This area
lists all of the FAQs Questions by topic as well
as all of the FAQs Resource files.
To get an answer to a question or
questions under a topic, click on the topic heading. This will
take you to the topic page. Once
there, click on any question to get quickly to its answer.
Clicking on the line ( _______ or
-------) beneath any answer takes you back to the questions
Resource files are pics, diagrams, mini-manuals, programs, etc. which
are referenced
in one or more FAQs answers. Resource
files have names like and
R004STEREO.GIF. They are maintained
on the Ground archive and a few other sites and linked
to here.
You can
scroll through this list or use the pointers ( .
) next to each topic heading to
hop forward (
) or backward (
) among topics.
General Apple II and Getting Started Q&A.
What is a FAQ?
What is comp.sys.apple2 and how can I read/post messages there?
What software do I need to get started and how do I get it?
How and where do I download and upload Apple II files?
Where can I get Apple II information, software, books, and parts?
What is an Apple II: The KIM
What is an Apple II: The Apple I
What is an Apple II: The Apple ][ and Apple ][+
What is an Apple II: The "Black Apple"
What is an Apple II: The Apple //e
What is an Apple II: The Apple //c and IIc+
What is an Apple II: The Laser 128EX and 'EX/2?
What is an Apple II: The Apple IIgs
What is an Apple II: The Apple IIe Emulation Card
What is an Apple II: The Trackstar Apple II Emulation Card
What is an Apple II: Emulators
Apple "][", "Apple II", "Apple //"-- which is correct?
What is "8 bit" and "16 bit"?
How can I tell what version my computer is?
Suppose I just want to start using my Apple II Now!?
Where do I find out about Apple II users' groups?
How can I find out more about using and programming my Apple II?
023- Where can
I find out about Apple II developers?
ZipGS, TransWarp, etc. accelerators.
001- What are the
correct settings for a ZipGS?
002- Why should
Appletalk Delay be disabled with a ZipGS?
003- How do I
set up a Transwarp on my IIe?
004- Is there
a way of disabling Transwarp for games?
005- What are
specs & jumper settings for a vintage SpeeDemon?
006- How does
the SpeeDemon rate as an accelerator?
007- My SpeeDemon
accelerator board seems to run hot. A fix?
008- How should
the DIP switches be set on a v3.03 SpeeDemon?
009- How can I
get a 'Cache Hit' indicator for my ZipGS?
010- How can I
program the ZipGS registers?
011- How can I
set up a ProDOS sys file to turn my ZipGS OFF/ON?
012- Is there
some ZipGS mod that will improve performance?
013- I have a
7MHz ZipGS. How fast can the board be pushed?
014- What Oscillator
freq corresponds to what upgrade speed?
015- How do I
experiment with different oscillator frequencies?
016- How do I
modify my ZipGS to accept the new "skinny" RAM chips?
017- Is it really
necessary to increase board voltage
018- What kind
of performance increase can I expect?
019- How can I
modify my ZipGS for more cache and more speed?
020- Do I need
new GALs to speed up my TransWarpGS?
021- How does
a TWGS cache upgrade compare with a speed upgrade?
022- How can I
upgrade my TWGS to 32k cache?
023- How can I
upgrade TWGS speed?
024- What kind
of RAMs do I need for a TWGS or ZipGS speedup?
025- How can I
tell the firmware version of my TWGS?
026- For my TWGS,
do I need the 2B GAL to use a SCSI interface card?
027- Why are my
ZipGS settings via the Zip CDA forgotten?
028- What do the
check-marks mean in the ZipGS CDA?
029- Why don't
my ZipGS settings match DIP switch settings!?
030- I have a
ZipGS. Sometimes my GS 'hangs' on power-up. Why?
031- The speedup
has led to system crashes. What's the problem?
032- A new accelerator
board has led to crashes. What's the problem?
033- How can I
get a display of IIgs speed?
Applications information.
001- What Operating
System environments does the GS support?
002- What GS programs
are there for viewing/converting graphics?
003- What Apple
II emulators are available and where can I get them?
004- What is a
good file copier program for the IIgs?
005- Where can
I find PEEKs & POKEs and monitor routine info?
006- How can I
boot a good GS System with no hard disk?
007- Can I do
Reverse Speech on my IIgs?
008- Is it possible
to run PaintWorks from hard disk?
009- How can I
read a single ProDOS block into memory under BASIC?
010- Is there
an Apple II program for ham radio CW code practice?
011- Can my GS
do file sharing with a Mac's hard drive?
012- How can I
use a Mac as a network server with my GS?
013- How can I
set up an Appletalk network for 30 IIgs's
014- How can I
capture a GS super-res screen to disk?
015- What programming
languages are available for the Apple ][?
016- How can I
see and edit what's in a Text file?
017- How do I
save a BASIC program in ASCII text form?
018- Where and
how can I get GS System 6.0.1?
019- Is a graphical
user interface (GUI) available for 8-bit A2's?
020- Where can
I get Applesoft shape table info and programs?
021- How can I
get a Postscript file from a GS document?
022- Where can
I get Appleworks and Appleworks info?
023- Where can
I get Apple II languages and programming info?
024- How can I
boot DOS 3.3 images on the Bernie IIgs emulator?
025- Is there
a way to convert two-column Text to one column?
026- Where can
I find an Apple II memory map?
027- How can I
move A2 programs to Quick BASIC on my PC?
028- How can I
read .doc files under Windows?
CD-ROM drives and interfaces.
001- What do I
need to get/do to use Music and Data CD's on my GS?
002- What do I
need discQuest for?
003- How can I
back up my files on write-able CD-ROM?
004- Is a special
driver needed for a Toshiba External 2X CD-ROM?
005- How can I
get sound from my Apple HSS card + CD300 CD-ROM?
006- Where can
I buy CD-ROM discs for the Apple II?
007- Where can
I find more info on CD-ROM drives, products, etc.?
008- Where can
I find out more about CD-ROM recording?
DOS and ProDOS.
001- What is a
002- What DOS's
are available on Apple II computers?
003- Are there
any faster better versions of DOS 3.3?
004- What commands
are available in DOS 3.3?
005- How do I
use DOS commands from the keyboard? a program?
006- How do I
use variables in a DOS command?
007- How do I
create new DOS 3.3 diskettes?
008- How much
storage space is on a 5.25" diskette?
009- Can I format
a DOS 3.3 diskette for just data storage?
010- What is the
"Volume Table of Contents" or "VTOC"?
011- Can I assign
names to my DOS 3.3 diskettes?
012- What does
it mean to "Boot" a disk?
013- What file
types does DOS 3.3 have
014- What do the
entries in a DOS 3.3 Catalog display mean?
015- Re. DOS 3.3
file names: How long? What characters are legal?
016- How can I
use DOS 3.3 to read/write sectors from machine code?
017- How many
'official' versions of DOS 3.3 are there?
018- How can I
find out the address and size of a BLOADed file?
019- What information
is included in the VTOC and Catalog sectors?
020- How does
DOS 3.3 remember which sectors are used?
021- What are
the formats of DOS 3.3's main file types?
022- How can I
run DOS 3.3 programs from 3.5" disks and hard disk?
023- How can I
get DOS 3.3 from the net without an A2 tcom utility?
024- What is ProDOS?
025- What are
ProDOS's major features?
026- Which Apple
II's can run which versions of ProDOS?
027- How can I
create bootable ProDOS diskettes?
028- How do I
make a ProDOS disk that will boot and start a BASIC program?
029- What is the
maximum size of a ProDOS volume?
030- How do I
LOAD, SAVE, etc. files under ProDOS?
031- What is a
032- What is the
default volume and folder when ProDOS boots?
033- How can I
set default volume and folder under ProDOS?
034- How can I
discover the volume name of a just booted disk?
035- How do I
create a folder?
036- How can I
access ProDOS routines from machine language?
037- How can I
convert DOS 3.3 wares to run under ProDOS?
038- How can I
modify ProDOS to do BLOADs to Text Page 1?
039- How can I
boot ProDOS on my Franklin computer?
040- What are
some good DOS 3.3 and ProDOS references?
041- How can a
BASIC program tell which DOS it's running under?
001- How many tracks
can I use on a 5.25" diskette?
002- Can I use
high-density 3.5" and 5.25" diskettes on my A2?
003- How can I
tell DD from HD diskettes if they are not labeled?
004- Some old
5.25" disks with splotches don't boot. What gives?
005- How can I
defragment a diskette and what is the speed gain?
006- Why aren't
my old diskettes recognized by GS/OS?
007- Can I read
Apple II diskettes on my PC?
008- Where the
heck can I buy double density 3.5" & 5.25" diskettes?
009- Where can
I find out about different floppy disk formats?
010- How can I
copy disks?
011- How can I
read Apple II 5.25" floppies on a Mac?
012- Can I create
standard 3.5" IIgs diskettes on a Mac?
013- Can I transfer
files on MS-DOS disks to my IIgs?
Apple II series ERROR codes.
001- What does
error #___ mean?
002- How do I
do the IIgs Self-Test; what does Error Code ___ mean?
003- What does
RamFAST Fatal Memory Fault Error ___ mean?
004- What is the
explanation for getting a ___ error?
005- Where can
I find more information on Apple II series errors?
Floppy drives.
001- How do I add
a write-protect On-Off switch?
002- How do I
add external speed adjustment to my Disk ][ drive?
003- How can I
adjust my 5.25" drive for optimum performance?
004- How do I
clean my disk drive R/W head(s)?
005- What is the
pinout for a duodisk drive connecting cable?
006- What DuoDisk
mods are necessary?
007- Will a Duodisk
function correctly on my ROM 3 GS?
008- How do I
fix a false Write Protect?
009- My 3.5 Disk
Drives don't work! What should I try?
010- I added SCSI;
now, my 3.5" drives often fail to work. Why?
011- Both of my
Disk ]['s come on when booting! Is there a fix?
012- In connecting
a Disk II I misaligned the connectors. A fix?
013- A sound like
a shotgun going off came from my drive. A fix?
014- Uni-disk
and Laser drives: neither works with my IIc. Why?
015- How do I
replace a 3.5" drive mechanism with one from a Mac?
016- I have one
5.25" drive. Sys6 shows two icons!? Is there a fix?
017- How can I
tell a 13-sect interface card from a 16-sect model?
018- Can a Disk
][ Drive be used on a IIc or GS smartport?
019- How do I
install a bi-color LED R/W indicator in my Disk ][?
020- What's the
scoop on the 3.5" High Density drive?
021- What is a
022- What is
a "RAM disk"; and, how do I create one on my IIgs?
023- Which 3.5"
drive/interface combinations work on a IIe?
024- How can I
boot from my /RAM5 RAM disk?
025- My 5.25"
drive ruins every disk I insert. How can I fix it?
026- Incorrect
'Disk Full' error on a 3.5" UniDisk drive. Why?
ShrinkIt and other file utilities.
001- What are "binscii"
files and how are they used?
002- What are
.SHK files and how do I use them?
How do I get ShrinkIt or GS-ShrinkIt going on my Apple II?
004- How do I
deal with type $00 Apple II files I get on my Mac?
005- Can I work
with .zip files on my Apple II?
006- What are
DSK, NIB, 2MG, HDV,... disk image files & how do I use them?
007- Where can
I get ShrinkIt, binscii, DSK2FILE, ASIMOV, etc.?
008- I have downloaded
files in "gz" format? How do I use them?
009- Which programs
can change ProDOS filetype?
010- What is Copy
II Plus and where can I get it?
011- How do I
use Copy II Plus to create and convert IMG files?
012- How do I
set write protection for an emulator disk image?
013- How can I
create a disk image from a ShrinkIt .sdk file?
014- How can I
convert a .po image to/from a .dsk or .do image?
015- What do file
name extensions mean & how do I access the files?
016- How do I
tell what kind of file this is?
017- How can I
create new .dsk, .nib, etc. disk images?
018- How can I
convert .dsk image <--> .nib image?
019- How can I
convert Diskcopy images to diskette or to other formats?
020- How can I
move files to/from .dsk and .2MG disk images?
021- How can I
unfork forked files on my Apple II?
022- How can I
mount disk image files directly under GS System?
Games, game info, and game creation.
001- Where can
I get games for my Apple II?
002- Where can
I find hints, docs, pics, and other game information?
003- Where can
I get game creation programs and information?
004- What are
some games in double-hires?
005- Which IIgs
games will not run on a ROM 3 IIgs?
006- Where can
I find out about A2 Infocom & Infocom-style games?
007- What games,
etc. are on the 'Asimov Want List'?
008- For disk
space used, what is your favorite Apple II game?
009- Where did
the Apple II Game Gods go?
010- Are there
any games which play 'old Apple II' music during action?
011- Are there
any new games for the Apple II/IIgs?
012- How do I
get my Apple II game site listed in the FAQs?
013- How do I
play the games?
Hard drives, SCSI, and interfaces.
001- How difficult
is it to add a hard drive to my IIgs?
002- What kinds
of hard drive systems are available?
003- What do SCSI
ID numbers mean?
004- What is "SCSI-2"
and how is it different from SCSI-1?
005- Will a SCSI-2
hard drive work with an Apple II system?
006- Will my Rev.
C SCSI Card work with a SCSI-2 drive?
007- What is SCSI
"termination power"?
008- Can I avoid
the "RamFAST/SCSI is searching SCSI bus" delay?
009- What is the
pinout for the standard 50-pin SCSI cable?
010- What's the
SCSIHD.DRIVER patch to ignore DRIVER43 partitions?
011- What is the
"bad bug" in the ROM 3.01e RamFAST?
012- What are
correct HS SCSI settings, etc. for a Bernoulli drive?
013- What are
the settings for a CMS hard drive controller card?
014- Does it matter
when I power-ON my SCSI hard disk?
015- Can I leave
SCSI devices I'm not using turned OFF?
016- Is there
a generic SCSI tutorial available for downloading?
017- What is the
correct time-out setting for a Focus hard drive?
018- How do I
modify my Apple SCSI card to supply Termination Power?
019- Can I get
a Focus drive bigger than a couple hundred MB?
020- My hard disk
is on a CMS SCSI. How do I install System 6.0.1?
021- How is DMA
set for SCSI cards with 8MB RAM cards on the GS?
022- My 20MB Focus
bombs and there's some goo on the card. A fix?
023- Where can
I find the RamFAST manual on the net?
024- How can I
tell which Apple SCSI card I have?
025- Where can
I find Profile maintenance and formatting info?
Hardware hacking and hardware projects.
001- What's a good
hardware project book for the Apple IIe?
002- How can I
use a thermistor to read temperature on my A2?
003- Will a prototyping
Slot Board fit all Apple II's with Slots?
004- What is the
pinout for the Apple II series Slots?
005- I've been
getting Fatal System Error 0911. Is there a fix?
006- Why does
my GS Control Panel keep resetting to the defaults?
007- How do I
replace my GS "BatRAM" battery?
008- Is there
a program to record/restore Control Panel settings?
009- How I can
safely clean out dust from my Apple II?
010- How can I
safely remove oxidation from IC pins?
011- After smoke
came from my GS the KB doesn't work. What's wrong?
012- What is the
mini circuit board near the front of my GS for?
013- How do I
add RAM & set jumpers on the IIgs 1MB Memory Card?
014- How can I
move my IIgs to a PC tower case?
015- How can I
convert a IIgs into a portable IIgs?
016- Where can
I get Robot kits to use with my Apple II?
017- Where can
I get "Zip" package chips for my AE GS RAM-III card?
018- What chip
can I use to replace a bad RAM IC in my IIe?
019- Could someone
please post a resistor color code chart?
020- What advantages
does the ROM 3 GS offer vs. the ROM-01 GS?
021- How can my
ROM 3 GS + 8MB Sirius card do large file copying?
022- My ROM 3
with RamFAST crashes with an 8MB Sirius. What's wrong?
023- Where can
I find Apple II diagrams?
024- What No Slot
Clock chip should go in my IIc+ and where?
025- Where can
I find Apple II socket, etc. pinouts?
026- What IC do
I need to use the GS-RAM Plus in my Apple IIgs?
027- Where can
I get prototyping boards that fit Apple II Slots?
028- What are
the numbers and functions of major Apple II ROMs?
029- What is the
030- How can I
whiten my browned Apple II case, KB, mouse, etc.?
Apple History, Chronicles, Woz,
001- Where can
I find an in-depth history of the Apple II?
002- What happened
in the final years of the Computer Wars?
003- How did Woz
invent the Apple computer?
004- What did
the first Apple ads look like?
005- When did
the Apple II FAQs begin and who have maintained it?
Input devices (Keyboards, joysticks, mouses, ...).
001- How do I do
the Shift Key Mod?
002- What's a
"VIDEX" board?
003- I need a
GS ADB keyboard cable! Where can I get one?
004- How can I
make a PC-to-Apple Joystick converter?
005- How can I
do an Apple-to-PC Joystick conversion?
006- What are
the dip-switch settings for the "BITMOUSE" card?
007- How can I
switch my IIe keyboard layout to Dvorak?
008- What keyboards
work as replacements for a GS keyboard?
009- What is a
Koala Pad and how do I test it?
010- Can I convert
a C-64 Koala Pad to work on my Apple II?
011- How do I
make the internal cable for a IIe numeric keypad?
012- Is there
a cable or card which lets you connect two joysticks?
013- How do I
write programs for the Apple Graphics Tablet?
014- Why does
my II+ KB act like the CTRL key is always pressed?
015- Can I replace
my bad IIe keyboard with one from another IIe?
016- Why does
my IIe keyboard keep repeating characters?
017- How do I
read the joystick on a GS in native mode?
018- Is a Y-adapter
available for my GS keyboard?
019- How do you
use the Kensington TurboMouse with a IIgs?
020- How do I
clean my mouse?
021- What is the
best kind of mouse pad?
022- How do I
clean my keyboard?
023- Is there
a fix for a bad trigger on my Flight Stick?
024- How can I
improve the feel of my original (beige-key) IIc KB?
025- Can I replace
my broken GS mouse with one from a Mac?
026- What is the
pinout for the IIe, //c, and similar 9-pin mouses?
027- How do I
write programs which use the mouse?
028- How can I
replace a bad keyboard encoder IC on my IIe?
029- Can I use
an Apple III joystick on my Apple II?
030- How can I
be sure my joystick is properly adjusted?
031- How can I
play joystick games on an emulator?
032- How do I
fix a "stuttering" IIgs? (IIgs keyboard fix)
033- How can I
use a PC mouse on my Apple II?
Display monitors.
001- How can I
fix an unstable display?
002- I'm using
a TV + IIc RF module. How can I improve the display?
003- What monitor
repair Safety precautions are recommended?
004- How do I
discharge the High Voltage anode?
005- How do I
open my RGB monitor's case and get set for repairs?
006- What tools
and solder should I use for repairs?
007- What's the
fix for a flickering, jumping display?
008- How can I
fix an all-red, all-blue, etc. monitor display?
009- Is there
any more RGB Adjustments info?
010- How do I
adjust Centering on my GS RGB color monitor?
011- How do I
adjust Focus & Intensity on a blurry GS RGB Monitor?
012- What is a
replacement for the RGB "flyback" power transistor?
013- How do I
fix sporatic Shrinking and Flicking in-out of Focus?
014- How do I
fix a serious case of shimmy on my GS monitor?
015- Which monitors
and adapters can I use to replace my IIgs monitor?
016- What are
the pinouts for Commodore's 1084 monitors?
017- What is a
"composite video monitor"?
018- What is the
usual way to connect an Apple II to a display?
019- How can I
do the "Color Killer Mod" on a //e?
020- My A2 display
doesn't work with a "TV/Game Switch". How come?
021- Can I use
a color TV with my IIc+?
022- What is the
//c/IIc+ video port pin configuration?
023- Where can
I buy a replacement RGB monitor for my GS?
024- What kind
of RGB monitors will work with a IIc?
025- Can I replace
my GS RGB monitor with one from a PC?
026- What are
the specs and pinout for the GS RGB monitor?
027- Do I need
monochrome monitor to get a clear 80-col display?
028- Is there
a high-quality replacement for RGB monitors?
029- Can I use
a GS RGB monitor with my IIc?
030- Why does
a composite monitor I added show a fuzzy dim display?
031- Is my SecondSight
board the cause of increased system crashes?
032- Why do Inwords
and PublishIt bomb on my SecondSight board?
033- How many
dots are actually sent to the GS monitor per line?
034- My GS RGB
monitor takes a long time to get bright. A fix?
035- Where can
I get a GS RGB monitor cable?
036- Can I replace
my Apple II composite monitor with a PC VGA monitor?
037- IIgs monitor
screen goes blank and power light goes out. A fix?
038- Why doesn't
hires look as good on my GS RGB monitor?
Apple II power, power supplies, and cooling.
001- What's the
pinout and load specs for the IIgs Power Supply?
002- Are the power
supplies for the ][+ and IIe interchangeable?
003- What are
the output capabilities of GS and IIe power supplies?
004- Can I use
a 'generic' surplus power supply in my Apple II?
005- How do fatter
leads reduce noise on the +5V & +12V lines?
006- Is there
any more that can be done to eliminate glitches?
007- Is there
a power supply upgrade kit for the Apple IIgs?
008- What kind
of internal fan can I install in an Apple IIgs?
009- Why do so
few GS power supplies have a fan installed?
010- What are
some good Apple II power supply fix tries?
011- Some of our
classroom IIe's don't work at all. Is there a fix?
012- Why does
my Apple IIe often fail to turn on?!
013- What does
a rapid chirping noise on a GS power supply mean?
014- How do I
fix a nearly dead GS power supply?
015- What is a
"Buggie Power Supply"?
016- Do I need
the metal shielding in my GS case?
017- My System
Saver IIgs has gotten very noisy. How can I fix it?
018- My System
Saver IIgs panel feels springy? Is there a problem?
019- Can an overloaded
power supply affect IIgs sound?
Printers and printer interfaces.
001- How do I do
the Imagewriter II self-test?
002- What are
the DIP switch settings for IW-II and IW-LQ printers?
003- How do I
do the ImageWriter-LQ alignment test?
004- Can I use
a 'straight-through' cable to connect my IW-II?
005- My ImageWriter
II doesn't print! What's wrong?
006- How can I
keep paper from jamming in my Imagewriter II?
007- The bottoms
of letters don't get printed. How can I fix this?
008- What is the
'trick' for restoring a printer ribbon?
009- How do I
connect a "Centronics interface" printer to my Apple?
010- Where can
I get a Grappler+ cable? What is the pinout?
011- What are
the DIP switches on my Grappler+ for?
012- What printers
will the Harmonie drivers work with on my GS?
013- What's the
best GS interface for connecting a parallel printer?
014- How can I
use my Epson Color Stylus 800 with my IIgs?
015- Why aren't
fonts found after being moved to a new GS volume?
016- When I run
Platinum Paint I get error $1301. What's wrong?
017- Can I clean
the nozzles on an Epson Stylus printer?
018- What is the
pinout for a GS to ImageWriter I cable?
019- Where can
I get Imagewriter II ribbons?
020- How can I
connect my Imagewriter II to a PC?
Sound, sound boards, and sound software.
001- How does the
GS produce so many simultaneous sounds?
002- Is there
a way to output quadraphonic sound on a IIgs?
003- Do I get
Stereo from my IIgs Sound Output jack?
004- Why should
I add a stereo board to my GS?
005- How can I
build my own GS stereo board?
006- How can I
transfer sound files created on a Mac to my GS?
007- How do I
program a Phasor Sound Card?
008- What is required
to build a Sound Input board for my IIgs?
009- What's what
re. MockingBoard hardware and programming?
010- How do I
get my MockingBoard to work on my GS?
011- How do I
play Ultima IV/V with MockingBoard sound on my GS?
012- How can I
get 'regular Apple sound' to play through MB outputs?
013- What GS programs
will let me play MIDI files?
014- Would FExt.NDA
let you play through Synthinit?
015- Can I play
.WAV files on my GS?
016- What formats
are used for audio files?
017- How do I
use my Echo speech synthesizer to produce speech?
018- What types
of sound files are used on the GS?
019- Where can
I find more info on cards, editing, digitizing, ...?
020- What is "old
Apple" sound and how is it produced?
021- What is a
good source for .WAV and .BNK files?
022- How can I
get more System Sounds for my GS?
023- How can I
run Music Studio 2.0 from hard disk?
024- How can I
record better sound samples on my IIgs?
025- Squeals and
other noises spoil my GS stereo board sound? A fix?
026- My IIgs has
no sound from the internal speaker. What's the fix?
027- Where can
I find GS music and music creation programs?
028- Does any
Apple II emulator include Mockingboard support?
029- Does anyone
know what a "Supertalker" card is used for?
030- My GS stereo
board's sound output is very low and noisy. A fix?
031- How can I
create sounds and music on my 8-bit Apple II?
032- Where can
I get Mockingboard disks and music?
Telecom- hardware and transfers.
001- How do I transfer
files between my Apple and a PC or Mac?
002- How do I
transfer/convert my A2 word processor files to a PC?
003- How do I
use ADT and ap2222pc to xfer disks between A2 and PC?
004- How do I
transfer files between computers using NULL modem?
005- How do I
NULL modem Text files without getting garbage?
006- How do I
make a "NULL Modem" cable?
007- What is the
maximum length for a NULL modem connection?
008- What are
the connections for a standard modem cable?
009- How do I
make a GS hardware handshake High-Speed modem cable?
010- What is the
maximum modemming speed I can get from my Apple II?
011- What telecom
programs run on Apple II computers?
012- Where can
I get ADT, ADTgs, Agate, Modem MGR, Spectrum, ...?
013- What are
the settings for the Apple Super Serial Card?
014- What are
the Serial Pro card's dip switch settings?
015- What are
the settings for an Apple Serial Interface Card?
016- What cable
can I use to do NULL modem transfers with my IIc?
017- What cable(s)
can I use to connect a modem to my IIc?
018- How can I
connect a modem with a Dsub-9 socket to my IIgs?
019- How can I
program the Super Serial Card in assembly language?
020- How do I
set up Hyperterm to do transfers with my Apple II?
021- How do I
get an Applesoft program into a PC-DOS computer?
022- I want to
use a faxmodem with my //GS. Is this possible?
023- Can I do
modem-to-modem transfers between my home computers?
024- What cable
can I use to do Apple //c <---> PC ADT transfers?
025- Where can
I buy modem cables and NULL modem adapters?
Telecom- downloading and uploading.
001- What's the
easiest way to download files from Apple II sites?
002- Some of my
downloads are bad; what's wrong?
003- Are there
download files I should process on the PC (or Mac)?
004- How do I
upload files?
005- What kinds
of files should I upload to which sites?
006- How can I
read & send email and newsgroup msgs with my A2?
007- With a fast
modem, how can the IIe connect to the internet?
008- I'm running
the Lynx web browser. Where do I put the URL?
009- How do I
download an .SHK file through Lynx?
010- Can I send
and receive FAXes using my Apple II?
011- What is a
"Binary II" header?
012- Should I
add a Binary II header to files I upload?
013- How can I
use my Apple II on the internet?
014- Why do I
get bad .zip downloads? Is there a solution?
Zip Drive, Tape, Flopticals, SCSI, and interfaces.
001- What is a
"Zip drive"?
002- What is a
"Zip disk"?
003- What do I
need in order to use a Zip drive?
004- What kind
of SCSI interface card do I need?
005- How do I
install a Zip drive?
006- How do I
get started using the Zip drive?
007- How does
Zip Drive speed compare with a hard disk's speed?
008- Can I use
Zip disks to transfer files to/from other computers?
009- Will forgetting
to set the termination switch cause damage?
010- How does
Zip Drive perform with an Apple HS SCSI card?
011- Is a CMS
SCSI card adequate for connecting a Zip drive?
012- Which SCSI
interface works best with a Zip Drive?
013- Will I be
able to format and partition a Zip disk?
014- Should I
let the Finder handle formatting of new Zip disks?
015- Can I format
a Zip disk for HFS?
016- The disk
in my Zip Drive is not recognized. How come?
017- I added SCSI;
now, my 3.5" drives often fail to work. Why?
018- Why do I
get this "Ramfast/SCSI is searching SCSI bus" msg?
019- What's a
good utility for doing tape backups on the GS?
020- What's needed
to add a SCSI Tape backup unit?
021- What about
tape backup on a IIe?
022- Does Apple's
Hi-Speed SCSI card allow swapping Zip disks?
023- What can
I do after the Zip on my Apple SCSI "sleeps"?
024- What is the
"Click of Death"? Is there a fix?
025- What is a
"Qic" tape? A friend needs to read a Qic-80 tape.
026- How do I
restart my HS SCSI + Zip when the Zip deactivates?
Csa2 Apple II FAQs Resources.
Referenced From
html text of 1977 A2 ad Csa2HISTORY
GIF picture of Woz IIgs Csa21MAIN1
GIF picture of 1977 ad Csa2HISTORY
GS Stereo Card Diagram Csa2SOUND
ZipGSx Split Cache Mod pic Csa2ACCEL
Disk ][ Speed Knob pic Csa2FDRIVE
BatRAM Save/Restore program Csa2HDWHACK JH
Generic SCSI Tutorial Csa2HDNSCSI
Apple SCSI cards TermPwr Mod Csa2HDNSCSI DB&HH
GIF picture of the Apple I Csa2HISTORY CTT
Audio File Formats Guide Csa2SOUND
Echo Speech Mini-Manual Csa2SOUND
Phasor Snd Card Mini-Manual Csa2SOUND
CDROM drives, products info Csa2CDROM
Apple II Sound & Music info Csa2SOUND
Apple II History, Volume I Csa2HISTORY SW
Apple II History, Volume II Csa2HISTORY SW
Apple II History, Volume III Csa2HISTORY SW
Apple II History, Volume IV Csa2HISTORY SW
Apple II History, Volume V Csa2HISTORY SW
Apple II History, Volume VI Csa2HISTORY SW
TrackStar Q & A
Apple II pinouts
Apple IIgs specifications Csa21MAIN1
TXT Resource files in a .zip* Csa21MAIN2 --
GS emulator benchmarks chart Csa2APPLICS GT
Mockingboard sound manual Csa2SOUND
IIe Card for Mac LC FAQs Csa21MAIN1
Reg PC-A2 joystick converter Csa2KBPADJS JH
Auto-fire PC-A2 JS converter Csa2KBPADJS JH
SSC info for Programmers Csa2T1TCOM
128k A2 Memory Map and info Csa2APPLICS DE
Mod: PC stick for A2 emus Csa2KBPADJS
Write programs using mouse Csa2KBPADJS DE
Whiten plastic using H202 Csa2HDWHACK
includes all of the Text FAQs Resource files (except
the R0xxHIST.TXT files) in a .zip file. Use WinZIP or similar utility
to unzip to obtain the files.
Last updated on 3 March 2011.
Aaron Heiss
Bill Whitson
CTT- Charles
T. Turley
Dan Brown
David Empson
Dave Huizing
DLM- Daniel
L. Miller
English Amiga Board guys
Gilles Tschopp
George Rentovich
Harold Hislop
Ian Schmidt
JAW- Jason
A. Wells
Jeff Hurlburt
Michael Kelsey
Mary Sauer
Phil Beesley
SCD- Stephen
C. Davidson
Steven Weyhrich
Wayne Stewart