Anti-Manipulation manual

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Something which belongs to life and you are well advised to keep this always somewhere in your mind.

"Remember that the biggest source of all evil and cowardice is not death but the fear of death. Against this fear, this is my advice, harden yourself; this should be the goal of all your judgement, your exercises and your lecture."


"Democracy is a form of government that substitutes election by the incompetent many for appointment by the corrupt few." (Georg Bernard Shaw)

The fear of juristic or social pressure. See also Control mania, Video camera. If control begins to inflict fear even of legal, sensible actions, for example people stop visiting manifestations due to video monitoring, then this form of control can be considered socially harmful and has to end.

Dictating machine
If you have the means to digitize and electronically check sounds, a dictating machine may be inconspicuous and convenient. If you suspect the presence of acoustic Subliminals, for example when in an advertisement or near a person with luggage "strange noises" can be heard, a recording on a dictating machine may be a good idea. This can be electronically verified later or it can be given to the police. Also see Digital camera.

Digital camera
Camcorder and Digital cameras can be used very well to register suspiciously acting persons, for example guys with tape recorders which emit unnatural sounds. These can be checked for subversive behaviour later. Cameras should not be used in a careless way, however. I have seen them used in in some public manifestations from members of the transnational companies in threatening amounts. This can lead to to the fact that people feel Deterrance of all manifestations and to the loss of democracy. Contrary to some other groups, I demand a total official prohibition of photography in demonstrations and video monitoring of public places!

Something which means a different thing for all persons but all persons know how much it hurts to lose it. For individualists equivalent with the loss of personal identity. See also Violence, Control mania, Equalization.

Something which is useful, when democracy ends. See Scarf, Video cameras.

I have nothing against dogs and I understand it if somebody wants one as a pet and friend. But I strongly disagree if these animals are kept by people with three brain cells either as child replacement to overfeed or as weapon-replacement to control. Probably a surplus of female or male hormones... And especially these persons demand a lot from their fellows, dog shit everywhere, noise etc. but they are frequently extremely intolerant themselves. So it may be a good idea to fight as energetically for your rights and use a Digital camera to register these egoists in flagranti. See also Pepper, Pepper-Spray.

From the comic "Moto-Mania"

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