This stack contains all north and middle european species with illustrations. It also covers many south european, asian and north american species.

This stack is Non-Delphiware. Everybody can distribute the complete and intact archives freely. It can be copied, uploaded to any BBS and FTP sites and sold as long as the price does not exceed $5 for any of the three disks. However, it must not be included in the commercial Delphi download area. I don't want to support an on-line service which uses restrictive methods like newsgroup moderation or Delphi-only copyright restrictions.

I am also asking for a shareware fee. I would like to offer it for free, but I am sooo broke now (Perhaps I have already spent too much time with beautiful but notoriously unproductive things? :-)

If you like this stack, please send me some money. I leave the amount to your choice. $10 or 15 DM are o.k., if you feel generous, I will accept more, if you have little money, I will accept less. If you are only a poor student with time, but no money (I know this feeling), then invest your time in researching info about the orchids in your geographic area. It's worth the work.

You may send comments, greetings, experiences, money, gifts, flames, encouragements and curses to

Boris Guenter
Foehrenhof 13
68305 Mannheim

Perhaps I can afford enough time for a stack about the culture of carnivorous plants if I get enough response.

If you have questions about european orchids, the Apple II or if you just want to chat, feel free to give me a call. I like to help.

Marvin, January 2002