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Ultima - The Dark Core

The Dark Core is a fan-made adventure game in the best "Myst" style which seems to play in the time between Ultima 8 and 9. It is the only game on this page which I have not played to the end. The reason for this is simple, while the programmer did a good job in creating some wonderful graphics and music, he obviously didn't care much about upwards compatibility. The game is browser based and requires certain ancient versions of either Netscape or the Internet Explorer and either crashes permanently (Netscape) or behaves weird (IE) on newer ones. Furthermore the game cannot be saved. Nevertheless, the game looks so nice that I would like to mention it here.

The Dark Core begins where Ultima 8 has ended.
You are summoned via a blue moongate to Britannia.

Since I have not been able to get the game running, I cannot tell much about the story. It seems to involve the Guardian, the Dark Core of Exodus and the mage Erethian.

After returning to Britannia you are greeted by the Guardian.
Lost in the woods.

Recommended Version:
You can choose between a Netscape version and an Internet Explorer version. Both have in common that they don't work correctly on newer browers. Both the Netscape version and the Internet Explorer version need EXACTLY version 4.0 of the browser to work. It is difficult to find these old version nowadays, not even the technical support sites offer them any more. So if somebody has a clue where to find them, please e-mail me. For the Netscape version you will also need the Crescendo plugin if you want to hear the music and you will have to allow cookies and Javascript use.

A blue moongate.
A shrine.

  • Single-player game
  • Dungeons/Outdoors/Buildings 3D
  • On-Screen-mapping: No
  • Exact details unknown

In a dark cathedral.
The library contains much useful information.

Since I have not been able to play the game I cannot say how well it ties the events of Ultima 8 and 9 together. Feel free to experiment. But do not forget, that this game in an adventure, not a roleplaying game like all the other games on this page. It offers no random variations and once it is solved, it may quickly become uninteresting.
