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Apple II Bargains
September 2012
For now, instead of featuring specific items, I'll go with links to a few
established vendors. To get your Apple II store or a particular item
included, email information to me.Rubywand
rubywand@swbell.net (Include "Apple" in the msg. title.)
Featured Vendors
IIgs emulator software and hardward (Focus IDE HD Controller
and Sirius RAM IIgs memory board w/8MB)
New Apple II/IIgs software, hardware, and other A2 items
Briel Computers
Current and new Apple II and other hardware (IIgs Memory board,
Apple I clone, KIM clone, ...)
5.25", 3.5" DS/DD diskettes and a 3.5" USB drive for PC
II/IIgs game and utility software and books
Old Apple II/IIgs software
R&D Automation
CompactFlash/IDE interface for the Apple I/ II/IIgs
Apple II/IIgs Programming, development, and interfacing software and books
Vintage Ware
Apple IIGS SCART Cable and PS/2 mouse adapter for A2