MacADT120a1 ReadMe File Macintosh Apple Disk Transfer 1.20a1 (MacADT 1.20a1) of February 1995 by Hideki Naito ( MacADT120a1 is freeware with no guarantee. This is the Macintosh version of ADT1.20 by Paul Guertin. The disk image file created by MacADT can be dirctly read from STM (Stop the Madness!: an Apple ][+ emulator for Macintosh by Kevin Lund and Jim Nitchals). Contents of MacADT120a1s.sit archive: ------------------------------------ ReadMe -- This file. ReadMe (ADT120) *1) -- Readme file with the original ADT120 for MS-DOS computers. MacADT 1.20a1 -- ADT program as Macintosh application controlled from ADT on the Apple ][. adt.dmp *1) -- Object code for ADT (Apple ][ Monitor dump format). adt.dsk -- Disk image containing Apple ][ files as follows: ADT *1) -- ADT binary program on the Apple ][. ADT CONF *1) -- Applesoft BASIC program to configure ADT. Files in 'MacADT120a1 src' folder -- Source code for MacADT 1.20a1 written in Symantec C++ 7.0.4 and ResEdit 2.1.3. *1) by Paul Guertin. (Thanks!) Installation: ------------ If you don't have a ADT program on the Apple ][, start the MacADT application, and select the "Install 'adt.dmp' to Apple ][..." from the "Option" menu. The Apple ][ program 'ADT' will be created automatically by sending 'adt.dmp' text to the Apple ][. How to use MacADT: ----------------- At first, set the serial speed (19600/9600/4800/2400/1200/300 baud) and the port (modem/printer) to the same wih ADT setting on the Apple ][. The recommendation of setting the speed: 68000 Macs (Plus, PB100, etc...) -- 9600 baud or slower. 68030 16MHz or higher Macs -- 19600 baud. Other Macs (LC, etc...) -- unknown, try 19600 baud. MacADT is controlled from the ADT program on the Apple ][ for receiving or sending the apple ][ 140K disk image. Select "quit" from "File" menu to exit MacADT. How to use 'ADT' and 'ADT CONF' on the Apple ][: ----------------------------------------------- See 'ReadMe (ADT120)' file by Paul Guertin. Known Bugs: ---------- Using the directory command for 68000 Macs, System error is occured. It may be caused by accessing odds address. (ref: MacsBug Reference and Debugging Guide) I welcome comments, suggestions, bug reports. Send e-mail to, please. Enjoy MacADT!