Hey now, 2003-08-12 The Dead's last show from Jones Beach Theater is now posted, I managed to snag a front row center ticket and used the trusty Nomad3 and Radio Shack mic. Take a listen, it sounds pretty good! Sugarmegs FTP has returned. FTP to media.arc2.ucla.edu login bertha pw smilsmilsmil Upload to the 'upload' folder please! 2003-08-05 Many people from the old SugarMegs chat were at IT. Scuzzi, Xanth, Ghost and Sasha,great hanging out with you all! Saw a MOOSE on the way home from Maine too! Does anyone have Audio of 'The Tower at 2' from IT? peter@furthurnet.org --- Many things have happened this summer. This website is now hosted in beautiful green Vermont on a Budzooka/Truxel class computer, thanks Nick. The streaming and downloading bandwidth is coming from somewhere in southern California, you figure it out... Thanks to Joel who admins. 'sinapse' which is true to it's name, lightening fast!!! There is now anonymous FTP access to the archives. ftp to media.arc2.ucla.edu/ There will soon be a login of 'sugar' and pw 'megs' so try that if anonymous doesn't work. I will be attending the IT fest hope to see you there, look for the SugarMegs banner or a FurthurNet get together somewhere or other... . . [ livephish tent 11am saturday - 4pm friday (if you're there) channel 9/14...] . . I'll be on one of those 'family' radios monitoring channel 9 subcode14 on Friday after we arrive. I hope to capture the entire experience on the Nomad3 and have it online shortly after returning home...a mere 12-14 hour drive from Limestone...shIT thats far... peter 2003-07-25 --- old news: --- On 7-14-2003 we were using 65% of UCLA's outgoing bandwidth of 100megabits/sec, or about 74 t1's worth of bandwidth! Thats an incredibly large number. We are throttling the downloads now at about 20k/sec for the next few days and then will begin to increase it once again. They will be much faster at night as well. Thanks for your patience. Peter Nick and Joel ps, DNS is changing sometime after Friday July 18th, If you see this message you are on the new server. There are some rm file links that will not work for another few days. We are activly working on the site and adding many new files for streaming and downloading. Look for FTP downloading soon!