Anti-Manipulation manual

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Wilderness walking is the art to walk through nature and regenerate the spirit. Here you can open your mind and let subrational stimuli influence you without having to fear that this state of Spirituality is used by humans for egoistic purposes. The art of being a real ranger means not to stroll through the scenery like a man who goes shopping, it means to melt with it. Masters of wilderness walking are certain american indians. In the forests they resemble deers, in the plains they are snakes, in the hills they walk like goats and in the water they can swim like fishes. White people can learn this only after several years of arduous mental and bodily training, but it is worth the attempt! See also Hunt.
Rules for novice rangers:
Camouflage. The A and O. Dark colors of the clothing like green, brown, grey, black (especially in the night) and white in the winter should be preferred. Camouflage uniforms are almost perfect to watch animals, but they may give you a paramilitary look. :-)
Avoid metal Metallic sounds like a key ring, metal buttons at clothes etc. can be heard by the game over many miles.
Avoid language Try to open your senses and think nonverbal. This leads to the absence of disturbing sounds and the brain will switch to other areas. With practice you can subconsciously see, hear, smell or feel other presences long before they detect you.
Watch the wind Approach clearings or other potential hiding places of animals against the wind. An exception is the bird hunt, since birds are primarily visual creatures you will have to choose the best protection from their view..
Eye training Let your eyes wander, focus the view from close (to detect unnecessary sources of sounds like twigs on the ground) to far (to scan the terrain) and back again.
Protect nature Be aware of fragile plants, Sphagnum patches, bird's nests etc. when you walk. Don't leave anything behind except your footprints.
Hold your ground If a control freak yells at you because you are not walking on the path, be nice and tell him that you haven't damaged or collected anything which is rare and that nature belongs to everybody. If he is still grumbling, simply leave him alone or walk away. Counteract if you are attacked but only in self-defence. No violence. The ID card stays at home, Nazis have no business in the nature anyway.

The art of selling war as peace, control as freedom, corruption as justice, inflation as prosperity, gene food as healthy and black as white.

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