difference between this program and the Access III Business BASIC program is the way the the prefix is set: Access III sets a null prefix to force SOS to look for a diskette, while ACCESS3.PROFILE sets the prefix to /PROFILE, instructing SOS to look there for a subdirectory. See "ProFile and Business BASIC" under "Using Access III with a ProFile" for additional information. CHANGES AND NEW FEATURES CHANGES TO THE MAIN MENU Changing the name of the recording file is not performed from the main menu: it's now an entry on the Set-Up menu. It's therefore saved along with the rest of the Set-Up settings. ADDITIONS TO SET-UP MODE Two new selections to the Set-Up menu are: "Set the Answerback" and "Change the recording file name." When you save the Set-Up settings, both the answerback text and the recording file name are saved. These Set-Up settings are restored the next time you run Access III. SET THE ANSWERBACK Selecting this choice causes the screen to clear and the following message to display: Answerback text? Respond by entering your answerback message containing up to sixteen characters followed by a RETURN. The RETURN is NOT stored as part of the answerback text. The characters that you enter will be transmitted by Access III whenever a CTRL-E (ASCII 5) is received. To enter control characters in your answerback text, hold down the open-apple key and the CONTROL key while pressing the key you wish to enter. Your control character is displayed as one of the line graphic characters, though it's both transmitted and saved correctly. See Appendix B of the Access III manual for each key's ASCII code. You can also cause the answerback text to be transmitted without receiving the CTRL-E: hold down the open-apple key and press the E key. CHANGE THE RECORDING FILE NAME Selecting this option clears the screen and closes the old recording file. Access III then prompts you to open a new recording file name: New recording file name? A legal answer may be a block file pathname or a character device name such as .SILENTYPE. ADDITIONS TO THE STATUS SCREEN The STATUS screen displays the current answerback text as well as all the previously displayed information.