GET.NSC.TIME-- yet another tiny little program from Saint John Morrison. The author may be reached on America Online (St John2), on his own BBS at (215) 386-0350 (hit RETURN after signal), or by mail at POB 42864, Philadelphia PA 19104-2864. Include a SASE if you want a reply. The program in this package is freeware. It may be distributed to anyone, but no charge may be paid for its transfer. The SMT No-Slot Clock (hereafter referred to as the "NSC") is-- well, it's there. I can't call it an extraordinary piece of hardware, and yet it has its uses. For one thing, short of buying a Checkmate Z-Ram board, it's the only way to get a system clock in a //c. Unfortunately, on that //c, it's going to bend the memory expansion board a bit. I put the bubble-wrap that came in the NSC packing between the memory card and the keyboard. The second problem is worse. For whatever reason, the NSC doesn't work with a Zip Chip or a 65802. It might have something to do with cacheing, or with the different cycle time, but the software won't even recognize that it's installed. In circumstances like this, I usually pull out the ol' copy of Merlin Pro and begin hacking. Unfortunately, the "read the date" routine that they give you is 127 bytes long once you pad it with necessary safety procedures (PHP, SEI, toggle $CFFF, etc). The clock subroutine takes up either 125 or 127 bytes in ProDOS, depending on whose word you take (Doms & Weishaar's or Apple's); that doesn't leave any room for even the most rudimentary turn-Zip-off and turn-Zip-on routines. On the other hand, most of us have digital watches. We can look at them if we need the time; the role of a system clock is to tell which file is newer than the last one. And for that, we can be approximate. The GET.NSC.TIME program is very approximate-- it updates the ProDOS global page date/time from the info on the NSC. It sets the Zip Chip back where it found it. And that's about all there is. Just BRUN it whenever you feel a need for the time. Or put it on every disk you own, and in the STARTUP program add the line 1 PRINT CHR$(4)"-GET.NSC.TIME" Naturally, the source code is included. A program is also included for DOS 3.3. This is NSC.READER, and should be moved to a DOS 3.3 disk. When BRUN, it puts the digits of the date and time in $0300 and up: Hex Dec Data 0300 768 day of month, 1-31 0301 769 month, 1-12 0302 770 year, 0-99 0303 771 hour, 1-24 0304 772 minute, 0-59 Also included is NSC.READER.PRG, a program that puts the digits in a more pleasing format and writes a little file that tells me when I last booted the disk I'm working on. (This gives me some indication when I last backed up a disk.)