Anti-Manipulation manual

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Pacing and Leading
A technology of subconscious influence in verbal communication where one person copies the body language of his opponent and begins to lead him with gestures to lure him out of his closed, critical attitude. An effective counter measure is crossing the arms or even better putting them into the sleeves in good chinese tradition, if the subconscious defense gets weak and you begin to relax, this is consciously noticed and you are able to think about your situation again.

"Just because you are paranoid doesn't mean they are NOT after you!"
Who is more paranoid? Myself or the security freaks in the governments, especially in the USA. One example: After the Bush election the stopping place for the school bus in an american settlement near my home has been surrounded with a high security fence!

Many years ago there was an initiative in my city which tried to make the trees along the street more beautiful with flowers. Signs have been erected: "Do you like flowers?" to appeal to the reason of dog owners and to keep the flower beds clean. The problem was that most dog owners unfortunately have no reason at all and still continued to let their beloved fleabag right in the middle of the lilies. The owner of the trees mostly have been interested in other things, too and the poor flowers have not even got a little water from time to time. Today nothing is left from the experiment except for ivy which has grown without control.
So I suggest another initiative for clean street trees and this one has the advantage that it works: Strew some grained pepper or chili powder around the tree from time to time. After their darling has sneezed and scratched the ground several times, egoistic dog owners will avoid the flowers in the future. A bag of pepper also is a nice addition to a hitchhiker's satchel, for the case that you have to get rid of a trackhound.

Pepper spray is a very handy defense weapon against animals, especially dogs which are olfactory animals and even the popular three-headed combat dogs react very sensitive on it. Furthermore it has the advantage that it can be sold freely, one should always have one in his pocket for self-defense.
Warning: Use against humans is prohibited and can be justified only in life or death situations since the capsicine can damage the mucuous membranes and even cause blindness.

Photo box
A money-stealing device which should be used in my opinion only together with warning signs in selected places where the safety of citizens is really concerned, for example schools and senior residences. But the big money flows on the well-traveled highways...

This photo box in Mannheim was burned by "vandals" (Mannheimer Morgen 1.5.2005). Of course the city officials react immediately to this will of the citizens - with a Video camera to supervise the supervising device. See also Control mania. Several methods to disable video cameras come in my mind, including Spray cans, soldering lamps on poles and well-aimed shots which can also be fired from slings, paint-ball guns and air guns from a distance. Disguising and perhaps an infrared vision device could be useful here. 1984 - No Thanks!

Isn't it strange? Poison which turns the brain slowly to cheese, including alcohol but nowadays also Psilocybine and even Absinthum, which was forbidden for a long time can now be bought freely again, possible side effects are discussed away. Poison which allows to end this miserable excuse for a life quickly and lets one avoid torture and disease in a honorable way, are kept away. Even the beloved chemical companies which work with tons of this stuff forbid their employees nowadays to keep chemicals. Like Weapons are poisons not per definition evil, only their abuse is to condemn, besides capital crimes also careless application or storage. I propagate the policy of the greatest possible individual freedom also here. Fortunately the nature still provides that what the control freaks try to take away. Cyanide for example can be found in the seeds of many fruit and may be distilled from them. For constructive hints I am very grateful. In politically unstable (war) areas a capsule with poison can be very useful, even if one gets hit by a taser or narcotic gun, the last reaction is the following one: One bites on his teeth.

Protective Suit
An underwear which also holds back fine hairs and scales and makes one almost invisible for the trace collectors can be a fine thing. When the control mania increases and the fascists begin to create a meatloaf-database it can be a permanent clothing, in any case it can be worn during rightly dubious actions. (Whose right? The right of the stronger? The right of people with money? The right of people who dare to speak right about people with different beliefs?). An underwear made of balloon silk can be useful during warm weather, a neoprene suit which also isolates during cold weather. A little sweating is only a small price for the individual freedom.

The brain cannot directly detect subconscious manipulations but it can feel them and protects itself with a blockade of the whole associative area. Thus it is better to refrain from using manipulation methods for selfish reasons, too. One form of Psycho Blockade I have observed at the after-WWII generation, the subliminally injected feelings of guilt have become so unbearable that the consumers reacted with a total boycott of Nazi movies, both educational good and bad ones. In extreme cases like continuous subliminal influence, the blockade can lead to confusion or violent actions. So all activists against animal labs, abortions and so on who think they can achieve more with bloody, cruel pictures or polemic just shoot into their own knees, all what they achieve is to ruin their own reputation. A rational, bidirectional argumentation on the conscious, logical level should always be the primary goal.

From the comic "Jude - Araber" (Jew - Arab) by Farid Boudjellal

Pyramid system
An implementation of the phrase "The last one is bitten by the dogs", while the form of the pyramid implies that there are always a lot of "last ones". Examples are chain letters, cosmetics advisors or internet-shops. All share the order to recruit a maximum number of new members.

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