ADTgs beta version 0.91 Apple Disk Transfer for PC-->Apple IIgs disk image transfers ref file: ADTgs is a set of two programs to transfer a standard 140k 5.25" .dsk disk image file from PC to 5.25" diskette on an Apple IIgs. No IIgs telecom software is required for transferring the IIgs part of the package to the IIgs. Version .91 supercedes version .9 (which did not work on the ROM 3 IIgs). Version .91 should work on both ROM-01 and ROM 3 machines and it is a bit more user-friendly. ADTgs is IIgs-only software. ADT is by Paul Guertin. This mod for IIgs is by Jeff Hurlburt. ADTgs is freeware. Contents of archive: readme.txt -- Information and directions adtgs.dmp -- code for ADT on IIgs (Monitor dump format). adt.exe -- MS-DOS executable. On the PC, use WinZIP or a similar utility to unzip . Rubywand, February 2000