Anti-Manipulation manual

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A more doubtful supervising tool are Video cameras. Contrary to some other political groups I strongly vote for their removal in shopping malls and public places. A small portable camera can be a wonderful tool to expose optical Subliminals. Suspicious may be public monitors, TV advertisements and movie and TV programs. In Germany subliminals in advertisements are still forbidden, this is very good, but it is always a good idea to be careful. Furthermore, I see an increase of fanatic movements which could use cheating tricks, for example during a transmission in a public channel. In this case, a camcorder recording allows to search the transmission slowly for hidden pictures, algorithms to verify the data may also be used.

There have always been more or less painful attempts of humans to claim their property rights on animals with mutilation and bodily harm: Ear clips, tattoos, the barbary of branding etc. With the implantation of microchips into the living flesh Technocracy and Control mania reach a new dimension. Color marks, rings and necklaces would serve the same purpose. See also Chloroform, Metal detector.

A handy tool in the home apothecary to perform operations on humans and animals without pain, should always be present together with needles and sterile cord for wounds.

Control mania
The sick obsession to registrate everything and all and a typical german bad habit. Highway toll stations for example should not only be boxes to insert money. They should also supervise the traffic, create statistics, report traffic jams, make the car enamel more glistening etc. This is probably the reason why the costs for the introduction of a toll collect system have exceeded the potential profits so far. See also Tolerance.

Credit card
A wonderful tool to spend more money than you can afford. Furthermore it allows companies to study the buying habits of their customers freely, together with payback cards, customer cards etc. See also Control mania.

Crow's feet
The common name for an useful tool to stop following vehicles. It can stop not only bicycles but also cars. A supply can be stashed in the saddle bags of a bike or in a bag at the handlebar where it can be quickly retrieved. A crow's foot is a thing with four metal spikes, one is always pointing upwards. If you can't buy them directly, you can manufacture them by bending two long nails. See also Thumbtack, Bicycle.

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