Anti-Manipulation manual

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Video cameras
Cameras und Video recording systems are increasingly being used in the last years for purposes of Control mania and Equalization. First they have been used in shopping malls where they helped to reduce personal like the expensive detectives and guards. As a side effect they also allow a study of customer behaviour like rats in the labyrinth. Inhumane and disgracing. My opinion is that cameras are only used where really important things are at stake, for example banks, museums, weapon caches, fission plants or prison courtyards (not the cells!). Unfortunately power-hungry politicians have enforced in some cities video supervising of public places. While you have in supermarkets at least theoretically the choice to go somewhere else, this is not possible on public places and causes a "Big Brother" syndrome with constant stress. This may also lead to people feeling Deterrance from manifestations and to a loss of democracy. Contrary to other groups, I thus demand a total official prohibition of photography during manifestations or at least the end of penalties for disguising and an immediate end of video recording in public places. Instead, patrols in civilian clothes should be used more in the future.

Video recorder
Good tool to discover optical Subliminals in TV transmissions, this may be a danger especially in public open channels. A recording can be scanned in slow motion again. See also Camcorder, Tachistoscopy.

You can distinguish between bodily violence (Brutality) and mental violence (Manipulation). Should be always avoided, except for self-defence. Damaging property can be justified, however, if it serves the purpose of maintaining freedom. If you expose a guy with a tachistoscopy device, simply destroy his toy, for a technocrat this will be worse than bodily injury. The same holds for video cameras in public places, but disguising may be appropriate here. See also Tachistoscopy and Control mania.

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