Anti-Manipulation manual

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Lie detector
A torture device for the mind: Instead of sending electric streams into the nerve system, this device probes the electric streams in the body. Changes of electric currents which are caused by transpiring or muscle cramps are used to detect so-called lies. I have managed to fool a simple version of this device once with auto-suggestion but I have never competed with newer models and I have no ambitions to do so either. A trained Yogi who can even influence his heartbeat and his breathing frequency will always be able to defeat them. Lie detectors are thus useless, disgracing and should better be forbidden. See also Electro torture and Control mania.

Something limited and sacred. Never kill another living being except for the purpose to end Suffering. Never kill yourself except for higher purposes like maintaining Freedom or preserving the life of others.
Life is valuable, but some life is more valuable than other, of course. When Bush visited Germany in 2005 the whole market business on the Frankfurt airport was suspended for one day. Or the last world economy conference in Munich when hundreds of policemen, eager to follow their duty, searched the handbags of old women. It's about time that everybody studies the methods of these security freaks, or even better gets rid of them. I strongly vote for the second option. See also Death.

Since I have calculated the chance for our popular "6 from 49" lottery in the college, I don't play it anymore:
1/(6 aus 49)= 1/((49*48*47*46*45*44)/(1*2*3*4*5*6)) = 1/13983816
This means: For one who wins there are almost fourteen millions who don't win (marginal winnings not counted). I advise everybody to try to earn money with honest work instead and defend yourself against people who want to take it away in a dishonest way. If lottery would make rich, it would be prohibited. Organization of lotteries can make rich (at the cost of simple-minded persons), thus it is forbidden. See also Pyramid systems.

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