Subject: Buggie Power Supply From: stevenl11@aol.comspamfree (StevenL11) Date: Thu, Dec 24, 1998 929(H Message-id: <> I got mine ther other day and my BBS is now back on line. It is one of his newer ones for the //e which has a light on it. The system went right up and runs very cool, much cooler then it has ever ran. Shortly I'll be getting one for my IIgs's and plan on using one ofthem as the new computer for the BBS. Along with the supply I was given some interesting articles and disks, along with a lot of information on New Mexico, He must also work for the Chamber of Commerse. Anyone looking for a suply to replaced there Apple II ones should consider getting one, I have had many supplies including some ones that claim to be heavy duty, they have lasted from 2 days to 6 years, so you never know when they will go. But this one is running at less then 10% of what it was ment to run it so it should out last my old trusty //e. Apple Elite II 1200/14.4 Home of GBBS/LLUCE. Apple II Support Reply to