





To clear the backup-needed bit in the access code for the file.

Under ProDOS 8, use the SET FILE - INFO command instead.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +5 pathname I


Descrtptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (1)

Pointer to the pathname string


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


pathname A pointer to a class 1 GS/OS string describing the current pathname

of the file to be used. If the pathname specified is not preceded by a

separator (/ or :), the operating system appends the name to the

default prefix (the 0/ prefix) to create a full pathname.


Common error codes:


$40 The pathname contains invalid characters or a full pathname was not

specified (and no default prefix has been set up). Verify that the

filenames and directory names specified in the pathname adhere to

the naming rules described in Chapter 2 and, if a partial pathname

was specified, that a default prefix has been set up.


$44 A directory in the pathname was not found. Solution: Double-check

the spelling of the pathname, insert the disk containing the correct

directory, or change the default prefix.


$45 The volume directory was not found.

$46 The file was not found.

Other possible error codes are $07, $4A, $52, $58.


Command Descriptions 97


Programming example:


A file-backup program capable of doing incremental backups acts on only those files

that have been modified since the last backup operation. The program checks the state

of a file's backup bit to determine whether it needs to be backed up; it does if the bit

is set to 1. (GS/OS and ProDOS 8 automatically set the bit after any write operation or

any operation that changes the directory entry.) Once the backup copy has been made,

the program should clear the backup bit by calling ClearBackup.

Here is the trivial piece of code for doing this:


_ClearBackup CBB_Parms




DC I2'1' The number of parameters

DC I4'Pathname' Pointer to pathname


Pathname GSString '/nISK/NEW.FILE' The file to act on


98 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands








To close an open file. This causes the operating system to write the contents of the

data portion of the file's I/O buffer to disk (if necessary) and to update the file's

directory entry. Once it does this, the operating system releases the memory used for

the file's I/O buffer to the system and prevents fUrther access to the file (until it is



Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




bet Symbolic Name Result Description

+0 num~parms I Number of parameters (1)

+ 1 ref num I Reference number for the file


GS/oS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result Description

+ 0 to + 1 pcount I Number of parameters (1)

+ 2 to + 3 ref~ num I Reference number for the file


Descriptions of parameters:


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 1).


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


ref~ num The reference number the operating system assigned to the file


when it was first opened.


If you set refnum to 0, all open files at or above the system file

level are closed. To set the value of the file level under ProDOS 8,

store the value at lLEVEL ($BF94). Under GS/OS, use the SetLevel



Command Descriptions 99


Common error codes:


$2B The disk is write-protected.


$43 The file reference number is invalid. You might be using a reference

number for a file that you've already closed.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $27, $5A.

Programming example:


To close all open files at or above level 1, use SetLevel to set the level and use the

Close command with ref~ num set to 0. Here's how to do it if GS/OS is active:


_SetLevel SL_Parms Set system file level to 1

_Close Cl_Parms





SL_Parms DC



Cl_Parms DC




Error ;Branch if error occurred



II']' New file level


II',' Parameter count


lID' reference number = 0 (close all files)


If ProDOS 8 is active, set the system file level by storing the new value at LEVEL



100 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands








To create a new disk file. The operating system does this by placing an entry for the

file in the specified directory. You must create every new file, except the volume

directory file, with this command. (GS/OS automatically creates the volume directory

when you use the Format or EraseDisk command. ProDOS 8 formatting programs

create the volume directory by using the WRITE - BLOCK command to write an

image of the four volume directory blocks to disk.)

Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




bet Symbolic Name Result

+0 num~parms I

+1 to +2 pathname I

+3 access I

+4 file-type I

+5to +6 auxtype I

+7 storagetype I

+8to +9 createdate I

+10 to +11 createtime I


GS/OS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +5 pathname I

+ 6 to + 7 access I

+8to +9 file-type I




Number of parameters (7)

Pointer to the pathname string

Access code

File type code

Auxiliary type code

Storage type code

Creation date

Creation time




Number of parameters (7)

Pointer to the pathname string

Access code

File type code


Command Descriptions 101


+ 10 to +13 auxtype I Auxiliary type code

+ 14 to + 15 storage - type I Storage type code

+ 16 to + 19 eof I Anticipated size of data fork

+ 20 to + 23 resource - eof I Anticipated size of resource fork


Descriptions of parameters:


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 7).


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 7.


pathname A pointer to a class 0 (ProDOS 8) or class 1 (GS/OS) string describ-

ing the pathname of the file to be created. If the pathname specified

is not preceded by a separator (/ for ProDOS 8; / or: for GS/OS), the

operating system appends the name to the default prefix (in GS/OS,

this is the 0/ prefix) to create a full pathname.


access This field contains several 1-bit codes defining the access attributes

of the file to be created. (The other bits must set to zero.) See Figure

2-10 for a description of these bits. The backup-needed bit of the

access code is forced to 1 by this command.


file - type A code indicating the type of data the file holds. See Table 2-5 for a


description of the file type codes for the ProDOS file system.

aux - type This is the auxiliary type code. The meaning of the code depends on


the file type code and on the program that created the file in the first

place. For SYS, BIN, BAS, and VAR files, it is a default loading

address; for TXT files, it is a record length; for SRC files, it is an

APW language type code.


storage - type This field indicates how the operating system is to store the file on


the disk:

$00-$03 standard tree-structured data file

$05 extended file


$0D linked-list directory file


If you specifi' a code of $00, $02, or $03, ProDOS 8 or GS/OS

converts it to a code of $01 and returns that value in this field.

Note that you cannot change the storage - type of a file once it has

been created.


create - date This field contains the date (year, month, day) that ProDOS 8 will


save as the file's creation date. Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the


102 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


format of these bytes. If these bytes are both zero, the current date

will be used.


create - time This field contains the time (hour, minute) that ProDOS 8 will save


as the file's creation time. Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the format of

these bytes. If these bytes are both zero, the current time will be used.


eof If the file being created is a standard file (storage - type $01), this

field indicates the anticipated size of the file in bytes. GS/OS preal-

locates enough blocks on disk to hold a file of this size.

If the file is an extended file (storage - type = $05), this field

indicates the anticipated size of the data fork, in bytes. GS/OS

preallocates enough blocks on disk to hold a data fork of this size.

If the file is a subdirectory file (storage - type = $0D), this field indi-

cates the anticipated number of entries in the subdirectory. GS/OS

preallocates enough blocks on disk to hold a subdirectory of this size.

resource - eof If the file being created is an extended file (storage - type = $05), this


field indicates the anticipated size of the resource fork in bytes. GS/OS

preallocates enough blocks on disk to hold a resource fork of this size.

Common error codes:


$2B The disk is write-protected.


$40 The pathname contains invalid characters or a full pathname was not

specified (and no default prefix has been set up). Verify that the

filenames and directory names specified in the pathname adhere to

the naming rules described in Chapter 2 and, if a partial pathname

was specified, that a default prefix has been set up.


$44 A directory in the pathname was not found. Solution: Double-check

the spelling of the pathname, insert the disk containing the correct

directory, or change the default prefix.


$45 The volume directory was not found.


$47 The filename specified already exists. You can't have two files with

the same name in the same subdirectory.


$48 The disk is full.


$49 The volume directory is full. Only 51 files can be stored in the

volume directory.


$4B Invalid storage type code. Solution: Set the storage type code to $0D

for directory files, to $01 for standard data files, or (for GS/OS only)

to $05 for extended files.


Command Descriptions 103


Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $10, $27, $52, $53, $58.

Programming example:


Here is a short GS/OS subroutine you can use to create a standard textfile; the

filename for the textfile is JUPITER, and the full pathname is :PLANETS:JUPITER.


_Create Cr_Parms

BCS Error



Cr_Parms DC II'S'


DC I4'PathName'


;Branch if error occurred

Only using 5 parameters





DC II'$E3' ;standard access code (unlocked)

DC II'$04' file type = 4 (textfile)

I4'0' auxiliary type (0 = sequential)

II'$0l' ;storage type = I (standard file)


PathName GSString ':PLANETS:JUPITER' ;Pathname (in ASCII)


Note that when you create a file under GS/OS, the date and time of creation is always

set to the current date and time. (Under ProDOS 8 you can specifi' any time you want

in the parameter table for CREATE.) To set a different date and time of creation, use

the SetFileInfo command.


104 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands







To send control commands to a GS/OS device.

There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



ProDOS 8


Cllrset Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +3 devnum I

+4 to +5 controlcode I

+6 to +9 I

+ 10 to +13 request-count I

+ 14 to + 17 transfer-count R




Number of parameters (5)

Device reference number

Control request code

Pointer to control list

Size of the control list

Number of bytes transferred


Descriptions of parameters:


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 5; the maximum is 5.


dev - num The device's reference number.


control - code A code indicating what control operation is to be performed:


$0000 reset device

$0001 format device medium

$0002 eject device medium

$0003 set configuration parameters

$0004 set wait/no-wait mode

$0005 set format options

$0006 assign partition owner

$0007 arm signal

$0008 disarm signal

$0009 set partition map

$000A-$7FFF [reserved]


$8000-$FFFF device-specific operations


Command Descriptions 105


control - list


This is a pointer to a buffer that contains any supplementary data

that GS/OS may need to perform the control operation.


request - count The size of the control list buffer.


transfer - count The number of bytes in the control list buffer that were transferred


to the device is returned here.


Common error codes:


$11 The device reference number is invalid.

$53 The parameter is out of range.

Another possible error code is $07.

Programming example:


The only control command you're ever likely to need for a disk device is the eject

command. Here is a GS/OS subroutine for ejecting the disk medium from a drive:


_DControl DC_Parms








DC I4'Ctrl List'

DC I4'0'

DS 4


The number of parameters

Device number


;Control code (I = eject)


4 Nothing in control list


Ctrl _List DS


You can determine if the disk medium is removable by doing a DInfo call and

examining bit 2 of the characteristics word; if the bit is 1, the medium is removable.

You will use several device-specific control commands to communicate with the

Console Driver (see chapter 9). For a detailed discussion of the standard control

commands, see GS/OS Reference, Volume 2.


106 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands







To remove the address of an interrnpt-handling subroutine from the internal ProDOS

8 interrupt vector table.


Under GS/OS, use the UnbindInt command instead.

Parameter table:


ProDOS 8


bet Symbolic Name


+0 numparms

+1 int~num





Result Description


Descriptions of parameters:


I Number of parameters (1)

I Interrupt handler reference number


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 1).

int - num The identification number for the interrupt handler. ProDOS 8 assigned


this number when the handler was installed using the ALLOC -

INTERRUPT command.


Important: Do not remove an interrupt-handling subroutine until your application has

first told the source of the interrupts to stop generating interrupts. If you remove the

subroutine first, the system will crash the next time an interrupt occurs.

Common error codes:


$53 The intnum parameter is not valid. Use the number ALLOC

INTERRUPT returned when you installed the interrupt handler.


Another possible error code is $04.

Programming example:


Here's how to remove the interrupt vector table entry for an interrupt-handling

subroutine assigned the code number 1 when it was installed using the ALLOC -

INTERRUPT command:


Command Descriptions 107





DA PARMTBL ;Address of parameter table

BCS ERROR Branch if error occurred



PARMTBL DFB 1 ;The # of parameters

DFB 1 Interrupt code number


108 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands




$2002 _______________________





To remove a file from disk. When you destroy a file, the operating system frees up all

the disk blocks the file uses and zeros the length byte in the file's directory entry. You

can destroy any file (except a volume directory file) whose destroy-enabled access

code bit is set to 1; subdirectory files must be empty before you can destroy them,



Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




C))rset Symbolic Name Result

+0 numparms I

+1 to +2 pathname I




Number of parameters (1)

Pointer to the pathname string


GS/OS Input



Cllrset Symbolic Name Result


+0 to + 1 pcount I

+2to +5 pathname I


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (1)

Pointer to the pathname string


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 1).

pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


pathname A pointer to a class 0 (ProDOS 8) or class 1 (GS/OS) string describ-

ing the pathname of the file to be destroyed. If the pathname

specified is not preceded by a separator (/ for ProDOS 8; / or : for

GS/OS), the operating system appends the name to the default prefix

(in GS/OS, this is the 0/ prefix) to create a full pathname.

If the pathname describes an extended file (storagetype = $05),

both forks are destroyed.


Command Descriptions 109


Common error codes:


$2B The disk is write-protected.


$40 The pathname contains invalid characters, or a full pathname was not

specified (and no default prefix has been set up). Verify that the

filenames and directory names specified in the pathname adhere to

the naming rnles described in Chapter 2 and, if a partial pathname

was specified, that a default prefix has been set up.


$44 A directory in the pathname was not found. Solution: Double-check

the spelling of the pathname, insert the disk containing the correct

directory, or change the default prefix.


$45 The volume directory was not found. Solution: Double-check the

spelling of the volume directory name, insert the correct disk, or

change the default prefix.


$46 The file was not found.


$4E The file cannot be accessed. Solution: Set the destroy-enabled bit of

the access code to 1 using SETFILEINFO.


$50 The file is open. You can destroy closed files only.

Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $10, $27, $4A, $4B, $52, $58.

Programming example:


Consider a situation in which the 0/prefix is /DEMOS/GAMES. To destroy a file that

has a full pathname of /DEMOS/GAMES/TRIVIA.BLITZ, you could use the follow-

ing GS/OS subroutine.


_Destroy DY_Parms


BCS Error



DY_Parms DC II']'


DC I4'PathName'


;Branch if error occurred


1 parameter


PathName GSString 'TRIVIA.BLITZ' ;Pathname (in ASCII)


Notice that it was not necessary to specify the fUll pathname in this program. GS/OS

automatically appends the name specified to the 01 prefix to create the fUll pathname

that it acts on.


The ProDOS file system does several things when it destroys a file. First, it zeros the

name - length byte in the file's directory entry. (This is the first byte in the entry.)

Then it frees up the disk blocks the file uses by setting the appropriate bits in the

volume bit map. Finally, it reads in the file's index blocks from disk, reverses the two

256-byte halves of each block (meaning the low-order block number appears in the


110 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands


upper half and the high-order block number appears in the lower half), and then

writes the blocks back to disk. (Versions of ProDOS 8 numbered 1.2 or lower actually

zeroed the index blocks, making it impossible for a utility program to recover a

deleted file.)


Note that you cannot destroy an extended file (storage ~ type = $05) with the

ProDOS 8 version of the DESTROY command. It can be destroyed only with the

GS/OS Destroy command.


Command Descriptions 111







To determine information about a device connected to the system.

There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



Cl)'set Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2 to +3 devnum I

+4to +7 devname R

+ 8 to + 9 characteristics R

+ 10 to +13 totalblocks R

+14 to +15 slotnum R

+16 to +17 umtnum R

+ 18 to + 19 version R

+20 to +21 deviceIDnum R

+22 to +23 headh.nk R

+24 to +25 forwardhnk R


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (10)

Device reference number

Pointer to the device name string

Device characteristics

Capacity of volume, in blocks

Slot number for device

Unit number for device

Device driver version number

Device ID number

First related device

Next related device


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 2; the maximum is 10.


dev - num The device's reference number.


dev - name A pointer to a class 1 output buffer in which GS/OS returns the


device name. A device name may be up to 31 characters long, so set

the buffer size word in the class 1 output buffer to 35 bytes.


characteristics The bits in this word reflect the characteristics of the device:


112 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


bit 15 1 = device is a RAMdisk or ROMdisk

bit 14 1 = device driver was generated

bit 13 [reserved]

bit II 1 = device is busy

bit]] [reserved]

bit 10 [reserved]

bit 9 device speed (high)

bit 8 device speed (low)

bit 7 1 = device is a block device

bit 6 1 = write is allowed

bit 5 1 = read is allowed

bit 4 [reserved]


bit 3 1 = format is allowed

bit I 1 = device contains removable media

bit] [reserved]

bit 0 [reserved]


Bits 9 and 8, the device speed bits, indicate the speed at which the

device can operate:


00 1 MHz device

01 1.6 MHz device

10 >1.6 MHz device

11 not speed dependent


total-blocks For a block device, the capacity of the volume in blocks. For a

character device, this field is zero.


slot - num The slot number of the firmware driver for the device.

unit - num The SmartPort unit number for the device.

version The version number of the device driver:


bits 15-II major version number

bits 11- primary minor version number

bits 7-4 secondary minor version number

bits 3-0 version type:


$0 = released final


$A = alpha

$B = beta


$E = experimental

$F = unreleased final


For example, version 2.12 beta would be represented by the version

word $212B.


device - ID - num This is a code number that identifies the device type:








5.25-inch disk drive

ProFile hard disk (5Mb)

ProFile hard disk (10Mb)

3.5-inch disk drive

generic SCSI device


Command Descriptions 113


$0005 SCSI hard disk

$0006 SCSI tape drive

$0007 SCSI CD-ROM drive

$0008 SCSI printer

$0009 serial modem

$000A console

$000B serial printer

$000C serial LaserWriter

$000D AppleTalk LaserWriter

$000E RAM Disk

$000F ROM Disk

$0010 file server

$0011 IBX telephone

$0012 Apple desktop bus device

$0013 generic hard disk drive

$0014 generic floppy disk drive

$0015 generic tape drive

$0016 generic character device

$0017 MFM-style floppy disk drive

$0018 generic AppleTalk network device

$0019 SCSI sequential access device

$001A SCSI scanner

$001B non-SCSI scanner

$001C SCSI LaserWriter

$001D AppleTalk main driver

$001E AppleTalk file service driver

$001F AppleTalk RPM driver


head - link This is a device number that is the first entry in a linked list of


device numbers. The devices in the list are related in that they each

have a distinct partition on the same disk medium. If head - link is

zero, there is no link.


forward - link This is a device number that is the next entry in a linked list of


device numbers. The devices in the list are related in that they each

have a distinct partition on the same disk medium. If forward - link

is zero, there is no link.


Common error codes:


$11 Invalid device reference number.

Another possible error code is $07.

Programming example:


You can use DInfo to determine the names of all the devices connected to the system.

To do this, make a series of calls to DInfo, incrementing dev - num by 1 after each

call, until DInfo returns an error code of $11 ("invalid device reference number"). The

first dev - num you pass to DInfo should be 1 since this is the device number GS/OS

assigns to the first device it finds when it boots up.


114 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


Keep in mind, however, that the number of active devices in the system may change

during program execution. For example, server volumes may come on line or go off

line at almost any time. As a result, if you're designing a program which has a "list

volumes" command, you should form the list each time the user requests it. It is not

good enough to form the list once at the beginning of the program.

Here is a GS/OS code fragment that shows how you might do this in an application:


LDA #1

STA DevNum


Get_Name _DInfo DI_Parms

BCS Exit


LDA DevName ;Get length word

XBA ;(Put low-order byte at

STA DevName beginning of string)

PushPtr DevName+1 (point to length byte)

_DrawString Display name in window

JSR CRLF ;(CRLF moves cursor to next line)

BRA Get_Name


Exit RTS


DC II' 10' ;The number of parameters


DevNum DC II' 1' ;Device number

DC I4'DevSpace' ;Pointer to device name buffer


DevSpace DC II'35' Size of buffer




DS 33 Name stored here


Call this subroutine after positioning the cursor with the Move or - MoveTo macro.

- DrawString is the macro for a QuickDraw II tool set fUnction that displays a

Pascal-like string (one preceded by a length byte) in the current window.


Command Descriptions 115







To perform low-level read operations on a GS/OS device.

Under ProDOS 8, use the READ BLOCK command instead.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



O[Cset Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2 to +3 devnum I

+4 to +7 buffer R

+8to +11 requestcount I

+ 12 to + 15 startingblock I

+16 to +17 blocksize I

+ 18 to +21 transfrr~count R


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (6)

Device reference number

Data buffer


Number of bytes to read

First block to read from

Number of bytes per block

Number of bytes actually read


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 6; the maximum is 6.


dev - num The device's reference number.


buffer A pointer to a class 0 output buffer into which the data is to be read.

request - count The number of bytes to read.


starting - block If the device is a block device, this is the number of the block to start


reading from. For character devices, this field is not used.

block size The size of a block in bytes.


transfer - count The number of bytes actually read from the device.

Common error codes:


$11 The device reference number is invalid.

$53 Parameter out of range.


116 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands


Another possible error code is $07.

Programming example:


For block-structured devices, DRead is most often used to read the contents of data

blocks on the disk volume. Here is a GS/OS subroutine you could use to read blocks 6

and 7 on a disk volume containing 512-byte blocks:


_DRead DR_Parms



DR_Parms DC II '6' ;The number of parameters

DC II'I' ;Device number

DC I4'Buffer'


DC I4' 1024' Read 1024 bytes


DC I4'100'

DC II'512'

DS 4


Buffer DS 1024


starting with block 100


512 bytes per block

;transfer_count result


Note that after DRead reads the 512 bytes in block 100, it proceeds to the next

higher-numbered block, 101, to read the next 512 bytes.


Command Descriptions 117




ProDOS 8





To determine the status of a GS/OS device.

There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +3 devnum I

+4to +5 statuscode I

+6to +9 R

+ 10 to + 13 requestcount I

+ 14 to + 17 transfercount R


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (5)

Device reference number

Control request code

Pointer to control list

Size of the control list

Number of bytes transferred


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 5; the maximum is 5.


dev - num The device's reference number.

status - code A code indicating what status request is to be made:


$0000 get device status

$0001 get configuration parameters

$0002 get wait/no-wait status

$0003 get format options

$0004 get partition status

$0005-$7FFF [reserved]


$8000-$FFFF device-specific status calls


status list This is a pointer to a class 0 buffer that holds any status data that the


status call may return.


request - count The number of status bytes to be returned in the status list.

transfer - count The actual number of bytes returned in the status list is returned here.


118 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


error codes:


I The device reference number is invalid.

Parameter out of range.

.1 possible error code is $07.


application should rarely have to use the DStatus command unless it is commu-

with the Console Driver (see Chapter 9). For a discussion of the standard

status commands, see GS/OS Reference Volume 2.


Command Descriptions 119







To perform low-level write operations on a GS/OS device.

Under ProDOS 8, use the WRITE - BLOCK command instead.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



O)l'set Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2 to +3 devnum I

+4to +7 buffer I

+8 to + 11 request-count I

+ 12 to + 15 startingblock I

+ 16 to +17 blocksize I

+ 18 to +21 transfercount R


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (6)

Device reference number

Data buffer


Number of bytes to write

First block to write to

Number of bytes per block

Number of bytes actually written


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 6; the maximum is 6.


dev - num



The device's reference number.


A pointer to a buffer in which the data to be written is stored.


requestcount The number of bytes to write.


starting - block

block size


If the device is a block device, this is the number of the block to start

writing to. For character devices, this field is not used.

The size of a block, in bytes.


transfer count The number of bytes actually written to the device.

Common error codes:


$11 The device reference number is invalid.

$53 Parameter out of range.


120 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


Another possible error code is $07.



This command is for low-level transfer of data to a character or block device. The file

system on the block device is not relevant.


Command Descriptions 121







To perform all disk block write operations that have not been made because a

write-deferral session is in progress. EndSession also terminates the current write-

deferral session.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



Offset Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (0)


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 0; the maximum is 0.


Common error codes:





You must call EndSession if your application began a disk-deferral session by calling

BeginSession and wants to close the session.


122 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands








To write to disk the boot record, volume bit map, and empty root directory for the

specified file system. Unlike Format, EraseDisk does not initialize the disk first, so

you can use it only with previously initialized disks.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command. Under ProDOS 8, you must use

WRITE - BLOCK to perform the required disk-write operations needed to erase a



Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



Offset Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +5 devname I

+6to +9 volname I

+10 to +11 Msysid R

+12 to +13 requestedfsys I




Number of parameters (4)

Pointer to the device name string

Pointer to the volume name string

ID code for selected file system

ID code for requested file system


Descriptions of parameters:


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 3; the maximum is 4.


dev - name A pointer to a class 1 device name string.

vol - name A pointer to a class 1 disk volume name string. The name must be


preceded by a slash.


file - sys - id If the requested - fsys field is zero, GS/OS displays a dialog box that


lets the user pick the file system to be used on the disk volume. On

return, the file - sys - id field indicates which file system was selected:


$01 = ProDOS/SOS

$02 = DOS 3.3

$03 = DOS 3.2/3.1

$04 = Apple II Pascal

$05 = Macintosh MFS


Command Descriptions 123


$06 = Macintosh HFS

$07 = Macintosh XL (LISA)

$08 = Apple CP/M

$09 = [never used]

$0A = MS-DOS


$0B = High Sierra (CD-ROM)

$0C = 1509660 (CD-ROM)


If GS/OS returns a zero in this field, the user canceled the operation.

requested - fsys This field contains the ID code for the file system to be written to


the disk volume. (The codes are the same as those described for

file - sys - id.) If the field is zero, GS/OS displays a dialog box that

lets the user pick his or her own file system; GS/OS returns the

selected ID in the file - sys - id field.

Common error codes:


$10 The specified device name does not exist.

$40 The volume name specified contains invalid characters or does not

start with a valid separator (1 or:).


$5D The specified file system is not supported.

Other possible error codes are $07, $11, $27.

Programming example:


Suppose you want to erase a disk whose device name is .APPLEDISK3.5A and give it

the name :BLANK. Here is the GS/OS subroutine to use:


EraseIt _EraseDisk ED_Parms




DC II '4'


DC I4'DevName'

DC I4'VolName'





The number of parameters

;Pointer to device name

Pointer to volume name



0 = let user pick


DevName GSString '.APPLEDISK3.5A'

'i-~w~ ~c+,'.,~ '.Dl


124 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 CommandsExpandPath






To convert a filename, partial pathname, or full pathname into a full pathname with

colon separators.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


GS/oS Input



C(rset Symbolic Name Result

+Oto +1 pcount I

+2to +5 inputpath I

+6to +9 output-path It

+10 to +11 flags I


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (3)

Pathname to be expanded

Pointer to expanded pathname

Uppercase conversion flag


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 2; the maximum is 3.


input - path Pointer to a class 1 pathname string that is to be expanded.

output - path Pointer to a class 1 output buffer where GS/OS returns the expanded




flags Bit 15 of this flag indicates whether lowercase characters are to be

converted to uppercase:


bit IS 1 = convert to uppercase characters


0 = don't convert characters


bits 14-0 must be zero

Common error codes:


$40 The pathname syntax is invalid.

$4F The class 1 output buffer is too small to hold the result.




The input - path parameter does not have to represent an existing filename on disk.


Command Descriptions 125









To force the operating system to write the contents of the data portion of a file's 110

buffer to disk and to update the file's directory entry. The operating system does this

without closing the file.


Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input



Cll'set Symbolic Name Result Description


+0 numparms I Number of parameters (1)

+ 1 ref num I Reference number for the file


GSIoS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result


+0 to + 1 pcount I

+2 to +3 refnum I


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (1)

Reference number for the file


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 1).

pcount The number of parameters in the GS/0S parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


ref num The reference number ProDOS 8 or GS/OS assigned to the file when


it was first opened.


If refnum is 0, all open files at or above the system file level are

flushed. To set the value of the file level under ProDOS 8, store the

value at LEVEL ($BF94). Under CSlOS, use the SetLevel command.

Common error codes:


$2B The disk is write-protected.


126 CS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


$43 The file reference number is invalid. You might be using a reference

number for a file that you've already closed.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $27, $48.

Programming example:


To flush all open ProDOS 8 files at or above file level 2, use the FLUSH command

with ref num equal to 0 and LEVEL ($BF94) equal to 2. Here's the code:


LDA #2











0FB 0


Set LEVEL to 2



Address of parameter table

;Branch if error occurred


The # of parameters


reference number = 0 (close all files)


Command Descriptions 127







To format a disk and write out the boot record, volume bit map, and empty root

directory for the specified disk operating system.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command. Under ProDOS 8, You must use a utility

program like System Utilities to format a disk.

Parameter table:


GSlOS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +5 devname I

+6 to +9 volname I

+10 to +11 file~sys~id It

+ 12 to + 13 requestedfi;ys I


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (4)


Pointer to the device name string

Pointer to the volume name string

ID code for selected file system

ID code for requested file system


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 3; the maximum is 4.


dev - name A pointer to a class 1 device name string.


vol - name A pointer to a class 1 disk volume name string. The name must be


preceded by a slash.


file - sys - id If the requested - fsys field is zero, GS/OS displays a dialog box that


lets the user pick the file system to be used on the disk volume. On

return, the file - sys - id field indicates which file system was selected:


$01 = ProDOS/SOS


$02 = DOS 3.3

$03 = DOS 3.2/3.1


$04 = Apple II Pascal

$05 = Macintosh MFS

$06 = Macintosh HFS

$07 = Macintosh XL (LISA)


128 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


$08 = Apple CP/M

$09 = [never used]

$0A = MS-DOS


$0B = High Sierra (CD-ROM)

$0C = 1509660 (CD-ROM)


If CS/OS returns a zero in this field, the user canceled the operation.

requested - fsys This field contains the ID code for the file system to be written to


the disk volume. (The codes are the same as those described for

file - sys - id.) If the field is zero, CS/OS displays a dialog box that

lets the user pick his or her own file system; GS/OS returns the

selected ID in the file - sys - id field.


Common error codes:


$10 The specified device name does not exist.

$40 The volume name specified contains invalid characters or does not

start with a valid separator (/ or :).


$5D The specified file system is not supported.

Other possible error codes are $07, $11, $27.

Programming example:


See the example given for the EraseDisk command. The only change to make is to

replace the ~ EraseDisk macro with the Format macro.


Command Descriptions 129







To perform operations which are unique to a particular file system translator.

There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command. ProDOS 8 does not use file system



Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



C))cset Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2 to +3 file~sysid I

+4 to +5 commandnum I

+6to +7/9 command~parm I/It




Number of parameters (3)

File system ID code


FST-specific command number

Command parameter or result


Descriptions of parameters:


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 3; the maximum is 3.


file - sys - id This field indicates the file system that the FST implements:


$01 = ProDOS/SOS


$02 = DOS 3.3

$03 = DOS 3.2/3.1

$04 = Apple II Pascal

$05 = Macintosh MFS

$06 = Macintosh HFS

$07 = Macintosh XL (LISA)

$08 = Apple CP/M

$09 = Character FST

$0A = MS-DOS


$0B = High Sierra z(CD-ROM)

$0C = 1509660 (CD-ROM)


This field contains an FST-specific command code.


130 GS/0S and ProDOS 8 Commands


command - parm This can be either an Input or a Result field, depending on com-

mand - num. Its meaning depends on which FST you are communi-

cating with.


Common error codes:


$53 Invalid parameter.

Other possible error codes are $04, $54.



This command is for performing operations unique to a particular file system. The

nature of these operations varies from one FST to another. Consult the technical

description of the FST you want to deal with for an explanation of the FSTSpecific

calls it supports.


Command Descriptions 131







To determine the name of the disk volume from which the GS/OS operating system

was booted.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command. ProDOS 8 does not keep track of the

name of the disk it was booted from.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



O(rset Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2 to +5 vol~name It




Number of parameters (1)

Pointer to the volume name string


Note: The volume name CetBootVol returns is the same as the name GS/OS assigns to

the ~/ prefix when it first boots up.


Descriptions of parameters:


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


vol - name A pointer to a class 1 output buffer in which CS/OS returns the disk


volume name (preceded and followed by a pathname separator). The

output buffer should be 35 bytes long.

Common error codes:



Another possible error code is $07.

Programming example:


An application never really needs to know the actual name of the GS/OS boot volume.

If it needs to define a pathname on the boot volume, it should use the */ shorthand

notation to identify the root directory.


It may be convenient, however, to display the name for information or when debug-

ging. Here is a GS/OS subroutine that shows how to use GetBootVol:

Get_Boot _GetBootVol GBV_Farms



132 CS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


Parms AH0P

PC I2'1' The number of parameters

PC I4'BootSpace' Pointer to output buffer


~tSpace PC I2'35'


~tName PS 33 Space for name


exit from the subroutine, the name is stored at BootName, preceded by a length word.


Command Descriptions 133








To determine the starting address of the 1024-byte 1/0 buffer an open file uses.

There is no equivalent GS/OS command. CS/OS takes care of all buffer-management

operations internally.

Parameter table:


Pro DOS 8


bet Symbolic Name


+0 num~parms

+ 1 ref~num

+2to +3 io~bufler





Result Description


Descriptions of parameters:


I Number of parameters (2)

I Reference number for the file

It Pointer to 1/0 buffer


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 2).

ref~ num The reference number ProDOS 8 assigned to the file when it was


first opened.


io - buffer A pointer to the 1024-byte file buffer used by the open file. The


low-order byte of this pointer is always $00. (That is, the buffer

begins on a page boundary.)

Common error codes:


$43 The file reference number is invalid. You might be using a reference

number for a file that you've already closed.


Another possible error code is $04.

Programming example:


You can use the following program to determine the address ~f the file buffer for file 2.

After the GETS BUF command executes, the address will be stored at BUFFPTR.











;Address of parameter table

Branch if error occurred


134 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


PARMTBL PFB 2 The # of parameters

PFB 2 File reference number


BUFFPTR PS 2 Buffer address is returned here


Command Descriptions 135








To determine the device reference number corresponding to a specified device name

or volume name.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +5 dev~name I


+6 to +7 dev~num It




Number of parameters (2)

Pointer to device/volume name



Device reference number


Descriptions of parameters:


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 2.


dev - name A pointer to a class 1 device name string or the class 1 volume name


string. A volume name must be preceded by a pathname separator.


dev - nun'


The device's reference number.


Note: If dev - name points to a volume name, the dev - num GS/OS returns repre-

sents the current device reference number for the volume. The volume's dev - num

will change if the disk is removed and placed in another disk drive.


Common error codes:


$10 The specified device name does not exist.


$40 The volume name specified contains invalid characters or does not

start with a valid separator (/or :).


$45 The disk with the specified volume name can't be found, or the

name, although preceded by a separator, is otherwise invalid.

Other possible error codes are $07, $11.


136 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


Programming example:


Here is a GS/OS code fragment you can use to determine the device reference

number for a disk whose name is /APPLEWOItKS.GS:


GetPevNumber GPN_Parms



GPN_Parms AN0P

PC I2'2' The number of parameters

PC I4'VolName'


PS 2 ;Pevice ref number returned here


VolName GSString '/APPLEW0RKS.GS'


Don't forget to include a leading slash (or colon) in the volume name.


Command Descriptions 137







To read an open directory file. GS/OS returns entries that contain informatiop about

the files in a directory.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command. Under ProDOS 8, you must open the

directory file, read it into memory, and interpret the data yourself. This requires an

understanding of the structure of a directory file. See Chapter 2.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



Olfset Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +3 ref~num I

+4 to +5 flags It

+6to +7 base I

+8to +9 displacement I

+ 10 to +13 namebufler I

+ 14 to + 15 entry~num It

+16 to +17 file-type It

+18 to +21 eof It

+22 to +25 block-count It

+26 to +33 create~td It

+34 to +41 modify~td It

+42 to +43 access It

+44 to +47 auxtype It

+48 to +49 file~sys~id It

+50 to +53 option-list It

+54 to +57 res~eof It

+58 to +61 res~block~count It




Number of parameters (17)

Reference number for the file

Extended file flag


Base code

Displacement code

Pointer to name buffer

Absolute directory entry number

File type code

Size of the file


Number of blocks file uses


Time and date of creation

Time and date of modification

Access code


Auxiliary type code

Operating system ID code

Pointer to option list

Size of the resource fork

Number of blocks resource fork uses


138 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 CommandsDescriptions of parameters:


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 5; the maximum is 15.


ref~ num The reference number GS/OS assigned to the directory file when it


was first opened.


Bags Bit 15 of this word indicates whether the file represented by the current

directory entry is an extended file (bit 15 = 1) or not (bit 15 = 0).


base This code tells GS/OS how to calculate the number of the next

directory entry to read. If base = 0, displacement is an absolute

directory entry; if base = 1, GS/OS adds displacement to the current

entry number to get the next entry number; if base = 2, GS/OS

subtracts displacement from the current entry number to get the

next entry number. Note that GS/OS sets the current entry number

to 0 when it first opens a file and updates it each time the application

calls GetDirEntry.


If base = 0, this represents the absolute number of the directory

entry to be returned. Otherwise, it represents the displacement to

the next directory entry to be returned, which can be positive or

negative, depending on the value of base.


Note that if base and displacement are both zero, GS/OS returns in

the entry - num field the total number of active entries in the subdi-

rectory. It also sets the current entry number to the first entry in the



To step through the directory one entry at a time, set both base and

displacement to 1 and keep calling GetDirEntry until error $61 (end

of directory) occurs.


bufler A pointer to a class 1 output buffer in which GS/OS stores the

filename it finds in the directory entry. For volumes formatted for

the ProDOS file system, the buffer size should be 19 bytes (15 for

the name bytes, 2 for the length word, and 2 for the buffer size

word). Since GetDirEntry could also be used to read directories of

foreign operating systems that use longer filenames (such as Macin-

tosh HFS or CD-ItOM High Sierra), you might want to make the

buffer even larger.


If the output buffer you provide is too small, GetDirEntry returns as

much of the name as will fit in the buffer, but returns the actual length.


- num The absolute directory entry number of the current entry.

file - type A code indicating the type of data the file holds. See Table 2-5 for a


description of the ProDOS file type codes.


Command Descriptions 139


eof A value that holds the current EOF position. This value is equal to

the size of the file (in bytes). If the file is an extended file, this field

relates to the data lork of the file only.


block - count This field contains the total number of blocks used by the file for data


storage and index blocks. If the file is an extended file, this field

relates to the data fork of the file only.


create - td The time and date of creation. These 8 bytes represent the following


parameters in the following order:





hour in 24-hour military format

year year minus 1900

day day of month minus 1

month 0 = January, 1 = February, and so on

[not used]


weekday 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, and so on


Note: This format is the same as the one used by the ReadTimeHex

function in the IIcs's Miscellaneous Tool Set but is different from

the one used in a standard file entry for the ProDOS file system.


modify - td The time and date of last modification. The ordering of these 8 bytes


is the same as for create - time.


access This field contains several 1-bit codes defining the access attributes

of the file. See Figure 2-10 for a description of these bits.


aux - type This is the auxiliary type code. The meaning of the code depends on


the file type code and on the program that created the file in the first

place. For SYS, BIN, BAS, and VAIt files, it is a default loading

address; for TXT files, it is a record length; for SItC files, it is an

APW language type code.


file - sys - id The file system identification code. The currently defined values are


$00 = [reserved]


$01 = ProDOS/SOS

$02 = DOS 3.3

$03 = DOS 3.2/3.1

$04 = Apple II Pascal

$05 = Macintosh MFS

$06 = Macintosh HFS

$07 = Macintosh XL (LISA)

$08 = Apple CP/M

$09 = [reserved]

$0A = MS-DOS


140 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


$0B = High Sierra (CD-ROM)

$0C = 1509660 (CD-ItOM)


All other values are reserved.


n - list A pointer to a class 1 output buffer where GS/OS returns file infor-

mation unique to the file system translator used to access the file.

- eof A value that holds the current EOF position of the resource fork of


an extended file. This value is equal to the size of the resource fork of

the file (in bytes).


block-count This field contains the total number of blocks used by the resource

fork of an extended file for data storage and for index blocks.

error codes:


The name buffer is too small to hold the filename.

End of directory. When you receive this error, close the subdirectory

file you opened before calling GetDirEntry.


possible error codes are $07, $27, $43, $4A, $41a, $52, $53, $58.




is a GS/OS subroutine that displays the names of all the files in a given


by repeatedly calling GetDirEntry. On entry to the subroutine, the

'pointer to the subdirectory pathname must be in the A (high word) and X

word) registers.


STX Name_Ptr Set up pointer to pathname

STA Name_Ptr+2


Open Open_Prms Open the subdirectory file

LPA ref num

STA ref_num1

STA ref_num2


Pir _GetPirEntry GPE_Parms

BCS Exit


LPA NameBuff+2



STA NameBuff+2


PushPtr NameBuff+3





Put length in high byte

so it's just before the



Point to length byte

;Pisplay filename


Move to start of next line


Command Descriptions 141


BRA Read Pir


Exit _Close Close_Prms Close subdirectory file



Open_Prms ANOP

PC 12'2' The number of parameters


ref_num PS 2 ;Reference number

Name_Ptr PS 4 ;Pointer to subdir pathname


Close_Prms ANOP

PC 12' 1'


ref num1 PS 2




PC 12'S'


ref_num2 PS 2 ;reference number

PS 2 ;flags

PC 12' 1' Base = "increment"

PC 12' 1' ;displacement = +1

PC 14' NameBuff' Pointer to name buffer


NameBuff PC 12' 19' ;Buffer size

PS 2 ;Length

PS 15 ;Filename




Notice that the values for base and displacement are both set to 1 in the GetDirEntry

parameter table so that all active entries in the directory will be returned as Get-

DirEntry is called again and again. The read loop ends when GetDirEntry returns an

error. (This will normally be error code $61 - "end of directory.")

Also notice the trickery used to set up a standard Pascal-type string for - DrawString

to act on. Pascal strings are preceded by a single length byte, but the length in the

GetDirEntry name buffer occupies 2 bytes. The low-order length byte is stored at

Name - Buff+ 3 to set up the Pascal-type string. The subroutine assumes that the file

name will not exceed 255 characters.


142 CS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands








To determine the value of the current end-of-file pointer (EOF) of an open file. This

value represents the size of the file.


Parameter table:


Pro DOS 8 Input




O(rset Symbolic Name Result Description


+ 0 num - parms I Number of parameters (2)

+ 1 ref~num I Reference number for the file

+ 2 to + 4 eof It The end-of-file position


GS/OS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result Description


+ 0 to + 1 pcount I Number of parameters (2)

+ 2 to + 3 ref~ num I Reference number for the file

+ 4 to + 7 eof It The end-of-file position


Descriptions of parameters:


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 2).


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 2; the maximum is 2.


ref~num The reference number ProDOS 8 or GS/OS assigned to the file when

it was first opened.


eof A value that holds the current EOF position. This value is equal to

the size of the file (in bytes).


Command Descriptions 143


Common error codes:


$43 The file reference number is invalid. You might be using a reference

number for a file that you've already closed.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07.

Programming example:


Use the GetEOF command to quickly determine how big an open file is. For example,

after you call this GS/OS subroutine, the size of open file #1 is stored at Position

(low-order bytes first):

GetEOF GE Parms


BCS Error



GE_Parms PC 12'2'

PC I2'1'


Position PS 4


;Branch if error occurred

The # of parameters

File reference number

;Current EOF position


144 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands




retrieve the information stored in a file's directory entry. This includes the access


file type code, auxiliary type code, storage type code, the number of blocks the

uses, and the date and time the file was created and last modified.







Symbolic Name Result

num~parms I


to +2 pathname I


access It

file-type It


to +6 aux~type It


storage-type It


to +9 blocks-used It

to +11 modify-date It

to +13 modifytime It

to +15 createdate It

to +17 create-time It




Number of parameters (10)

Pointer to the pathname string

Access code

File type code

Auxiliary type codea

Storage type code

Blocks used by the filea

Modification date

Modification time

Creation date

Creation time


pathname points to the name of a volume directory rather than the name of a standard file, the

size (in hlocks) is returned in the aux - type field, and the uumher of hlocks currently in use hy all

the volume is returned in the blocks - used field.


Command Descriptions 145


GS/OS Input



-set Symbolic Name Result Description

+0 to + 1 pcount I Number of parameters (12)

+ 2 to + 5 pathname I Pointer to the pathname string

+ 6 to + 7 access It Access code

+8to +9 filetype It File type code

+ 10 to + 13 auxtype It Auxiliary type code

+ 14 to + 15 storage - type It Storage type code

+ 16 to + 23 create - td It Creation time and date

+ 24 to + 31 modify - td It Modification time and date

+ 32 to + 35 option - list It Pointer to option list

+36 to +39 eof It Size of the file

+40 to +43 blocksused It Blocks used by the file

+ 44 to + 47 resource - eof It Size of resource fork

+ 48 to + 51 resource blocks It Blocks used by resource fork


Descriptions of parameters:

num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always




pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 12.


pathname A pointer to a class 0 (ProDOS 8) or class 1 (GS/OS) string describ-

ing the pathname of the file to be used. If the pathname specified is

not preceded by a separator (/for ProDOS 8; / or : for GS/OS), the

operating system appends the name to the default prefix (in GS/OS,

this is the 0/ prefix) to create a full pathname.


access This field contains several 1-bit codes that define the access at-

tributes of the file. See Figure 2-10 for a description of these bits.


file-type This code indicates the type of data the file holds. See Table 2-5 for

a description of the ProDOS file type codes.


aux - type This is the auxiliary type code. The meaning of the code depends on


the file type code and on the program that created the file in the first


146 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


place. For 5Y5, BIN, BAS, and VAR files, it is a default loading

address; for TXT files, it is a record length; for SRC files, it is an

APW language type code.


Exception: Under ProDOS 8, if the pathuame is a volume direc-

tory name, aux - type holds the volume size (in blocks).

storage - type This code describes the physical organization of the file on the




$01 = seedling file

$02 = sapling file

$03 = tree file


$04 = Pascal region on a partitioned disk

$05 = extended file


$0D = directory file (linked list)

$0F = volume directory file (linked list)


block5 - used This field contains the total number of blocks used by the file for


data storage and index blocks. (Use GetEOF to determine the

number of bytes in a file.) If the file is an extended file, this is the

number of blocks used by the data fork only. This field is unde-

fined for a GS/OS subdirectory file.


Exception: Under ProDOS 8, if the pathname field points to a

volume directory name, blocks - used contains the number of

blocks in use on the disk by all files.


modify - date This field contains the date (year, month, day) the file was last


modified. Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the format of these



modify - time This field contains the time (hour, minute) the file was last modi-

fied. Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the format of these bytes.


ereate~date This field contains the date (year, month, day) the file was created.

Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the format of these bytes.

create - time This field contains the time (hour, minute) the file was created.


Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the format of these bytes.


create - td The time and date of creation. These eight bytes represent the


following parameters in the following order:





hour in 24-hour military format

year year minus 1900

day day of month minus 1

month 0 = January, 1 = February, and so on

[not used]


weekday 1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, and so on


Command Descriptions 147


Note: This format is the same as the one used by the ReadTimeHex

function in the IIcs's Miscellaneous Tool Set, but is different from

the one used in a standard directory entry for the ProDOS file



modify~td The time and date of last modification. The ordering of these eight

bytes is the same as for create - td.


option - list A pointer to a class 1 output buffer where GS/OS returns file infor-

mation unique to the file system translator used to access the file.


eof The size of the file in bytes. If the file is an extended file, this is the size

of the data fork only. This field has no meaning for a subdirectory file.

resource - eof If the file is an extended file, this is the size of the resource fork.

resource-blocks If the file is an extended file, this is the number of blocks the

resource fork uses on disk.


Common error codes:


$40 The pathname contains invalid characters, or a full pathname was not

specified (and no default prefix has been set up). Verify that the

filenames and directory names specified in the pathname adhere to

the naming rules described in Chapter 2 and, if a partial pathname

was specified, that a default prefix has been set up.


$44 A directory in the pathname was not found. Solution: Double-check

the spelling of the pathname, insert the disk containing the correct

directory, or change the default prefix.


$45 The volume directory was not found. Solution: Double-check the

spelling of the volume directory name, insert the correct disk, or

change the default prefix.


$46 The file was not found.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $27, $4A, $4B, $52, $53, $58.

Programming example:


See the example given for the SetFileInfo command.


148 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands







ProDOS 8




To get general information about the characteristics of a GS/OS file system translator.

There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.


Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



Olfset Symbolic Name Result

+0 to + 1 pcount I

+2 to +3 FST~num I

+4 to +5 M~sys~id It

+6 to +9 FST~name It

+10 to +11 version It

+ 12 to + 13 attributes It

+ 14 to + 15 block-size It

+16 to +19 max~volsize It

+20 to +23 max~filesize It


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (8)

FST reference number

File system ID

Pointer to FST name

FST version number

FST attributes

FST block size

FST volume size

FST file size


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 8.


FST - num The FST reference number. GS/OS assigns consecutive reference


numbers, beginning with 1, to the FSTs it finds in the system.

file - sys - id The identification code for the file system that the FST supports:


$01 = ProDOS/SOS

$02 = DOS 3.3

$03 = DOS 3.2/3.1

$04 = Apple II Pascal

$05 = Macintosh MFS

$06 = Macintosh HFS

$07 = Macintosh XL (LISA)


Command Descriptions 149


$08 Apple CP/M

$09 = Character FST

$0A = MS-DOS


$0B = High Sierra (CD-ROM)

$0C = 1509660 (CD-ROM)


FST~name A pointer to class 1 output buffer where GS/OS returns the name of

the file system translator.


version The version number of the file system translator:


bit 15 1 = prototype version


0 = final version


bits 14-8 major version number

bits 7-0 minor version number


attributes The attributes of the file system translator:


bit IS 1 = FST wants filenames in uppercase

bit 14 1 = character FST; 0 = block FST

bit 12 1 = FST wants the characters in


filenames to have the high-order

bit clear


block-size The size (in bytes) of the blocks the FST handles.

max~vol~size The maximum size (in blocks) of the disk volumes the FST handles.

max - file - size The maximum size (in bytes) of the files the FST handles.

Common error codes:


$53 Parameter out of range. GS/OS returns this error if the FST refer-

ence number does not exist.


Another possible error code is $07.



GS/OS provides no simple way to determine how many FSTs are active. To get

information on all FSTs, keep calling GetFSTInfo with successively higher FST -

num values (beginning at 1) until GS/OS returns an error code of $53.


150 CS/OS and ProDOS 8 CommandsGetLevel






To determine the value of the system file level.


z There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command. The system file level is stored at LEVEL

($BF94) in the ProDOS 8 system global page.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



O)(ket Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2 to +3 level It


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (1)

The system file level


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


level The value of the system file level. The values that can be returned

range from $0000 to $00FF.

Common error codes:



Another possible error code is $07.

Programming example:


Here is a GS/OS subroutine for returning the system file level number:


_Get Level GL_Parms




PC 12' 1' The number of parameters


theLevel PS 2 ;System file level returned here


Command Descriptions 151



$2017 $CF




To determine the value of the current position-in-file pointer (Mark) of an open file.

Subsequent read or write operations take place at this position.

Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




bet Symbolic Name Result Description


+ 0 num - parms I Number of parameters (2)

+ 1 ref~num I Reference number for the file

+ 2 to + 4 position It The current Mark position


GS/OS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result


+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +3 ref~num I

+4to +7 position It


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (2)

Reference number for the file

The current Mark position


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 2).

pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 2; the maximum is 2.


ref num The reference number ProDOS 8 or GS/OS assigned to the file when


it was first opened.


position The current Mark position in bytes.

Common error codes:


$43 The file reference number is invalid. You might be using a reference

number for a file that you've already closed.


152 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


Other possible error codes are $04, $07.

Programming example:


Here is a ProDOS 8 subroutine that reads and displays the current Mark position of

an open file:










JSR PRBYTE Print high part (PRBYTE=$FPPA)



JSR PRBYTE Print mid part



JSR PRBYTE ;Print low part

LPA #$8P


JSR COUT ;Followed by CR (COUT=$FPEP)



PARMTBL PFB 2 ;The # of parameters




Address of parameter table

Branch if error occurred




PFB 1 ;File reference number

PS 3 ;Current Mark position


The system Monitor subroutine called PRBYTE ($FDDA) prints the byte in the

~umulator as two hexadecimal digits.


Command Descriptions 153







To determine the name of the application currently running.

There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command. Under ProDOS 8, you can deduce the

name by examining the pathname or partial pathname stored at $280 when the

application starts up.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



O(rset Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +5 data~bufler It


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (1)


Pointer to application name string


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


data - buffer A pointer to a class 1 output buffer where the name of the curren


application is to be returned. The name is an ASCII string preceded

by a length word. The output buffer should be 35 bytes long to

accommodate the longest filename you might encounter. (Macintosh

filenames can be up to 31 characters long.)

Common error codes:



Other possible error codes are $07, $4F.

Programming example:


A running application sometimes needs to be able to determine what its name is. It

would need to know this, for example, if it had to transfer a copy of itself to a RAM disk

when it was started up. The application shouldn't assume a specific name because the

user may have renamed the application.

Here is how to determine the name of the application:


GetName GN_Parms



154 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands



PC II' 1' The number of parameters

PC 14' NameSpace' Pointer to class I buffer


NameSpace PC I2'35' Size of buffer


TheName PS


33 ,Space for class I name string


GetName returns the filename only, preceded by a length word. The subdirectory it

resides in is given by the 1/ prefix, provided the application, or a desk accessory,

hasn't changed it since the application was launched. Use GetPrefix to determine the

specific value of this prefix.


Command Descriptions 155











ProDOS 8


To determine the name of the default prefix (ProDOS 8) or any of the 32 GS/OS

prefixes (0/ through 31/).

Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




bet Symbolic Name Result

+0 num~parms 1

+1to +2 prefix R




Number of parameters (1)

Pointer to prefix name string


GS/OS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result


+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +3 prefix~num I

+4to +7 prefix R




Number of parameters (2)

Prefix number (0 to 31)


Pointer to prefix name string


Note: The GS/OS GetPrefix command uses the colon as a separator character in the

prefix strings which it returns. In addition, if the prefix name used with SetPrefix

contained lowercase characters, GetPrefix does not convert them to uppercase (but the

ProDOS 8 GETS PREFIX command does).


Descriptions of parameters:


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 1).


prefix A pointer to a class 0 (ProDOS 8) or class 1 (GS/OS) output buffer in

which the operating system returns the prefix name. The name is in

ASCII and is preceded and followed by a pathname separator char-

acter (/for ProDOS 8; / or : for GS/OS).


For ProDOS 8, the buffer must be 67 bytes long to accommodate the

longest possible prefix that might be active (64 characters) plus the

preceding length byte and the two separator characters.


156 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands


For GS/OS, a pathname can be up to 8K in size, but it is rare to

encounter any longer than 67 characters. You should set the class 1

buffer length word to 69 when you call GetPrefix; if the buffer isn't

big enough, GS/OS returns error code $4F, and you can call the

command again using the length word returned after the buffer size

length word.


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 2; the maximum is 2.


prefix - num


The GS/OS prefix number (0 to 31). This is a binary number, not an

ASCII number string followed by a slash.


Common error codes:


$56 The pathname buffer address is invalid because it has been marked

as in use in the ProDOS 8 system bit map. Specify a buffer address

that does not conflict with areas already used by ProDOS 8 or its file

buffers. Examine the system bit map to determine the free and

protected areas.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $4F, $53.

Programming example:


This GS/OS subroutine gets the 7/ prefix and stores it in the buffer beginning at

PathName (preceded by a length word):


_GetPrefix GP_Parms


BCS Error Branch if error occurred



GP Parms PC I2'2'


PC I2'7' Get prefix 71

PC I4'PathBuff'


PathBuff PC 12'69' Size of buffer

PathNamePS 67


Note that if a 7/prefix has not yet been set up (with SetPrefix), the prefix length word

returned by GetPrefix will be zero.


Command Descriptions 157







To determine the state of the system preferences status word.

There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



O(rset Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2 to +3 preferences I


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (1)

System preferences


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


preferences The system preferences status word:


bit IS I = display mount volume dialog


0 = don't display the dialog


Common error codes:





GS/OS commands that have pathnames as input parameters normally display a mount

volume dialog box (to ask the user to insert a specified disk volume) if the commands

can t find the volume they are expecting. If the application wants to handle "volume

not found" errors itself it can use SetSysPrefs to clear bit 15 of the preferences word.


158 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands







To read the date and time from the system clock into the ProDOS 8 system global

page at DATE ($BF90-$BF91) and TIME ($BF92-$BF93).

There is no equivalent GS/OS command. Use the ReadAsciiTime and ReadTimeHex

functions in the IIcs's Miscellaneous Tool Set instead. Sec Chapter 8.

Parameter table:


[no parameter table, but the caller must point to a dummy table]

Common error codes:



Programming example:


When you use this command, the current date (year, month, day) and time (hour,

minute) are stored in a reserved area of the ProDOS 8 system global page from $BF90

to $BF93. The date is stored in the DATE locations ($BF90 and $BF91), and the time

is stored in the TIME locations ($BF92 and $BF93) in the special packed format

described in Figure 8-1 of Chapter 8.


Note, however, that GET-TIME returns the time only if a ProDOS-compatible

clock, like the built-in II&s clock, Thunderware Thunderclock, Prometheus Versacard,

or Applied Engineering Timemaster H.O., is installed. When ProDOS 8 first starts up,

it installs a special clock driver for reading these types of cards. (We see how to install

custom clock drivers in Chapter 8.)


The subroutine to use to read the current date and time is very simple since no

parameter table is required and no errors can occur. Here it is:






PA $0000 Dummy parameter table



Notice the use of a dummy parameter table pointer of $0000.


Command Descriptions 159







To return the GS/OS version number.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command. Under ProDOS 8, the minor release

number is stored at $BFFF in the ProDOS 8 system global page. The major release

number is always 1.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



bet Symbolic Name Result

+0 to +1 pcount I

+2 to +3 version R


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (1)

GS/OS version number


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


version The version of the GS/OS operating system currently in use. The

low-order byte contains the minor release number, and the high-

order byte contains the major release number. (This means, for

example, that version 2.1 would be represented by $0201.) Bit 7 of

the high-order byte is 1 if the release is a prototype (beta) version.


Common error codes:



Another possible error code is $07.

Programming example:


Here is a subroutine that will print out the GS/OS version number in ASCII in the

current desktop window:


Show_Vers START


GetVersion GV_Parms

LPA Version




Get version word


;(Save two copies on stack)


160 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands






ORA ,'$0O30




PushWord ,'$2E





ORA #$0030





BPL Exit


PushWord ,i'$7O



Exit RTS




Version PS 2



Swap high/low


Isolate major version

Convert to ASCII




Get version word back

Isolate minor version

;Convert to ASCII


;Get version word back

;Branch if prototype bit not I


;'p' for prototype


The number of parameters

;Version word returned here


This subroutine works only if the major and minor version numbers are less than 10.


Command Descriptions 161









To enable or disable newline read mode. When you enable newline read mode,

subsequent read operations automatically terminate once the specified character (the

newline character) has been read. When you disable newline read mode, read opera-

tions terminate when the end-of-file position is reached or the requested number of

characters has been read.


Parameter table:

ProDOS 8


bet Symbolic Name


+0 numparms

+1 ref~num

+2 enable-mask

+3 neMne~char





Result Description


I Number of parameters (3)

I Reference number for the file

I Newline enable mask

I Newline character







bet Symbolic Name


+ 0 to + 1 pcount

+2 to +3 ref~num

+4 to +5 enaM~mask

+6to +7 num~chars

+8to +11 newline~table


Result Description


Descriptions of parameters:


I Number of parameters (4)

I Reference number for the file

I Newline enable mask

I Number of characters in table

I Pointer to newline character table


num~parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 3).

ref~ num The reference number ProDOS 8 or GS/OS assigned to the file when


it was first opened.


162 CS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commandsenable - mask This value is logically ANDed with each byte subsequently read from


the file. If the result of the AND operation is the same as newline - char

(or, for CS/OS, any of the characters in newline - table), the read

request terminates; otherwise, the read continues normally.

Exception: If enable - mask is zero, newline read mode is disabled, and

read operations are not affected.


newline - char The value of the newline character. Read requests automatically


terminate if the logical AND of enable - mask and the character

being read equals newline - char.


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 3; the maximum is 3.


num - chars The number of characters in the newline character table. If enable -


mask is not zero num_chars cannot be zero.


newlinetable A pointer to a table of active GS/OS newline characters. Each character

occupies one byte in the table and the table can be up to 256 bytes long.

Common error codes:


$43 The file reference number is invalid. You might be using a reference

number for a file that you've already closed.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07.

Programming example:


A common situation is one where you want to read one line at a time from a textfile.

Since each line in a standard ProDOS textfile is terminated by $0D, the ASCII code

for the carriage return character, you could simply set enable - mask equal to $~F and

the newline character to $0D before executing the Newline command. But some

applications may use the negative ASCII code for the carriage return character ($8D)

for an end-of-line character. If you want to terminate a read operation for either $0D

or $8D, use a newline character of $0D and set the enable - mask to $7F.

Here is a GS/OS subroutine that sets the $0D/$8D newline read mode for you:


NewLine NL_Parms

BCS Error



PARMTBL DC 12 '4' ;4 parameters

DC I2'1' File reference number (#1 assumed)

DC I2'$7F' enable_mask


DC 12' 1' Number of newline characters




DC 14'NL_Table' Pointer to table

DC I1'$OD' Carriage return


Command Descriptions 163







To execute pending events in the GS/OS signal queue and the Schedulers task queue.

There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:




bet Symbolic Name


+ 0 to + 1 pcount





Result Description


Meanings of parameters:


I Number of parameters (0)


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 0; the maximum is 0.


Common error codes:





As explained in Chapter 6, some interrupt handlers place events in the GS/OS signal

queue to ensure that they are dealt with when the system isn't busy. They can also

place tasks into the Scheduler tool set's task queue if they wish.

The events in the signal and task queues are normally processed when a GS/OS

command ends or, if no GS/OS commands are being used, every sixtieth of a second,

in response to a task triggered by a vertical blanking interrupt.

If your application isn't making CS/OS commands for extended periods, and inter-

rupts are disabled, it should call the Null command periodically so that signal queue

and task queue events may be processed.


164 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands







To determine the volume directory name of a specific disk or the names of all active

ProDOS 8 volumes.


Under CS/OS, use the Volume command instead.

Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




O(fret Symbolic Name Result Description


+ 0 num - parms I Number of parameters (2)

+ 1 umtnum I Unit number

+2 to +3 data~bufier 1 Pointer to data buffer


Descriptions of parameters:


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 2).

unit - num The slot and drive number for the disk drive to be accessed. The


format of this byte is as follows:


ProDOS 8 assigns a drive number of1 or 2 to each drive in the system.

DR 0 for drive 1, and DR = 1 for drive 2. SLOT is usually the actual

slot number for the disk controller card (1-7 decimal; 001-111 binary)

but may be the number of a phantom, or logical, slot.

The unit - num value for the ~M volume is $B0, meaning it is the

logical slot 3, drive 2 device.

Exception: If unit - num is 0, the volume names of all drives are re-



data - buffer A pointer to a buffer containing the volume name information for the


specified drive. If unit - num is 0, the volume names of all drives are

returned. Each volume name entry is 16 bytes long.

The first byte of each 16-byte record contains the drive and slot

number for the disk volume and the length of its volume name in the

following format:


Command Descriptions 165


7 6 $ 4 3 2 1 0

DR SLOT [name length]


DR and SLOT are defined in the same way as unitnum. Name

length contains the length of the volume name for the device defined

by DR and SLOT. (If name length is zero, an error occurred; in

this case, the error code is stored in the next byte. If the error code is

$57 ("duplicate volume"), the third byte of the record contains the

unit - num for the duplicate.)


The next 15 bytes of the record contain the volume name (in stan-

dard ASCII). This name is not preceded by a slash (I).

If unit - num is 0, the record after the last valid 16-byte record

begins with a $00 byte. You must reserve a 256-byte buffer area if

you call ONLINE with umtnum set toO.

Common error codes:


$27 The disk is unreadable probably because a portion of the disk me-

dium is permanently damaged. This error also occurs if the drive

door on a 5.25-inch drive is open or no disk is in the drive.


$28 No device connected. ProDOS 8 returns this error if you do not have

a second 5.25-inch drive connected to the drive controller, but you

try to access it.


$2E A disk with an open file was removed from its drive before executing

the command. Solution: Close all files on the disk to be removed

before executing the ON - LINE command.


$2F Device not on line. ProDOS 8 returns this error if no disk is in a

3.5-inch drive.


$52 The disk in the drive specified by unit - num is not a ProDOS-

formatted disk. Solution: Use only ProDOS-formatted disks with

ProDOS 8!


$56 The pathname buffer address is invalid because it has been marked

as in use in the ProDOS 8 system bit map. Specily a buffer address

that does not conflict with areas already used by ProDOS 8 or its file

buffers. Examine the system bit map to determine the free and

protected areas.


Other possible error codes are $04, $55.


ON - LINE handles error conditions quite differently from how the other MLI

commands do. Generally, if an error occurs, name length is set to 0, and the error code

is stored in the second byte of the corresponding 16-byte record. ""he error code is not

stored in the accumulator, and the carry flag is not set. Errors are handled in the


166 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


way, however, when errors $55 ("Volume Control Block full"), $56 ("buffer

- invalid"), and $04 ("incorrect number of parameters") occur.


amming example:


ProDOS 8 program reads the volume directory name of a disk that is in the slot

drive 2 disk device.





DA PARMTBL Address of parameter table

BCS ERROR Branch if error occurred



z DFB 2





DS 15


The # of parameters is stored here

unit_num = slot 6, drive 2

Pointer to 16-byte buffer


Slot/drive (bits 4-7) and length

of volume name (bits 0-3)

Volume name (in ASCII)


If the volume directory name was ASM.FILES, the byte stored at BUFFER would be

1E9, and the bytes stored beginning at BUFFER + 1 would be


41 $3 40 2E 46 49 4C 45 $3


These are the ASCII codes for the characters in ASM.FILES.


Command Descriptions 167









To prepare a file for subsequent read and write operations. When you open a file, the

position-in-file pointer (Mark) points to the start of the file (that is, Mark = 0), and its

file level is set equal to the system file level. Under GS/OS open also returns all the

file's directory attributes.

Parameter table:


Pro DOS 8 Input




bet Symbolic Name Result

+0 numparms 1

+1 to +2 pathname I

+3to +4 iobufier R

+5 refnum R




Number of parameters (3)

Pointer to the pathname string

Pointer to 1/0 buffer

Reference number for the file


GS/OS Input



O(rset Symbolic Name Result


+0to +1 pcount I

+2 to +3 refnum R

+4to +7 pathname I

+8to +9 requestaccess I

+ 10 to +11 resource~num I

+12 to +13 access R

+14 to +15 filetype R

+16 to +19 aux~type R

+20 to +21 storagetype R




Number of parameters (15)

Reference number for the file

Pointer to the pathname string

Access permissions requested

Fork designator


Access code

File type code

Auxiliary type code

Storage type code


168 65/05 and ProDOS 8 Commands


+22 to +29 createtd R Creation time and date

+ 30 to + 37 modif' - td R Modification time and date

+ 38 to + 41 option - list R Pointer to option list

+42 to +45 eof R Size of the file

+46 to +49 blocksused R Blocks used by the file

+ 50 to + 53 resource - eof R Size of resource fork


+ 54 to + 57 resource - blocks R


Blocks used by resource fork


Important: You can usually open a closed file only. But, if a file is open, and its

write-enabled access code bit is not set (that is, you aren't allowed to write to it), it

may be opened more than once simultaneously.

Descriptions of parameters:


num parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 3).

pathname A pointer to a class 0 (ProDOS 8) or class 1 (65/05) string describ-

ing the pathname of the file to be used. If the pathname specified is

not preceded by a separator (/for ProDOS 8; / or : for 65/05), the

operating system appends the name to the default prefix (in 65/05,

this is the 0/ prefix) to create a full pathname.


io - buffer A pointer to a 1024-byte file buffer that the open file can use. The


low-order byte of this pointer must be $00. (That is, the buffer must

begin on a page boundary.)


The first half of the file buffer for a standard file contains a copy of

the current file data block being accessed; the second half contains

the current file index block. Only the first half of the buffer is used

for a directory file; it contains the current directory file block.


z ref_num The reference number ProDOS 8 or 65/05 assigns to the file. All file


operations on open files use this reference number (instead of a path-

name) to identi~ the file. The file level is set to the value of the system

file level. (For ProDOS 8, this value is stored at $BF94. For 65/05, use

GetLevel and SetLevel to read and set the system file level.)


pcount The number of parameters in the 65/05 parameter table. The min-

imum value is 2; the maximum is 15. If the file is for a character

device, the maximum value is only 3.


request - access This word describes the requested access permission:


bit 1 1 = request write access

bit 0 1 = request read access

bit 0 == request ~~8 ~CC~~~


Command Descriptions 169


You cannot request write access for files on a CD-ROM drive.

If this word is $0000, the access granted is the same as allowed


resource - num


the access - code word.


If the file is an extended file, this word tells 65/05 which fork



$0000 open data fork

$0001 open resource fork


Note: The rest of the parameters in the 65/05 parameter list are the same as

returned by the GetFileInfo command.


Common error codes:


$40 The pathname contains invalid characters, or a full pathname was

specified (and no default prefix has been set up). Verify that

filenames and directory names specified in the pathname adhere

the naming rules described in Chapter 2 and, if a partial

was specified, that a default prefix has been set up.


$42 An attempt was made to open a ninth file. ProDOS 8 allows only

eight open files.


$44 A directory in the pathname was not found. Solution: Double-check

the spelling of the pathname, insert the disk containing the correct

directory, or change the default prefix.


$45 The volume directory was not found. Solution: Double-check the

spelling of the volutne directory name, insert the correct disk, or

change the default prefix.


$46 The file was not found.


$50 The file is open. You can open only files that are closed unless the

file is not write-enabled.


$56 The pathname buffer address is invalid because it has been marked

as in use in the ProDOS 8 system bit map. Speciiy a buffer address

that does not conflict with areas already used by ProDOS 8 or its file

buffers. Examine the system bit map to determine the free and

protected areas.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $27, $4A, $4B, $52.

Programming example:


The following 65/05 subroutine opens a file called SESAME that resides in the

subdirectory identified by 0/:


170 65/05 and ProDOS 8 Commands


_Open OP_Parms


BCS Error ;Branch if error occurred



OP_Parms DC 12 '2' Only need 2 parameters

05 2 ;ref_num returned here

DC 14' PathName' Pointer to pathname


PathName GSString 'SESAME' ;Filename


GS/OS returns an error code of $46 if the file you try to open does not yet exist.

Once you open a file, you should take the reference number Open returns and store it

in the parameter tables of other GS/OS commands which you might use to access the

file while it is open.


Command Descriptions 171





To shut down GS/OS prior to a cold reboot or power down operation.

There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


CS/OS Input



O(rset Symbolic Name Result

+0 to + 1 pcount I

+2to +5 shutdown-flag I




Number of parameters (1)

Pointer to next pathname


Descriptions of parameters:


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


shutdown - flag The two low-order bits in this flag control the mechanics of the


shutdown operation:


bit 0 : 1 = GS/OS shuts down and system is rebooted


0 = 65/05 shuts down and the user is asked


to either reboot or power down


bit 1 1 = RAM disk is left intact upon reboot


0 = RAM disk is initialized upon reboot


Common error codes:





When GS/OS shuts down it writes to disk any blocks in the disk cache, closes all new


z desk accessories, shuts down the Desk Manager, then disposes of all device drivers

and file system translators. The OSShutdown command should be used by program

selectors like the Finder, not applications.


172 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands








To terminate the current application. Under ProDOS 8, control passes to the ProDOS

8 selector program or, if GS/OS was the boot operating system, to a system program

(ProDOS 8 or GS/OS) the application specifies. (The standard selector program asks

the user to enter the prefix and pathname of the next ProDOS 8 system program to run.)

Under GS/OS, the application can pass control to another system program (ProDOS 8 or

GS/OS) or return control to the application that called it (typically the Finder).

Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




bet Symbolic Name Result Description


+ 0 num - parms I Number of parameters (4)

+1 qmttype I Quit type code

+ 2 to + 3 pathname I Pointer to next pathname


+ 4 [reserved] I

+5 to +6 [reserved] I


CS/OS Input



Oll'set Symbolic Name Result


+0to +1 pcount I

+2 to +5 pathname I

+6to +7 flags I


Descriptions of parameters:


Reserved area

Reserved area




Number of parameters (2)

Pointer to next pathname

Return/Restart flags


numparms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 4).

quit - type The ProDOS 8 quit type code. The only quit types currently defined


are $00 (standard quit) and $EE (quit to system program). Type $EE

may be used only if the system was first booted up under GS/OS.


Command Descriptions 173


pathname A pointer to the class 0 (ProDOS 8) or class 1 (GS/OS) pathname of

the next system program to run. The file type code of the program

must be $FF (ProDOS 8 system) or $B3 (GS/OS system). Note: The

pathname cannot reside in page 2 of memory since the QUIT com-

mand handler uses this area. For ProDOS 8, this field must be zero if

quittype is $00.


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 0; the maximum is 2.


flags The Quit option flags; only bits 15 and 14 are significant. If bit 15 is

1, the program's UserID is to be placed on the Quit Return Stack so

that the program can be restarted later. If bit 14 is 1, the program is

capable of being restarted from memory.


Note: The reserved areas in the ProDOS 8 parameter table must be zeroed before

calling the QUIT command.

Common error codes:


$46 The file with the specified pathname was not found.

$5C The file with the specified pathname is not an executable program.

The pathname must be a ProDOS 8 system program (file type $FF)

or a GS/OS system program (file type $B3).


$5D The specified pathname represents a ProDOS 8 system program, but

the P8 system file (which contains the ProDOS 8 operating system)

is not present in the SYSTEM/ subdirectory of the GS/OS boot disk.


$5F The Quit Return Stack has overflowed. This stack can hold only 16



Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $40, $5E.

Programming example:


All well-designed system programs use QUIT to exit so that control can pass to

another system program. Here is the usual calling sequence from a ProDOS 8





DFB $6$











;Address of parameter table

Branch if error occurred


The number of parameters

Quit type code


174 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands


DA $0000



DA $0000


When you execute a QUIT command with a quit type of $00, ProDOS 8 moVes the

code residing at $D100-$D3FF in the second 4K bank of bank-switched RAM (called

the selector code or dispatcher code) to location $1000 in main memory and then

executes a JMP $1000 instruction.


When the standard ProDOS 8 selector (the one defined inside the PRODOS file)

takes over, it performs the iollowing steps:


z It asks you to enter the prefix and name of the next system program to be



z It stores the length of the name of the system program at $280, followed by the

ASCII-encoded name itself.


z It closes all open files.


z It clears the ProDOS 8 system bit map and marks as in use zero page, the stack

(page 1), the video RAM area (pages 4-7), and the ProDOS 8 global page (page



z It enables the 4O-column screen and connects the standard input (keyboard) and

output (video) subroutines. (You can do this in your own selector program by

executing the following group of instructions:


LDA $C082 Read-enable monitor ROM

STA $C000 ;Turn off 8OSTORE

STA $CO0E ;Turn off alternate char. set

STA $COOC Turn off 80 columns

JSR SETNORM ;$FE84: normal-video characters

JSR INIT ;$FB2F: full-screen text mode

JSR SETKBD ;$FE89: connect keyboard

JSR SETVID ;$FE93: connect 40-column video


The writes to the $C000, $C00E, and $C00C soft switches don't do anything on

an Apple II Plus but are required for a lIe, tIc, or tIcs to ensure the system

switches to standard 4O-column mode. Note that the Monitor ROM must be

read-enabled before calling the SETNORM, INIT, SETKBD, and SETVID sub-

routines because it will have been disabled when the selector first takes over.)


z It loads the specified system program at $2000 and starts executing it by jumping

to that location.


You can also install your own ProDOS 8 selector code if you wish. If you do, it must

:~ with a CLD instruction and it must perform the steps indicated above.

4-5 shows an alternative selector program that follows the above steps. To

the new selector at $D100 (bank2), BRUN the program file from disk. This

is not interactive since it always passes control to the same system program:


Command Descriptions 175


Table 4-5 A ProDOs 8 selector program


2 ******~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
























23 _








30 11STORE80 EQU














$C0O0 ;Enable normal page2 switching

$COOC ;Turn off 80-column hardware

$CO0E Disable MouseText characters


$0100 Selector space (in bank2)

$FB2F Set full-screen text mode

$FC$8 Clear the screen

$FE84 Set normal video

$FE89 ;Connect keyboard driver

$FE93 ;Connect video driver




* Store selector code at $0100 in bank2 of

* bank-switched RAM:




LDA $C081 ;Write-enable bank2 BSR


176 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands


Table 4-5 Continued


2006: A2 00 $0 LDX

2008: BD 1$ 20 $1 MOVEC0DE LDA

20OB: 9D 00 01 $2 STA

200E: E8 $3 INX

200F: DO F7 $4 BNE


2011: AD 82 CO $6 LDA




2014:60 $8 RTS







SELECTOR,X Move the new code

SSPACE,X to its proper place




$C082 Write-protect BSR




62 * Here is the actual selector code:



64 ORG $1000



1000: 08 66 CLD (Required by ProDOS)




68 Get into plain vanilla 40-column mode:



1001: AD 82 CO 70 LDA $CO82 Read-enable monitor ROM




1004: 8D 0C CO 72 STA COL8O0FF 40-column screen

1007: 80 OE CO 73 STA XALTCHAR No MouseText

100A: 80 00 CO 74 STA XSTORE80 Normal page2 switching




1000: 20 84 FE 76 JSR SETNORM ;Normal video

1010: 20 2F FB 77 JSR INIT Full text window

1013: 20 93 FE 78 JSR SETVID Standard video output

1016: 20 89 FE 79 JSR SETKB0 Standard keyboard input

1019: 20 $8 FC 80 JSR HOME Clear the screen



101C: 20 00 BF 82 JSR MLI


z 101F: C6 83 0F8 $C6 Set a null prefix

1020: BE 10 84 0A PFX_PRMS




1022: 20 00 BF 86 JSR MLI


z 102$: C$ 87 DFB $C$ ;ONLINE for the boot volume

1026: 9A 10 88 0A 0L PARMS

1028: B0 38 89 BCS ERROR




102A: AD 9E 10 91 L0A NAMELEN Get returned length

1020: 29 OF 92 AND #$0F Strip slot, drive bits

102F: F0 31 93 BEQ ERROR If zero, then error


1031: 80 9E 10 94 STA NAMELEN




96 Put prefix at $281:



1034: A9 2F 98 LDA


Store length


;Start prefix with slash

Command Descriptions 177


Table 4-5 Continued


1036: 8D 81 02 99 STA PATHNAME+1




1039: A2 00 101 LDX #0


103E: 9D 82 02 103 STA PATHNAME*2,X

1041: E8 104 INX

1042: EC 9E 10 10$ CPX NAME_LEN

104$: DO F4 106 BNE PUTNAME




1047: A9 2F 108 LDA #'/ ;End prefix with slash

1049: 9D 82 02 109 STA PATHNAME+2,X

104C: E8 110 INX




112 * ... and then tack on the BASIC.SYSTEM filename:



1O4D: AO 00 114 LDY #0

104F: B9 C3 10 11$ PUTSYS LDA SYS_NAME,Y

10$2: FO 07 116 BEQ SAVELEN ;Done if zero

1O$4: 90 82 02 117 STA PATHNAME+2,X

10$7: E8 118 INX

1O$8: C8 119 INY


10$9: DO F4 120 BNE PUTSYS (Al ways taken)




10$B: E8 122 SAVELEN INX ;Add 1 for initial slash

1O$C: 8E 80 02 123 STX PATHNAME Store length before pathname




10$F: 4C 6$ 10 12$ JMP RUN_SYS




1062: 4C 62 10 127 ERROR JMP ERROR




106$: 20 00 BF 129 RUN_SYS JSR MLI


1068: C8 130 DFB $C8 Open system file

1069: AE 10 131 DA OP_PARMS

106B: BO F$ 132 BCS ERROR




1060: AD B3 10 134 LDA REFNUM


1070: 80 B$ 10 13$ STA REFNUM1 Store ref # in READ table




1073: 20 00 BF 137 JSR MLI


1076: CA 138 DFB $CA ;Read system file

1077: B4 10 139 0A RD_PARMS

1079: BO E7 140 BCS ERROR




107B: 20 00 BF 142 JSR MLI


1O7E: CC 143 DFB $CC ;Close system file

107F: BC 10 144 0A CL_PARMS

1081: BO OF 14$ BCS ERROR




147 Initialize the system bit map:


178 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 CommandsTable 4-5 Continued




1083: A9 CF 149 LDA #$CF ;Pages 0,1,4. .7 in use

108$: 8D $8 BF 1$0 STA BITMAP




1088: A9 00 1$2 LDA #0

108A: A2 16 1$3 LDX #22

108C: 9D $8 BF 1$4 INITMAP STA BITMAP,X ;Pages 8. .$BE free

1O8F: CA 1$$ DEX





1092: A9 01 1$8 LDA #1 Page $BF in use

1094: 8D 6F BF 1$9 STA BITMAP+23




1097: 4C 00 20 161 JMP




SYS_LOAD Execute system file




109A: 02 16$ OL_PARMS DFB 2


109B: 60 166 DFB SLOT*16 ;Boot slot 16


163 0NLINE parameter table:


1O9C: 9E 10 167 DA




1O9E: 00 169 NAME_LEN DS

1O9F: 00 00 00 170 VOL_NAME DS

1OA2: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

10AA: 00 00 00 00






10AE: 03 174 _

lOAF: 80 02 17$

10B1: 00 11 176

10B3: 00 177






10B4: 04 181 _

1OB$: 00 182

1OB6: 00 20 183

10B8: FF FF 184

1OBA: 00 00 18$






10BC: 01 189 _

10BD: 00 190




10BE: 01 192 _

10BF: C1 10 193




NAME_LEN Pointer to len+name


_ 1 ;Length (bits 0. .3)

_ 1$ Volume name


* OPEN parameter table:





DS 1




* READ parameter table:





OW $0000


CLOSE parameter table:







;Pointer to pathname

File reference number


Start of load buffer

;(Enough for entire file)


;All files


Command Descriptions 179


Table 4-5 Continued


10C1: 01 19$ PFX_NAME DFB 1

10C2: 2F 196 ASC '/'




10C3: 42 41 $3 198 SYS_NAME ASC 'BASIC.SYSTEM' ;Name of system program


10C6: 49 43 2E $3 $9 $3 $4 4$

10CE: 40


10CF: 00 199 DFB


0 ,... followed by zero


BAStC.SYSTEM in the volume directory of the slot 6, drive 1 disk device. However,

this is the program that many users of ProDOS 8 will always want to select after

leaving other system programs. From BAStC.SYSTEM, you can use the - (dash)

command to execute any other system program.


In certain situations, your selector code may be permitted to pass the name of a file to the

system program it selects so that the system program can work with it when it first starts

up. For example, you can pass the name of an Applesofi program to BAStC.SYSTEM, and

BAS1C.SYSTEM will run it as soon as its starts up. (If the selector does not pass a name,

BAStC.SYSTEM runs the STARTUP program.) For the system program to accept a

filename, it must adhere to a special anto-rvn protocol that we look at in Chapter 5.

If you are using a ttcs and you ran the ProDOS 8 application after booting GS/OS,

you can take advantage of quit - type $EE to pass control from a ProDOS 8 applica-

tion directly to a ProDOS 8 or GS/OS system program without going through the

selector code. All you have to do is place a pointer to the program's pathname in the

QUIT parameter list. These programs have file type codes of $FF (SYS) and $B3

(516), respectively. GS/OS was the bootup operating system if value at location

$E100BD is $01.


CS/OS considerations:


Under GS/OS, an application can use the Quit command to either pass control to a

specific system program (ProDOS 8 or GS/OS) or return control to the system

program whose UserID is on the top of a Quit Return Stack. (GS/OS assigns a unique

UserID to a system program when it starts up the program.)


The Quit Return Stack is where an application places its UserID if it wishes to regain

control the next time an application quits without speciiying the pathname of the next

application to run. The availability of a Quit Return Stack makes it easy for a

supervisory program to execute subsidiary programs so that control always eventually

returns to the original program. tn fact, the tIcs Launcher or Finder always pushes its

UserID on the Quit Return Stack before launching an application. If it did not, you

would not return to it when an application ended.


180 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


If the pathname pointer is 0, and the Quit Return Stack is not empty, GS/OS pulls a

UserID from the Quit Return Stack and executes the program with that ID. If the

Quit Return Stack is empty, GS/OS executes the program launched when the system

was booted.


Only the two high-order bits of the flags parameter are significant. If bit 15 is 1,

GS/OS places the current application's UserID on the Quit Return Stack before

passing control to the application described by the pathname pointer. This means

eontrol eventually will return to the current application as later programs quit with a

0 pathname parameter. If bit 15 is 0, nothing is placed on the Quit Return Stack.

If bit 14 of the flags is 1, the calling program is capable of being restarted without

being reloaded from disk. (Programs that initialize all their data areas when they start

up should be restartable.) If control returns to the calling program, the program will

not be loaded from disk unless it has been purged from memory by the tIcs Memory



Command Descriptions 181









To read bytes of data from an open file beginning at the current Mark position. After

the read operation, the operating system increases Mark by the number of bytes read

from the file. The read operation ends when the specified number of bytes have been

transferred, when a newline character is encountered, or when the end of the file has

been reached.


Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




O]fret Symbolic Name Result Description


+ 0 num - parms I Number of parameters (4)


+ 1 ref num I

+2 to +3 data~bufler I

+4to +5 request-count I

+6to +7 transfercount R


Reference number for file


Pointer to start of data buffer

Number of bytes to read

Number of bytes actually read





+ 0 to + 1

+ 2 to + 3

+4 to +7

+8to +11

+ 12 to + 15

+ 16 to + 17





Symbolic Name Result


pcount I

refnum I

databufler I

request count I

transfer count R

cache priority I


182 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands'




Number of parameters (5)

Reference number for file

Pointer to start of data buffer

Number of bytes to read


Number of bytes actually read

Block caching priority level


Descriptions of parameter5;


num - parms The number ofparameter5 in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 4).

ref_num The reference number ProDOS 8 or GS/OS assigned to the file when

it was first opened.


data - buffer A pointer to the beginning of a block of memory into which file data is


to be read. The size of the buffer must be request - count characters.

request - count The number of characters to be read from the file and placed in the


buffer pointed to by data buffer.


transler count The number of characters actually read from the file. It usually equals


request - count, but it will be less if the operating system reaches the

end of the file or if newline read mode is active and a newline character

is read. See the discussion of the NewLine command.


pcount The number of paramete~5 in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 4; the maximum is 5 (or 4 if the file is a character file).

cache priority This code indicates how GS/OS is to handle the caching of disk


blocks related to the read operations


$0000 do not cache blocks

$Oooj cache blocks


This field is not used for character devices.

Common error codes:


$43 The file reference number is invalid. You might be using a reference

number for a file that you've already closed.


$4C The end-of-file position has been reached. Solution: Stop reading

from the file. Note that ProDOS 8 or GS/OS flags this error only if

no bytes were read from the file. (That is, transier count is 0.)


$4E The file cannot be accessed. Solution: Set the read-enabled bit of the

file's access code to 1 using SET FILE - INFO.


$56 The pathname buffer address is invalid because it has been marked

as in use in the ProDOS 8 system bit map. Specily a buffer address

that does not conflict with areas already used by ProDOS 8 or its file

buffers. Examine the system bit map to determine the free and

protected areas.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $27.


Programming example:


The following GS/OS subroutine reads up to $1000 bytes from open file #1 into the

block of memory beginning at Buffer. As usual, the reading operation begins at the

current Mark position in the file. By making repeated calls to the program, further

$1O00-byte blocks of the file can be read.


Command Description5 183


Read RDParns


BCS Error Branch if error occurred



RDParms DC 12 '4' ;Parameter count

DC 12']' ;File reference number

DC 14' Buffer' ;Pointer to data buffer

DC 14' $1000' ;Number of bytes to read


TransCnt 05 4 ;# of bytes actually read


Buffer 05 $1000 ;Data buffer


After every call to this subroutine, you must examine the 4-byte number at TransCnt

to determine how many bytes were actually read. This number may be less than $1000

if GS/OS reaches the end-of-file position part way through the reading operation or il

it encounters a newline character. (See the discussion of the NewLine command for

information on newline characters.)


If the Read command returns error code $4C ("end of file"), no bytes were read, and

you can close the file.


184 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands







To transfer one block (512 bytes) of information from an Apple-formatted disk device

to a buffer in memory.


Under GS/OS, use the DRead command instead.

Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




Ol'set Symbolic Name Result Description


+0 num - parms I Number of parameters (3)

+1 unitnum I Unit number


+2 to + 3 data - buffer R

+4to +5 blocknum I


Pointer to the data input buffer

Number of block to be read from


Warning: Do not use READ - BLOCK if you want your application to work with an

AppleShare file server volume over AppleTalk.


Descriptions of parameters:


numparms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 3).


unit - num




The slot and drive number for the disk drive to be accessed. The

format of this byte is as follows:


ProDOS 8 assigns a drive number of 1 or 2 to each drive in the

system. DR = 0 for drive 1, and DR = 1 for drive 2. SLOT is

usually the actual slot number for the disk controller card (1-7

decimal; 001-111 binary) but may be the number of a phantom, or

logical, slot.


The unit - num value for the /RAM volume is $B0, meaning it is the

logical slot 3, drive 2 device.


A pointer to the beginning of a 512-byte block of memory that is to

hold the contents of the specified block when READ - BLOCK

successfully completes.


Command Descriptions 185


block - num The number of the block to be read. The permitted values for


block - num depend on the disk device:


z 0-279 for 5.25-inch drives

z 0-1599 for 3.5-inch drives

z 0-127 for the ProDOS 8 /RAM volume


You can determine the volume size for a device using the GET -

FILE - INFO command and specifying the name of the volume

directory for the disk in the device. The size (in blocks) is returned at

relative positions $5 and $6 in the parameter table.


Common error codes:


$27 The disk is unreadable, probably because a portion of the disk

medium is permanently damaged. This error also occurs if the drive

door on a 5.25-inch drive is open or no disk is in the drive.


$28 No device connected. This error comes back if you do not have a

second 5.25-inch drive connected to the drive controller, but you try

to access it.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $11, $2F, $53, $56.

Programming example:


READBLOCK is one of two low-level disk-access commands ProDOS 8 provides.

(WRITE - BLOCK is the other.) Use it to read any block on a ProDOS-formatted disk,

whether it be a file data block, index block, directory block, or a boot record block.

You can also use READ - BLOCK to read any sector on a DOS 3.3-formatted disk.

See Appendix II for suggestions on how to do this.


Here's a short ProDOS 8 program that reads into memory the volume bit map block

(block 6) on a 5.25-inch disk in slot 6, drive 1 and then calculates the number of free

blocks on the disk:



DFB $80





LDA #0





LDY #34



LDX #8







;Address of parameter table

Branch if error occurred


Zero the counter


;Bit map bytes from 0 to 34

Get next bit in volume bit map


8 bits to test


Put next bit into carry

;Branch if block not free


186 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands




BNE NEXTBIT ;Branch if not past 2$$

INC COUNTER+1 ... else bump high part


flEXTBIT DEX ;Decrement bit counter

BNE TESTBIT Branch if not done








DFB $60



DW 6





;Move to next byte

;Branch if not done


;The # of parameters


;unit number code (slot 6, drive 1)

;Pointer to $12-byte buffer

Block number for volume bit map


;This is the block buffer


of free blocks stored here


Recall from Chapter 2 that the first 280 bits (35 bytes) in the volume bit map act as


usage flags for the 280 blocks on a standard disk. If the bit is 1, the block is not in use;

if it is 0, it is. This program simply scans through these 35 bytes and counts the

number of 1 bits. The 2-byte result is stored in COUNTER and COUNTER + 1.


Command Descriptions 187









To change the name of a file on disk.

Under GS/OS, use the ChangePath command instead.

Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




O(fret Symbolic Name Result

+0 numparms I

+1to +2 currname I

+3to +4 newname I


Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (2)

Pointer to current pathname

Pointer to new pathname


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 2).

currname A pointer to a class 0 ProDOS 8 string describing the current

pathname of the file to be renamed. If the pathname specified is not

preceded by a separator (/), the operating system appends the name

to the default prefix to create a full pathname.


new name A pointer to a class 0 ProDOS 8 string describing the new pathname


for the file. If the pathname specified is not preceded by a separator

(/), the operating system appends the name to the default prefix to

create a full pathname. The new - name must be the same as curr

- name except for the filename itself. (That is, it must describe a file

in the same directory.) For example, you can rename a file called





Common error codes:


$2B The disk is write-protected.


$40 The pathname contains invalid characters, or a full pathname was not

specified (and no default prefix has been set up). Verif' that the

filenames and directory names specified in the pathname adhere to


188 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


the naming rules described in Chapter 2 and, if a partial pathname

was specified, that a default prefix has been set up.


$44 A directory in the pathname was not found. Solution: Double-check

the spelling of the pathname, insert the disk containing the correct

directory, or change the default prefix.


$45 The volume directory was not found. Solution: Double-check the

spelling of the volume directory name, insert the correct disk, or

change the default prefix.


$46 The file was not found.

$47 The new filename specified already exists.

$4E The file cannot be accessed. Solution: Set the rename-enabled bit of

the file's access code to 1 using SETH FILE - INFO.


$50 The file is open. You can rename only closed files.

Other possible error codes are $04, $27, $4A.

Programming example:


Here is a subroutine that will change the name of a file called BATMAN in the

/SUPER.HEROES volume directory to a file called BRUCE.WAYNE in the same
















;Address of parameter table

,;,h f ,,"- ~',,,r:v'


2 parameters


Pointer to current pathname

Pointer to new pathname





Note that you cannot rename /SUPER.HEROES/BATMAN as /IDENTITIES/BRUCE.

WAYNE because this would violate the rule that the two pathnames must identifi' files in

the same directory.


Command Descriptions 189







To force an immediate resizing of the GS/OS disk cache using the size value stored in

Battery RAM. (Battery RAM holds system configuration and preferences information

even when the Apple IIcs has been turned off.)


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



O(fret Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

Descriptions of parameters:




Number of parameters (0)


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 0; the maximum is 0.


Common error codes:





A program can use the Miscellaneous Tool Set's WriteBParam function to change the

size of the GS/OS disk cache, as follows:

PushWord #newCacheSize


PushWord #$OO81 ;Parameter reference number


LDX #$0B03 ;WriteBParam

JSL $E10000


The newCacheSize value represents the size of the cache (in K units) divided by 32.

This means, for example, that you would use a value of4 to set up a 128K cache. You

can only set the cache size to a multiple of 32K.


The new cache size setting usually doesn't take effect until the system is rebooted. If the

program calls ResetCache, however, the change takes effect immediately. Utility pro--

grams like the Disk Cache desk accessory on the GS/OS system disk use ResetCache.


190 CS/OS and ProDOS 8 CommandsSessionStatus


$201F ___________________





To determine whether a write-deferral session (initiated with a BeginSession com-

mand) is in progress.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



Descriptions of parameters:


O(fret Symbolic Name Result

+0to +1 pcount I

+2to +3 status R




Number of parameters (1)

Status code


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min


imum value is 0; the maximum is 1.


status This code indicates whether a write-deferral session is in progress:


$0000 write-deferral session not in progress

$0001 write-deferral session in progress


Common error codes:





Write-deferral sessions are useful for accelerating file transfer operations. You can


begin such a session with BeginSession and end it with EndSession. SessionStatus

tells you whether a session is currently in progress.


Command Descriptions 191








To move the ProDOS 8 file buffer for an open file from its current position to another

1024-byte area in memory.


There is no equivalent GS/OS command. GS/OS takes care of all buffer-management


operations internally.

Parameter table:

ProDOS 8


bet Symbolic Name

+0 num~parms

+1 refnum

+2 to +3 iobufler


Descriptions of parameters:





Result Description


I Number of parameters (2)

I Reference number for the file

I Pointer to 1/0 buffer


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 2).

ref num The reference number ProDOS 8 assigned to the file when it was


first opened.


io - buffer


A pointer to the new 1024-byte area to which the file's current buffer

is to be transferred. The low-order byte of this pointer must be $00

(that is, the buffer must begin on a page boundary).


Common error codes:


$43 The file reference number is invalid. You might be using a reference

number for a file that you've already closed.


$56 The pathname buffer address is invalid because it has been marked

as in use in the ProDOS 8 system bit map. Speciiy a buffer address

that does not conflict with areas already used by ProDOS 8 or its file

buffers. Examine the system bit map to determine the free and

protected areas.


Another possible error code is $04.


192 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


Programming example:


The following ProDOS 8 program will move the file buffer for file 1 from its current

position to $2000. You are responsible for ensuring that the area $200~$23FF will

not be used for any other purpose.












DA $2000




;Address of parameter table

;Branch if error occurred


The # of parameters

;File reference number

Pointer to new buffer


Command Descriptions 193









To change the current end-of-file pointer (EOF) of an open file. If you reduce EOF,

all data blocks past the end of the new EOF are freed up; if you increase EOF,

however, ProDOS 8 and GS/OS do not allocate new blocks for the file until you

actually write data to the new part of the file. If the new EOF is less than Mark, Mark

is set equal to the new EOF. You can change the EOF of any file whose write-enabled

access code bit is set to 1.


Parameter table:

Pro DOS 8


O(fret Symbolic Name


+0 numparms

+ 1 refnum

+2 to +4 eof





Result Description


I Number of parameters (2)

I Reference number for the file

I The new end-of-file position







bet Symbolic Name


+ 0 to + 1 pcount

+2 to +3 refnum

+4to +5 base

+6to +9 displacement


Result Description


I Number of parameters (3)

I Reference number for the file



Code for determining new eof


I The new end-offile position


Descriptions of parameters:


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always 2).

ref num The reference number ProDOS 8 or GS/OS assigned to the file when


it was first opened.


eof The new EOF position.


194 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 3; the maximum is 3.


base This code tells GS/OS how to determine the new value for the

end-of-file pointer:


$0000 new E0F = displacement

$0001 new EOF = old EOF + displacement

$0002 new E0F = Mark + displacement

$0003 new EOF = Mark - displacement


displacement GS/OS uses this value in conjunction with the base code to deter-

mine the new value for the end-of-file pointer.

Common error codes:


$2B The disk is write-protected.


$43 The file reference number is invalid. You might be using a reference

number for a file that you've already closed.


$4D The position is out of range.



The file cannot be accessed. Solution: Set the write-enabled bit of


the file's access code to 1 using SET FILE - INFO.

Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $27, $4E.

Programming example:


Consider a situation in which you must read an entire file into memory, modifi' it, and

then write it back to the same file. If you are not careful, and the new file is smaller

than the original, the tail end of the old file (the part not overwritten) will unexpect-

edly remain as part of the new file.


To avoid this, you can do one of two things: Delete the file before rewriting it, or write

to the file and then use the SetEOF command to fix the new EOF position. The

second method is faster and more convenient because it is not necessary to go to the

trouble of first deleting, and then re-creating, a file.


Suppose the new file length is $1534 bytes. To set the EOF fur this file, you would

call a GS/OS subroutine like this:








_SetE0F EOF_Parms

BCS Error



#$1$34 Set up new EOF value



New EOF+2


;Branch if error occurred


Command Descriptions 195


E0F_Parms DC 12'3' ;The # of parameters

DC 12']' File reference number

DC 12'O' ;E0F = displacement


New_EOF DS 4 ;New E0F position


196 CS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands








To modifi' the information stored in a file's directory entry. This includes the access code,

file type code, auxiliary type code, and the date and time the file was last modified.


Parameter table:


ProDOS 8 Input




O[fret Symbolic Name Result

+0 num~parms I

+1 to +2 pathname I

+3 access I

+4 file-type I

+5to +6 anxtype I

+7 [not used] I

+8to +9 [not used] I

+10 to +11 modifi'date I

+ 12 to +13 modi~~time I




Number of parameters (10)

Pointer to the pathname string

Access code

File type code

Auxiliary type code


Modification date

Modification time




O(rset Symbolic Name

+0to +1 pcount

+2to +5 pathname

+ 6 to + 7 access

+8to +9 file-type

+10 to +13 anxtype

+ 14 to + 15 [not used]
















Number of parameters (12)

Pointer to the pathname string

Access code

File type code

Auxiliary type code


Command Descriptions 197


+ 16 to +23 createdt I Creation date and time

+24 to +31 modiiydt I Modification date and time

+ 32 to + 35 option - list I Pointer to option list

+36 to +39 [not used] I

+40 to +43 [not used] I

+44 to +47 [not used] I

+48 to +51 [not used] I


Descriptions of parameters:


num - parms The number of parameters in the ProDOS 8 parameter table (always fl.


pathname A pointer to a class 0 (ProDOS 8) or class 1 (GS/OS) string describ-

ing the pathname of the file to be used. If the pathname specified is

not preceded by a separator (/fur ProDOS 8; / or : for GS/OS), the

operating system appends the name to the default prefix (in GS/OS,

this is the 0/ prefix) to create a full pathname.


access This field contains several 1-bit codes that define the access at-

tributes of the file. See Figure 2-10 for a description of these bits.

Note, however, that under GS/OS you cannot clear the backup-

needed attribute with SetFileInfo; use the ClearBackup command

instead. Under ProDOS 8, you can clear the bit but only if you first

store $FF at BUBIT ($BF95) in the ProDOS 8 system global page.

Backup programs should clear this attribute to indicate that the file

has been backed up.


filetype This code indicates the type of data the file holds. See Table 2-5 for

a description of ProDOS file type codes. Under the ProDOS FST, 1

only the low-order byte of file - type is significant.


aux - type This is the auxiliary type code. The meaning of the code depends on


the file type code and on the program that created the file in the first

place. For SYS, BIN, BAS, and VAR files, it is a default loading

address; for TXT files, it is a record length; for SRC files, it is an

APW language type code. Under the ProDOS FST, only the low--

order word is significant.


[Not Used] These bytes are not used. They act as padding to preserve symmetry be-

tween this parameter list and the GET FILE - INFO parameter list.


198 GS/OS and ProDOS 8 Commands


modify - date This field contains the date (year, month, day) the file was last modified.


The current date should be stored here before executing the command.

Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the format of these bytes.


modify - time This field contains the time (hour, minute) the file was last modified.


The current time should be stored here before executing the com-

mand. Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the format of these bytes.

create - date This field contains the date (year, month, day) the file was created.


Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the format of these bytes.

create - time This field contains the time (hour, minute) the file was created.


Figure 8-1 in Chapter 8 shows the format of these bytes.


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 2; the maximum is 12.


create - td The time and date of creation. These eight bytes represent the


following parameters in the following order:





hour in 24-hour military format

year year minus ]90O

day day of month minus

month 0 = January, ] = February, and so on

[not used]


weekday ] = Sunday, 2 = Monday, and so on


Note: This format is the same as the one used by the ReadTimeHex function in the

IIcs's Miscellaneous Tool Set but is different from the one used in a standard file

entry for the ProDOS file system.


modify - td The time and date of last modification. The ordering of these 8 bytes


is the same as for create - time.


option - list A pointer to a class 1 input buffer containing information unique to


the file system translator used to access the file. The ProDOS FST

does not require any such information.


Note: The parameters marked by [not used] must be set to zero.

Common error codes:


$2B The disk is write-protected.


$40 The pathname contains invalid characters, or a full pathname was not

specified (and no default prefix has been set up). Veri(y that the

filenames and directory names specified in the pathname adhere to

the naming rules described in Chapter 2 and, if a partial pathname

was specified, that a default prefix has been set up.


Corntnand Descriptions 199


$44 A directory in the pathname was not fuund. Solution: Double. -

the spelling of the pathname, insert the disk containing the

directory, or change the default prefix.


$45 The volume directory was not found. Solution: Double-check

spelling of the volume directory name, insert the correct disk

change the default prefix.


$46 The file was not found.


$4E The access code specified for the file is not permitted. Sc

Ensure that the reserved bits of the access code are all zero.


Other possible error codes are $04, $07, $27, $4A, $4B, $52, $53, $58.

Programming example:


The following ProDOS 8 program will lock a file called PRISONER by changing *L

value of its access code byte. It is assumed that PRISONER is located in the cur

active directory (the one specified by the default prefix).


LDA #10










AND #$3D



LDA #7












DS 1

DS 1

DS 2

DS 1

DS 2

DS 2

DS 2

DS 2


Store # of parms for GET_FILE_INFO



;Address of parameter table

Branch if error occurred


Get current access code

;Clear bits 1, 6, and 7 (write,


rename, and destroy bits)

Store new access code


Store # of parms for SET_FILE_INFO

Save new access code to disk



Address of parameter table

;Branch if error occurred


;The # of parameters is stored here

;access code

;file type code


auxiliary type code

;storage type code

;blocks used


;date of modification

;time of modification

;date of creation


200 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands


DS 2 ;time of creation




;Pathname (in ASCII)


There are two interesting things to note about this program. First, it uses the

GET - FILE - INFO command to read the file's current access code and other

directory information. Since the parameter table fur this command and the SET -

FILE - INFO command are symmetric, there is no need to create two tables; all that

has to be done is store the proper parameter number at the head of the table before

calling each command.


Second, notice how the file is locked. The existing access code is logically ANDed

with $3D (binary 00111101) to clear bits 1, 6, and 7 to zero while leaving the others

unaffected. As Figure 2-10 in Chapter 2 indicates, clearing these bits will disable

write, rename, and destroy operations, respectively.


Command Descriptions 201







To set the system file level.


There is no equivalent ProDOS 8 command. To change the value of the system file

level, store the new value at LEVEL ($BF94) in the system global page.

Parameter table:


GS/OS Input



OgCset Symbolic Name Result

+0 to + 1 pcount I

+2to +3 level I


Meanings of parameters:




Number of parameters (1)

The new system file level


pcount The number of parameters in the GS/OS parameter table. The min-

imum value is 1; the maximum is 1.


level The value of the system file level. Legal values range from $0000 to



Common error codes:


$59 Invalid file level. The file level must be a number between $0000

and $00FF.


Another possible error code is $07.

Programming example:


Here is how to set the system file level to 2:


SetLevel SL_Parms





DC 12' 1'

DC I2'2'


The number of parameters

;New system file level


The system file level affects the performance of subsequent Open, Close, and Flush



202 GS/OS and Pro DOS 8 Commands