Congradulations go to Jay Edwards who won my GSWV July Apple II HGR Graphics Contest. Jay youÕve just won the Mac PPC version 5.5 of PhotoShop with plugins to allow you to import and save thru PhotoShop both; Apple II HGR and DHR graphics to the Mac PPC PhotoShop formats of your choice. A totorial CD for the PhotoShop application will also be included with the Program CD. The winning HGR graphic entry from Jay Edwards can be viewed online now as a blow-up greyscale JPEG with your online Graphical web browser - from the URL: JayÕs winning entry submission graphic with another DHR he sent me ;) are also available in the ShrinkIt archive file inside of the above URL and folder with his entry email. IÕm sure youÕll find many uses for your prize Jay. Now you can convert with ease - any Apple II HGR and/or DHR graphics you make to the Mac PPC graphic file formats of your choice with the best (IMHO) Mac PPC graphics program made - 'PhotoShop v5.5'. And, to sweeten it even more - IÕm also including in your prize bundle the ultimate Mac PPC graphics converter - Debabelizer PPC v3.0.. Cheers & Enjoy! Tom