E: Common Twayblade
F: Listere ovale
G: Ei-Zweiblatt

This is perhaps the most common european orchid at all. It grows nearly everwhere, on lime and acidic soil, in forests, swamps and near the edge of meadows.

Fortunately, it's a very inconspicious plant, despite the size which can be a half meter high. The blossoms are green and can easily be overlooked in the grass. It has only two egg-shaped leaves.

But this humble plant has an interesting feature. The seeds ripe very fast. While the upper blossoms are still buds, the lower ripe fruits are already spreading lots of seeds.

If you plan to cultivate this plant in the garden, be prepared to have young plants everywhere after a few years. The seeds seem to germinate very easily.

You can also transplant the rhizoms very easily. Listera ovata is very adaptable and my plant bloomed only one year after I have bought it.