Make certain that you download the file: gshk.exe as a binary file only. If you download it by any other mode, it will be of no value to your needs. Download as such will give you gshk.exe ->ĘShrinkit GS v1.06 in a self-extracting, executable text file. Summary: This is the self-extracting version of GS-ShrinkIt v1.0.6. To extract files from this archive, run BASIC.SYSTEM and type -GSHK.EXE from the "]" prompt. It may be neccessary to change it to a text file with a file type changer utility. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a solution in obtaining the GSHK v1.1 from it's own ShrinkIt archive file format, the derived GS-ShrinkIt v1.0.6 from the (gshk.exe) may be used to obtain and unshrink the GSHK archive. Read the logic on this below. A quote from Tony Ward posted to the comp.system.apple2 Usenet newsgroup on 6/18/99 follows: ..."that works because v1.0.6 has no resource fork. It also has some bugs, which is why we have v1.1. But this does provide another means of obtaining the latest version; you could get the self-extracting v1.0.6 and use it to unpack v1.1." I do hope this helps solve some folks problems with obtaining a working GS/OS desktop application program of GSHK v1.1 for their needs. Cheers, Charles T. 'Dr. Tom' Turley Email: