GS WorldView: July MM
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Eamon is the classic Text adventuring series begun in the early 1980's when Dan Brown
invented the gaming system. Since then, numerous authors have created well over 200
adventures with settings and scenarios ranging from D&D through science fiction.
from Tom Zuchowski

The Eamon CD is now in production!

The price includes shipping. In the USA and Canada, it is $3.00. If you live
in some other country, please email me for price at tzuchow@attglobal.net.

This CD offers 242 public-domain Eamons, the three Softdisk Eamons (with
permission), a full set of newsletter back issues, plus maps, pictures, and other
miscellaneous stuff. It includes native Apple II Eamons, DSK Eamons, three
emulators, and MS-DOS Eamons.

That's almost 1500 files all told!

Note: The standard version of the CD will not include Eamons #32 and #196 because of their wretched
low quality and pornographic content. If you want a full CD that includes those two Eamons, you must
specifically request them and also state that you are at least 18 years old.

Make out your check to Tom Zuchowski and send to ...

Tom Zuchowski
7625 Hawkhaven Dr.
Clemmons, NC 27012-9408

Eamon Adventurer's Guild Journal (7625 Hawkhaven Dr., Clemmons, NC  27012;
910-766-7490) is the quarterly journal for the famous adventuring series edited
by Thomas Zuchowski. (tzuchow@attglobal.net)


